Hermann Günther (pedagogue)

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Relief by Hermann Günther on his tombstone

Hermann Günther (born November 10, 1811 in Gandersheim , † May 4, 1886 in Braunschweig ) was a German educator , teacher and headmaster. Today's Braunschweiger Gymnasium Raabeschule emerged from the private school he founded in 1861 .


The son of a pastor attended the large school in Wolfenbüttel from 1825 to 1830 . In 1828 he was one of the founders of the Turngemeinde, the oldest self-administered school gymnastics club in Germany.

Studies and political flight

When he began studying theology in Göttingen in 1830, he joined the old Göttingen fraternity . Together with his classmates Julius Gelpke , Christian Bolm and August Grumbrecht took part in the Göttingen uprising in January 1831 and continued his studies in the same year at the University of Jena , where he became a member of the Jena Burschenschaft / Burschenschaft Arminia in 1831 . Günther was expelled from Jena in 1832 for political reasons. He went to Heidelberg , where he joined the old Heidelberg fraternity in 1833 . After the failed Frankfurt Wachensturm on April 8, 1833, in which Günther was not involved, he fled to Switzerland with Julius Gelpke. He worked as a teacher in the canton of Aargau and continued his training as a secondary teacher. In 1836 he worked as a teacher in Regensdorf in the canton of Zurich and from 1836 to 1848 in Liestal in the canton of Basel-Landschaft .

Return to Germany

The amnesty of 1848 enabled Günther to return to Germany. In Braunschweig he passed the state examination as a high school teacher in 1851, but did not get a job due to his political past. He earned his living with private lessons. He also studied mathematics and natural sciences and was awarded a doctorate in Jena in 1861. phil. PhD.

Founder and director of a private educational establishment

Scharrnstrasse (1861–1878)

In the same year he received a permit to open a private school for boys, which in the house with the insurance no. 753, in which he lived at the time and which had housed the ducal customs and tax office from 1846 to 1850 , was set up at Scharrnstrasse 23 in Braunschweig. The private teaching institute , organized in six grade levels, was intended to prepare around 30 students for technical and economic professions as well as for studying at the Braunschweig Collegium Carolinum .

The private lecturer Cuntz , Fraulein Viedt and the Seubert siblings lived in the house . From 1863 Cuntz undressed and it was also attended by the retired chamber musician Ferling , the school keepers and sisters Ferling , the merchant Kruse and the pharmacist Kruse in the institute building. From 1865 the widow of the merchant Giesecke moved in, but the siblings Seubert and Fräulein Viedt as well as Günther moved out. From 1866 onwards nobody lived in the house because it was only used as a school. After the neighboring house with the insurance no. 754 went to school, in 1866 the house with the insurance no. 755, which until then housed the district treasury . In 1870 the house numbers Scharrnstraße 23-25 ​​of the three buildings were combined to house number 23. From 1870 to 1878, the school was referred to as a grammar school in the Braunschweig address book . In 1876 the house number changed again: the new address was now Scharrnstraße 24.

After the spatial merger of Martino-Katharineum and Realgymnasium into a new building between Scharrnstrasse and Breiten Strasse that opened on October 12, 1869, there was still a shortage of space there due to the increasing number of pupils, so that the decision to build another grammar school was decided could only be opened on October 26, 1885 as the Ducal New High School . Due to the lack of space, the Fiscus acquired the Günther school building in 1879, which was first used by the Martino-Catharineum and from 1880 also by the secondary school.

At the New Petritore (1879–1888)

After Günther had lived with his family at the school at Scharrnstrasse 23 from 1861 to 1864, in 1865 he lived with the family of the director of economics Dommerich in the house with the insurance company no. 1109 II. Am Neuen Petritore 8. In 1866 the Günther family lived there alone and from 1867 together with the widow of Hofrat Marx and the pedell Wilhelm Hartwig , who was followed in 1872 by pedell Heinrich Brünig , as sub-tenants. From 1876 the widow of the businessman Baumann lived in the house instead of the (presumably deceased) widow Marx , and in 1877 Pedell Brünig moved out again.

After Günther became the owner of the house at Am Neuen Petritore 8 in 1879, his private educational establishment moved there from Scharrnstraße 24. At Easter 1880, a preparatory class was added to the now seven classes, which was discontinued from 1881. The institution had the right to issue certificates that entitle them to do one-year voluntary service . Pedel Heinrich Bülte lived in the house from 1879 to 1882, who was followed by Pedell Wilhelm Meyer from 1883 to 1884 . In 1885 the widow Eggeling moved in, in 1887 the teacher Hans Günther , who in 1884 still lived in Wilhelmithorpromenade 20 and in 1886 in Okerstraße 6.

Grave of Hermann Günther and his wife Louise, b. Gelpke and the children Emilie and Hermann in the Petrifriedhof .

End of life

Günther died in Braunschweig in 1886 and was buried in the Petrifriedhof . His gravestone with a relief portrait created in 1911 for his 100th birthday has been preserved.


Günther's family and that of his friend Julius Gelpke seem to have been linked in many ways. Hermann Günther's wife Louise was born Gelpke, numerous members of both families can be found in the address books of the time. From 1852 in the house with the insurance no. 647 (from 1858 house number 22) in the Güldenstraße a material and colonial goods store called Günther & Gelpke .

In 1850 Günther lived in Braunschweig in the house with the insurance company no. 1620 in Fallersleber Strasse . In 1851 and 1852 he lived for two years on Güldenstraße in the houses with the insurance company no. 724 and 540. From 1853 he lived in the house with the insurance company no. 1069 in Beckenwerkerstraße , 1857 in the house with the insurance company no. 42 in the street butt brothers and from 1858 to 1860 he lived in the house with the insurance company no. 748 at Scharrnstrasse 8.

Jahnsche Realschule in Kasernenstrasse (postcard around 1915)


The Günthersche private educational institution was in 1888 Jahnsche Realschule renamed and moved in 1915 to a new building in the barracks road to. The now state institution has been called Raabeschule since 1926 and has been a grammar school since 1938. After the destruction of the school building in Kasernenstrasse during World War II , the location was moved to Franzsche Feld in 1949 and to the Heidberg school center in 1973 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Norman-Mathias Pingel: Günther, (Carl Heinrich) Hermann (Ferdinand). In: Manfred Garzmann , Wolf-Dieter Schuegraf (Hrsg.): Braunschweiger Stadtlexikon . Supplementary volume. Joh. Heinr. Meyer Verlag, Braunschweig 1996, ISBN 3-926701-30-7 . Page 57.
  2. Kurt Selle : Günther, Carl Heinrich Hermann Ferdinand , In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck , Günter Scheel (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon - 19th and 20th centuries . Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7752-5838-8 , p. 233 .
  3. a b c d e f Joh. Heinr. Meyer Verlag (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Adreßbuch 1846-1950.
  4. Joachim Holzhausen: The school buildings and their locations. In: School pictures from Braunschweig. 575 years of Martino-Katharineum. 1415-1990. College of the Martino-Katharineum grammar school (ed.), Oeding Druck und Verlag, Braunschweig, 1990, pp. 10-19.