Friedrich Kuhn (local history researcher)

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Friedrich Kuhn (born June 13, 1895 in Heidelberg-Handschuhsheim , † January 5, 1976 in Lörrach ) was a German district school councilor, archaeologist and active opponent of the Nazi regime .

Friedrich Kuhn during a tour in 1954

Life and Political Work

After graduating from elementary school in 1909, Friedrich Kuhn attended the teachers' seminar in Heidelberg . As a volunteer in the First World War , which he later described as "the stupidest trick of my life", he was seriously wounded on April 15, 1916 in the Caillette Forest near Verdun and survived as one of only twelve soldiers from his 200-man company .

Having become a decided opponent of the war , Kuhn stood politically for balance and international understanding . Since 1919 a member of the SPD , in 1930 Kuhn became a member of the Rheinfeld Citizens' Committee and the Säckingen District Council .

Due to open political opposition to the National Socialists , he was transferred as a teacher from Rheinfelden - Nollingen to Lörrach in 1933. He lived his attitude, which was still actively hostile towards the National Socialists, in various forms: in keeping his Jewish doctor, Dr. Samuel N. Moses, in demonstrative church visits, support simultaneous forced Alsatian fellow teachers and multiple escape aid for threatened the regime people in the Switzerland .

Because of his archaeological work, which the Nazis considered indispensable for ideological reasons, he received one of the rare cross-border commuter cards in Switzerland during the war. Under the guise of historical research, however , he was involved in conspiratorial activities in Basel and maintained contacts with opponents of the regime and foreign secret services. Conversely, Kuhn secretly brought messages from Basel from Jewish deportees from the concentration camp in Gurs ( Camp de Gurs ) and passed them on to relatives who remained in Germany.

He was arrested by the Gestapo on July 28, 1944 through denunciation for listening to the Swiss radio station Beromünster and imprisoned in Lörrach prison until December 26, 1944. He was sitting there at the same time as his evangelical pastor friend and Nazi opponent Richard Nutzinger . The advocacy of various archaeologists with senior public prosecutor Eugen Weiss in Freiburg and the end of the war prevented his transfer to a concentration camp .

In August 1945, Kuhn, legitimized by the French occupation authorities, was appointed by the Ministry of Culture and Education as District School Councilor for Lörrach and Müllheim . In this role, he was responsible for rebuilding the school system with 175 schools and around 19,000 students. In addition to the task of denazification of the teaching staff, Kuhn organized school utensils, clothes and shoes to a large extent through his previous Swiss contacts. Together with the “Deutschlandhilfe” of the “ Schweizer Spende ”, Kuhn succeeded from 1946 to 1948 in organizing urgently needed school meals for around 9,000 children in the two districts and in organizing various recreational stays for pupils. Kuhn also used his Swiss relations to exchange teachers across borders when around 300 teachers from the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land came to visit Wiesental in June 1950 and in June 1951 over 500 teachers from Baden visited Basel schools for a return visit.

After the war, Kuhn smuggled letters for German prisoners of war on a large scale in both directions across the German-Swiss border, which at that time was still almost sealed off. The letters were forwarded and received via a network of the Swiss Red Cross and Quakers throughout Europe and the USA .

From June 1945 Kuhn wrote so-called "mood reports" for the French occupation, in which he regularly commented on the development of the school system, the mood and supply situation of the population and the political situation in occupied Germany and Europe. Kuhn, although clearly Francophile and pan-European, ended these reports in June 1948 in protest against the French occupation policy, which he believed was disastrous and counterproductive for the democratic reconstruction of Germany (“I am not in a position today to approve of what I used to condemn and fought: that power equals right ”). The reports, which total around 230 pages, are today considered to be important evidence of the post-war period in the southwest corner of Germany.

From 1946 to 1962 Kuhn was a member of the Lörrach city council for the SPD and temporarily chairman of the local association, but he rejected the party-internal candidacy for Lörrach mayor after the war. For his political, professional and social services, Kuhn received the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon in 1951 and was a member of the second Federal Assembly for the re-election of Theodor Heuss for the SPD in 1954 . In November 1959, Kuhn was a participant in the Kuratorium Indivisible Germany in Berlin .

