Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2009

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The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2009 was the 33rd competition for the literature prize as part of the Days of German-Language Literature . The event took place from June 25th to 28th, 2009 in the Klagenfurt ORF theater of the Carinthia regional studio and was moderated for the first time this year by Clarissa Stadler .


First reading day

Second reading day

Third reading day


Award winners

  • Ingeborg Bachmann Prize (endowed with 25,000 euros): Jens Petersen
  • Kelag Prize (endowed with 10,000 euros): Ralf Bönt
  • 3sat Prize (7,500 euros): Gregor Sander
  • Ernst Willner Prize (7,000 euros): Katharina Born
  • Hypo-Group audience award (endowed with 7,000 euros): Karsten Krampitz


  • Ijoma Mangold (Ed.): The best 2009 - Klagenfurt texts. Piper 2009. ISBN 3492053424

Web links