Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 1995

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The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 1995 was the 19th competition for the literature prize at the Days of German-Language Literature . The event took place from June 27th to July 2nd, 1995 in the Klagenfurt ORF theater of the Carinthia regional studio .



Award winners

  • Ingeborg Bachmann Prize (endowed with 200,000 ÖS ): Franzobel for Die Krautflut
  • Prize of the State of Carinthia (endowed with 100,000 ÖS): Ulrike Kolb for Afterwards
  • Ernst Willner Prize (85,000 ÖS): Ingo Schulze for 33 moments of happiness
  • Bertelsmann Literature Prize (endowed with 10,000 DM ): Ilija Trojanow for The world is big and salvation is lurking everywhere
  • 3sat scholarship (endowed with 6,000 DM): Gundi Feyrer for my vision


  • Helmut Schwandter, Siegbert Metelko (eds.): Klagenfurt texts on the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 1995 . Piper: Munich 1995. ISBN 3-492-03821-2

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