Kuhn retired in September 1961.


As a primary school teacher, Kuhn discovered his passion for prehistory and early history. Thorough knowledge of the Upper Rhine landscape and systematic analysis of historical landmarks enabled him to make numerous important discoveries. First as a historical autodidact and later as a regular visitor to archaeological lectures at the University of Basel, he continuously deepened his knowledge and methodologies. At the end of the 1920s, he was involved in Roman excavations in the Swiss Kaiseraugst ( Augusta Raurica ) and near Königsfelden ( Vindonissa ) through the Basel archaeologist Laur-Belart .

Friedrich Kuhn (center), 1939 with one of his school classes visiting an excavation of a Celtic grave near Inzlingen.

In 1934 Kuhn was appointed by the Baden Ministry of Culture to be the district curator for prehistory and early history in the Lörrach district (until 1969). His excavations and finds include u. a. the Fliehburg near Degerfelden (1927), the Alemanni cemetery near Herten (1927), the Roman bridgehead of the Kaiseraugst fort near Wyhlen (1933), the Alemanni cemetery near Lörrach-Stetten (1938), the discovery of the Neolithic jasper mine near Istein (1939), the Bronze Age urn fire graves from Binzen (1939), the Alemanni cemetery near Efringen-Kirchen (1942) and the German-Swiss excavation of Hallstatt-era ramparts on the Grenzacher Horn (1947). In addition, Kuhn dealt with place name research and general settlement studies on the Upper Rhine.

Exhibits from his excavations are now in the Dreiländermuseum in Lörrach and in the Badisches Landemuseum in Karlsruhe . The publication of the results of his finds through publications and numerous lectures was always important to him as a teacher . He regularly went on historical excursions with his school classes, especially to his excavation sites.

During his work on prehistory and early history, Kuhn worked with well-known archaeologists and historians: Elisabeth Schmid (1912–1994), Georg Kraft (1894–1944), Rudolf Laur-Belart (1898–1972), Roland Bay (1909– 1992), Friedrich Metz (1890–1969), Robert Lais (1886–1945), Gerhard Fingerlin (1937–2016), Felix Stähelin (1873–1952), Otto Wittmann (1907–1986), Alfred Mutz (1903–1990) , Eugen Eble (1914-1969).

In recognition of Friedrich Kuhn's services to research into prehistory and early history on the Upper Rhine, the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung appointed him an honorary member on May 4, 1975.

Other activities

Friedrich Kuhn was also musically talented. In a field post letter from the Somme Front dated February 15, 1915, he reports that he played the organ on a day of rest in the church in Nesle , France. As an elementary school teacher, he taught music and gave violin lessons privately. In 1923 he was a founding member of the Rippolingen / Bad Säckingen men's choir and its first choir director. After being transferred to the primary school in Nollingen / Rheinfelden, he took over the management of the “Harmonie” choral society there in 1924. In Rheinfelden he was on the board of the fruit growing association in 1933.

Well-known family members


See also the compilation by Otto Wittmann.

