Joseph Tyree Sneed

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Joseph Tyree Sneed III (born July 21, 1920 in Calvert , Texas , † February 9, 2008 in San Francisco , California ) was an American attorney , judge and professor who was also for a short time the US Attorney General .


After attending school, Sneed first studied business administration at Southwestern University , where he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in 1941 . After the entry of the United States into the Second World War he made from 1942 to 1946 his military service in the US Army Air Corps and was last to Staff Sergeant promoted.

After retiring from active military service, he studied law at the Law School of the University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 1947 with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.). He then accepted a professorship for law there and taught at the University of Texas until 1957. He then was Professor of Law at Cornell University from 1957 to 1962 , during which time he also earned a Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) from Harvard University's Law School in 1958 .

In 1962 he accepted the position as professor of law at Stanford University and taught there until his appointment as professor of law at Duke University in 1971. During his teaching there until 1973, he was also dean of the university's law school. After a brief post as US Deputy Attorney General and thus Deputy Attorney General in 1973, Sneed was a judge at the US Court of Appeals , based in San Francisco, the federal appeals court responsible for the ninth district, from 1973 to 1987 .

Sneed, who was licensed to practice law in the states of Texas and New York , went on to serve as an attorney with the law firm Graves, Daugherty and Greenhill . He was also involved in the American Bar Association , the American Judicature Society and the American Law Institute .

His eldest daughter Carly Fiorina was from 1999 to 2005 CEO of the US technology company Hewlett-Packard (HP) and ran in 2010 unsuccessfully as a Republican in California for the US Senate .

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