Jacques Marin (actor)

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Jacques Raymond Marin (born September 9, 1919 in Paris , † January 10, 2001 in Cannes ) was a French actor .


Marin began to study acting at the Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique in Paris at the age of 18 , where he was taught by André Brunot (1879–1973), among others . At 23 he made his theatrical debut in Paul Raynal's Le Matériel humain . Since the late 1940s, he has also appeared in many film and television roles. He has worked several times with directors such as André Cayatte , Robert Vernay , Gilles Grangier , Jean-Paul Le Chanois , Claude Autant-Lara , Henri Verneuil and Jean Delannoy . He starred in 16 films with Jean Gabin .

His over 130 film roles also included numerous Hollywood productions that were filmed in France and in which he was used due to his good knowledge of English and his appearance (which was perceived as typically French). One of his best-known roles was Captain Brieux, leader of the airship "Hyperion", in the Disney film Island at the End of the World (1975).

Marin's grave is on the Cimetière du Grand Jas in Cannes.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biography on lesgensducinema.com
  2. Biography (Czech) on ČSFD.cz
  3. Theater roles on lesarchivesduspectacle.net
  4. Marin on findagrave.com