  • A newly discovered early medieval refuge on the Nollinger Höhe. In: Vom Jura zum Schwarzwald, NF Volume 6 (1931), pp. 26-30 e-periodica
  • A medieval fortress on the Dinkelberg near Rheinfelden. In: Badische Heimat / Mein Heimatland, Vol. 18, 3/4, 1931, pp. 96-103.
  • with Wilhelm Schleiermacher: Roman building near Salzbrünnele, Gem. Rheinfelden. In: bathroom. Fund reports III, 1935, pp. 210-219. Digitized version of the Heidelberg University Library
  • Stone Age stool graves in Efringen (Amt Lörrach) . In: Badische Vorzeit , 1936, vol. 1, no. 2 (1935/36), pp. 12-13.
  • Building remains from the Roman era in Grenzach , In: Badische Vorzeit , vol. 1, no. 1 (1935/36), p. 8.
  • Roman settlement finds on the Upper Rhine. In: bathroom. Find reports, 1933-1936, pp. 428-434. Digitized version of the Heidelberg University Library
  • Section through a Roman road near Beuggen , Amt Säckingen. In: Badische Fundberichte, III, 1933–1936, pp. 302–304. Digitized version of the Heidelberg University Library
  • The Alemanni cemetery in Lörrach-Stetten. In: Das Markgräflerland, Volume 9, Issue 3/4 October 1938, pp. 143–163. Digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • Early Roman Terra Sigillata from the Alemanni cemetery in Herten . Contribution to the history of the occupation of the right bank of the Rhine by the Romans. In: Badische Fundberichte, 15, 1939, pp. 79–90. Digitized version of the Heidelberg University Library
  • The Alemanni cemetery in Lörrach. In: Das Markgräflerland, Volume 11, Issue 2/4 1940, pp. 51–60, digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • Annual report 1939 by the preservationist for prehistory in the district of Lörrach . In: Das Markgräflerland, Volume 11, Issue 1/1940, pp. 26–28. Digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • On the prehistory of the village of Kirchen on the Upper Rhine. In: Allemannisches Jahrbuch 1955, pp. 1ff.
  • The prehistory and early history of the city of Lörrach. In: Badische Heimat, 275 years of the city of Lörrach. 38th year 1958, issue 1.
  • From the early history of Herten . Festschrift on the occasion of the inauguration of the new elementary school. Herten 1963.
  • From the early history of Ötlingen and its surroundings, commemorative publication for the inauguration of the new elementary school , on September 28, 1963 in Ötlingen, 6 pp.
  • An inscription on an amulet from the thermal baths of Badenweiler . In: Die Margrafschaft , 11/1963.
  • A Celtic square hill on the Rührberg near Wyhlen . In: Die Margrafschaft , vol. 17, 11/1963.
  • Lörrach-Stetten in the early light of history. In: Die Margrafschaft , vol. 15, no. 6/1963.
  • From the history of the textile industry . In: Die Margrafschaft , 3/1964.
  • Augusta Raurica: once a great Roman settlement . In: Wilhelm Mayer: Rebland - Webland, your home, Verlag Otto Kehrer KG, Freiburg i. Br., 1964, p. 21ff.
  • On a German farm in the 6th century. In: Die Margrafschaft , Vol. 17, No. 5/1965.
  • The legend of the Häfnet virgin and the discovery of a burial mound near the Häfnet fountain. In: Die Margrafschaft, Volume 17, No. 10/1965.
  • On the interpretation of the place name Lörrach. In: Die Margrafschaft, Vol. 17, No. 2/65, 3S ..
  • The history of the settlement of the village of Inzlingen , contribution to the opening of the school in Inzlingen in 1966.
  • The Alemanni cemeteries at Efringen-Kirchen . In: Die Margrafschaft, vol. 18, issue 9, 6 pages, September 1966.
  • Alemannic grave necropolis on old roads on the Dinkelberg near Lörrach. In: Die Margrafschaft,, Müllheim, vol. 18, issue 11, pp. 1–8.
  • Alemannic and Franconian influences on the formation of place names on both sides of the Rhine near Strasbourg. In: Die Margrafschaft, No. 12/1966.
  • An open-air museum on the Nollinger Höhe near Rheinfelden. In: Die Margrafschaft, Vol. 18, No. 5, Müllheim / Baden 1966, pp. 8-11.
  • Fischingen and the parish of Kirchen . In: Die Margrafschaft, issue February 2, 1967.
  • The settlement history of Rümmingen . In: Gemeindeverwaltung Rümmingen (Ed.): Rümmingen. Contributions to the local, landscape and settlement history. Rümmingen municipality, Rümmingen 1967.
  • The school teacher from Ewattingen and the Jägermarei. In: Die Margrafschaft , No. 12/1967.
  • The school ordinance of the Bishop of Basel from May 1, 1785. In: Die Margrafschaft, issue 10, October 1967.
  • Roman remains at the Wiechsmühle (Rheinfelden / Baden) and the associated field names. In: Vom Jura zum Schwarzwald, Jg. 42 (1968), pp. 41–55.
  • Caves at the Isteiner Klotz. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden, (1969), October 1969, pp. 5–15.
  • Adliger - Two abandoned settlements of the same name on Tüllinger Berg and in Kandertal . In: Das Markgräflerland , vol. 31, issue 2/3 1969, pp. 120–125 digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • The Roman bridges of August and Kembs and the associated road connections to the right of the Rhine. In: Badische Heimat Heft 4/1970, pp. 490–500 pdf
  • Maienbühl. In: Das Markgräflerland , In: Das Markgräflerland , vol. 32, booklet I, 1970. Digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • Kunoldingen - an abandoned settlement in the Haltingen district . In: Das Markgräflerland , vol. 33, 3/1971.
  • Tüchlingen - Tohtarinchova - An abandoned settlement near Riedlingen (Kandern). In: Das Markgräflerland , vol. 33, 3/1971.
  • The story - the prehistory in its dependence on the landscape. In: Der Kreis Lörrach , Konrad Theis Verlag Stuttgart and Aalen 1971.
  • Prehistoric and early historical finds and observations in the Endenburg district , Kr. Lörrach. In: Das Markgräflerland , issue 1/2 1973.
  • Roman ruins as landmarks , examples from the Baden High Rhine region . In: Das Markgräflerland , issue 1/2 1973.
  • The school ordinance of the Bishop of Basel of May 1, 1783. In: Das Markgräflerland , vol. 1/2012, publisher Schopfheim, ISBN 978-3-932738-55-5 , pp. 79-87.


