Josef C. Böck-Greissau

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Josef C. Böck-Greissau (born April 5, 1893 in St. Michael in Upper Styria , † April 21, 1953 in Vienna until 1919 Baron Böck von Greissau ) was an Austrian industrialist and politician ( ÖVP ).

He completed officer training at the Technical Military Academy in Mödling and took part in World War I as an artillery and general staff officer. After the war he worked in various industrial companies in Austria and Germany.

In 1947 he became vice president of the Association of Austrian Industrialists and the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce. From 1949 to 1953 he was a member of the National Council .

In addition, Böck-Greissau was Federal Minister for Trade and Reconstruction under Federal Chancellor Leopold Figl from 1952 until his death in 1953 .

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