  • Werner Hungerbühler: The German Nazi bosses are trembling, the military government's proclamation struck (Lörrach the day after the French occupation). In: Basler Arbeiterzeitung, April 27, 1945, Volume 25 No. 98, p. 2.
  • Ernest L. Zaugg: Nazis Wanted Archaeologists To Cite Non-German Inferiority. By Ernest L. Zaugg, Special Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor. In: The Christian Science Monitor , May 11, 1945, Boston, p. 11.
  • The Cross of Merit on ribbon. The Federal President honored personalities from the district. In: Wiesental- und Oberrheinbote (Badische Zeitung), January 8, 1952.
  • A well-deserved schoolboy. Friedrich Kuhn has retired. In: Badische Zeitung , Lörrach edition, October 4, 1961, p. 9.
  • G. Fingerlin: Friedrich Kuhn on his 80th birthday. In: Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden, 15, 1975, pp. 30f.
  • G. Fingerlin: Friedrich Kuhn †. In: Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden, 16, 1976, p. 36.
  • Friedrich Kuhn † January 5, 1976. In: Das Markgräflerland , NF 7, 1976, no. 1, 2, p. 177. Digitized by the Freiburg University Library
  • Significant women and men, whose lives or work are connected with Lörrach. In: ibid. 7, 1976, p. 198.
  • Albin Müller: Friedrich Kuhn, Lörrach †. In: Vom Jura zum Schwarzwald, NF 50, 1976, 34–40 ; ders., From the research work of Friedrich Kuhn in the district of Lörrach and its surroundings. in: ibid., pp. 41–48.
  • A. Eckert (Red.): 110 years of the SPD Lörrach, 1969–1979. 1979, p. 49.
  • Kurt Böhner : Foreword to Friedrich Kuhn in: R. Dehn, G. Fingerlin and others: Guide to prehistoric and early historical monuments, Volume 17 - Lörrach and the foreland on the right bank of the Rhine from Basel. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein, 1981, ISBN 3-8053-0530-3 , pp. V – XVII.
  • Manfred Bosch : Friedrich Kuhn - “the German is still human, so to speak!” The post-war period in the German south-west corner as reflected in Friedrich Kuhn's reports. In: Allmende , 16/17. Elster Verlag, Bühl-Moos, 1987, ISBN 3-89151-816-1 , pp. 180-207.
  • H. Bernnat: Friedrich Kuhn. In: 125 years of the labor movement in the three-country corner . SPD district association and local association Lörrach, Lörrach 1993, pp. 190, 208, 217–221, 226f, 232.
  • F. Thelen: A necessarily uncomfortable democrat. In: Badische Zeitung, Bad Säckingen edition, June 10, 1995.
  • Wolfgang Bocks, Manfred Bosch: Life according to “ordre” - The German southwest corner under French occupation 1945-1948 in the situation and mood reports by Friedrich Kuhn. Rheinfelder Geschichtsblätter, 5. Published by the Haus Salmegg association. V. Rheinfelden / Baden, 1995.
  • Manfred Bosch: Yearbook of the city of Lörrach, "... that power is not the same as law" - Friedrich Kuhn, a man from the very beginning in the post-war period in Lörrach. City of Lörrach + Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach, 1995, ISBN 3-922107-38-9 , pp. 103ff, 134-142.
  • Rudolf Schlaf: Friedrich Kuhn, Rheinfelder Geschichtsblätter, 14. Life under the swastika, published by the Haus Salmegg eV Rheinfelden / Baden association, 2010, ISBN 3-932889-14-2 , pp. 158–161.
  • Erhard Richter : The Romans determined today's borderline. In: Badische Zeitung, Grenzach-Wyhlen edition, January 4, 2012.
  • Hansjörg Noe: "He is suspicious of having heard the Swiss broadcaster Beromünster". In: "Now I can talk about it ...". Lörracher Hefte, No. 22. Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach 2015, ISBN 978-3-922107-06-4 , pp. 73-76.
  • Sabine Ehrentreich: Home does not mean blood and soil. In: Badische Zeitung, Lörrach edition, September 22, 2016.
  • Rudolf Schlaf: Friedrich Kuhn's monthly reports as reflected in recent research. Rheinfelder Geschichtsblätter, 16. Life under the tricolor, published by the Haus Salmegg eV Rheinfelden / Baden association, 2016, ISBN 978-3-932889-16-9 , pp. 408–463.
  • Ulrich Tromm: Yearbook of the City of Lörrach, 1946: Swiss donation . City of Lörrach + Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach 2016, ISBN 978-3-922107-12-5 , p. 11, p. 59f.
  • Two personalities on two sides of the Nazi era. In: Badische Zeitung, Weil am Rhein edition, February 13, 2017.
  • Ulrich Tromm: Julius Güthlin - Ötlingen's "forgotten" mayor. In: Das Markgräflerland, Volume 2017, Schopfheim 2017, ISBN 978-3-932738-73-9 , pp. 88–91.
  • Martina David-Wenk: Exhibition about the escape to Switzerland during the World War. In: Badische Zeitung, Lörrach edition, October 21, 2017.
  • Julia Jakob: The gap in the fence. In: Der Sonntag - Aus der Region, October 22, 2017, p. 2.
  • Hubert Bernnat: Two green stone axes and grave finds - from early history. In : History of the municipality of Binzen , published by the municipality of Binzen, 2017, ISBN 978-3-00-057042-1 , pp. 10-12
  • Michael Kuhn-Sonnenfroh: "The tragedy of Verdun 1916 - Friedrich Kuhn's war experiences" . In: Das Markgräflerland , year 2018, published in Schopfheim, ISBN 978-3-932738-78-4 , pp. 74–91.
  • Ulrich Tromm: Karl Seith and Friedrich Kuhn: two local historians who could hardly be more different. In: The Markgräflerland. 2020, pp. 220-233.

Archive sources

  • Kuhn, Friedrich; June 13, 1895; Personal file of teachers I; Landesarchiv BW , Staatsarchiv Freiburg , signature L50 / 1 No. 2746.
  • Kuhn, Friedrich; June 13, 1895; Personal file of teachers I; Landesarchiv BW, Staatsarchiv Freiburg, signature L50 / 1 No. 2734.
  • Wiesentalfahrt of the Swiss teachers in 1950, journey to the Basel area on June 28, 1951; Landesarchiv BW, Staatsarchiv Freiburg, signature G224 / 1 No. 22.
  • Collaboration of the main teacher Friedrich Kuhn von Lörrach in prehistory and early history; Landesarchiv BW, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe , call number 235 No. 47794.
  • Reports from District School Councilor Friedrich Kuhn to the Lörrach military government on the mood of the population and monthly reports on the status of primary schools; Lörrach city archive, main office 396/2, AZ 0264, January 24, 1985.
  • Hopmann Karl and Marie-Luise, from Cologne , letter of thanks to Friedrich Kuhn for escape aid on July 30, 1943 via the Iron Hand near Lörrach, letter of August 30, 1961; Friedrich Kuhn's estate.
  • Striffling Erwin, Helfrantzkirch ( Alsace ) / France , letter of September 2, 1961, RAPPORT sur l'attitude de M. Kuhn, high school supervisor à LOERRACH vis-à-vis the instituteurs originaires du Haut-Rhin et contraints à exercer en Allemagne; Friedrich Kuhn's estate.
  • Kuhn, Friedrich, 2 reports on his experiences near Verdun in the First World War, undated, title: “The tragedy of Verdun 1916” and “Before Verdun, fighting in the Cailette forest”; Friedrich Kuhn's estate.
  • Zaugg Ernest L., Zurich, letter of December 17, 1961 to Friedrich Kuhn, regarding their secret meetings in Riehen and Basel during the war; Friedrich Kuhn's estate.
  • Letter of appointment as honorary member of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung dated May 4, 1975; Friedrich Kuhn's estate

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Kuhn Friedrich. In: Baden-Württemberg Biographies, Volume III. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 978-3-17-017332-3 , pp. 218-221
  2. Kuhn, Friedrich, two reports on his experiences near Verdun in the First World War, undated, title: "The tragedy of Verdun 1916" and "Before Verdun, battles in the Cailette forest"; Friedrich Kuhn's estate
  3. Ulrich Tromm: One who wasn't intimidated. Main teacher Friedrich Kuhn: Suspected and harassed as a political opponent of the Nazi regime - indispensable as an archaeologist. In: Badische Zeitung of March 4, 2016; accessed on December 11, 2017
  4. Manfred Bosch: Yearbook of the City of Lörrach, "... that power is not the same as law" - Friedrich Kuhn, a man from the very beginning in the post-war period in Lörrach. City of Lörrach + Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach, 1995, ISBN 3-922107-38-9 , pp. 103ff, 134-142
  5. Striffling Erwin, Helfrantzkirch ( Alsace ) / France , a letter dated 2 September 1961 RAPPORT sur l'attitude de M. Kuhn, superintendent à Loerrach vis-à-vis the instituteurs origin aires du Haut-Rhin et à contraints exercer en Allemagne; Friedrich Kuhn's estate
  6. ^ Tromm: This is what happened to Alsatian teachers in the Third Reich. In: Badische Zeitung, Weil am Rhein edition, May 13, 2017; accessed on December 13, 2017
  7. ^ Hopmann Karl and Marie-Luise, from Cologne , letter of thanks to Friedrich Kuhn for escape assistance on July 30, 1943 about the Iron Hand near Lörrach, letter of August 30, 1961; Friedrich Kuhn's estate
  8. a b c d e f g h Kuhn, Friedrich; June 13, 1895; Personal file of teachers I; Landesarchiv BW, Staatsarchiv Freiburg, signature L50 / 1 No. 2734
  9. a b Martina David-Wenk: Exhibition on the flight to Switzerland during the World War. In: Badische Zeitung . December 13, 2017, accessed May 16, 2020 .
  10. ^ Collaboration with the main teacher Friedrich Kuhn von Lörrach on prehistory and early history; Landesarchiv BW, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe , call number 235 No. 47794
  11. ^ Zaugg Ernest L., Zurich, letter of December 17, 1961 to Friedrich Kuhn, regarding their secret meetings in Riehen and Basel during the war; Friedrich Kuhn's estate
  12. Manfred Bosch : Conversation with Werner Hungerbühler. Basel, June 16, 1983
  13. Hansjörg Noe: "He is suspicious of having heard the Swiss broadcaster Beromünster". In: "Now I can talk about it ...". Lörracher Hefte, No. 22. Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach 2015, ISBN 978-3-922107-06-4 , pp. 73-76
  14. a b c Kuhn, Friedrich; June 13, 1895; Personal file of teachers I; Landesarchiv BW , Staatsarchiv Freiburg , signature L50 / 1 No. 2746
  15. a b c d reports from district school councilor Friedrich Kuhn to the Lörrach military government on the mood of the population and monthly reports on the status of elementary schools; Lörrach city archive, main office 396/2, AZ 0264, January 24, 1985
  16. ^ Ulrich Tromm: Yearbook of the City of Lörrach, 1946: Swiss donation . City of Lörrach + Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach 2016, ISBN 978-3-922107-12-5 , p. 11, p. 59f
  17. ^ Wiesentalfahrt der Schweizer teachers 1950, journey to the Basel area on June 28, 1951; Landesarchiv BW, Staatsarchiv Freiburg, signature G224 / 1 No. 22
  18. Manfred Bosch: Friedrich Kuhn - "the German is still human, so to speak!" The post-war period in the German southwest corner as reflected in Friedrich Kuhn's reports. In: Allmende , 16/17. Elster Verlag, Bühl-Moos, 1987, ISBN 3-89151-816-1 , pp. 180-207
  19. Wolfgang Bocks, Manfred Bosch: Life after "ordre '" - The German southwest corner under French occupation 1945-1948 in the situation and mood reports by Friedrich Kuhn. Rheinfelder Geschichtsblätter, 5. Published by the Haus Salmegg association. V. Rheinfelden / Baden, 1995
  20. Manfred Bosch: Yearbook of the City of Lörrach, "... that power is not the same as law" - Friedrich Kuhn, a man from the very beginning in the post-war period in Lörrach. City of Lörrach + Verlag Waldemar Lutz, Lörrach, 1995, ISBN 3-922107-38-9 , pp. 103ff, 134-142
  21. Rudolf Schlaf: Friedrich Kuhn's monthly reports as reflected in recent research. Rheinfelder Geschichtsblätter, 16. Published by the Haus Salmegg eV Rheinfelden / Baden association, 2016, ISBN 978-3-932889-16-9 , pp. 408–463
  22. The Cross of Merit on Ribbon. The Federal President honored personalities from the district. In: Wiesental- und Oberrheinbote (Badische Zeitung), January 8, 1952
  23. Roman ruins as landmarks, examples from the Baden High Rhine region . In: Das Markgräflerland , issue 1/2 1973
  24. ^ Collaboration with the main teacher Friedrich Kuhn von Lörrach on prehistory and early history; Landesarchiv BW, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe , call number 235 No. 47794
  25. On the interpretation of the place name Lörrach. In: The Margraviate, No. 2/65.
  26. ^ Settlement history of the village community Inzlingen, contribution to the inauguration of the school in Inzlingen.
  27. Kunoldingen - an abandoned settlement in the Haltingen district . In: Das Markgräflerland , 3/1971
  28. Tüchlingen - Tohtarinchova - an abandoned settlement near Riedlingen (Kandern). In: Das Markgräflerland , 3/1971
  29. Adliger - Two abandoned settlements of the same name on Tüllinger Berg and in Kandertal . In: Das Markgräflerland , Issue 2/3 1969, pp. 120–125 digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  30. The settlement history of Rümmingen . In: Gemeindeverwaltung Rümmingen (Ed.): Rümmingen. Contributions to the local, landscape and settlement history. Rümmingen municipality, Rümmingen 1967
  31. ^ Letter of appointment as honorary member of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung dated May 4, 1975; Friedrich Kuhn's estate
  32. Field post letters from the Kuhn brothers 1914-1920; Friedrich Kuhn's estate
  33. F. Thelen: A necessarily uncomfortable democrat. In: Badische Zeitung, Bad Säckingen edition, June 10, 1995
  34. see entry Sophie Berlinghof on and the literature cited there; accessed on October 26, 2019
  35. ^ Otto Wittmann: Publications by Friedrich Kuhn on prehistory, early history and settlement history. In: Das Markgräflerland, Issue 1/2 1977, pp. 195–197
  36. Richter: The Romans determined today's borderline. In: Badische Zeitung, Grenzach-Wyhlen edition, January 4, 2012; accessed on January 12, 2018
  37. Ehrentreich: Home does not mean blood and soil. In: Badische Zeitung, Lörrach edition, September 22, 2016; accessed on January 12, 2018
  38. Two personalities on two sides of the Nazi era. In: Badische Zeitung, Weil am Rhein edition, February 13, 2017; accessed on January 12, 2018