Royal beggars

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Original title Royal beggars
Country of production German Empire
original language German
Publishing year 1917
length 78 minutes
Director Richard Oswald
script Hans Land
production Richard Oswald
camera Max Fassbender

Royal Beggar is a German silent film drama from the artistic milieu. The film was shot in 1917 by Richard Oswald .


Young Eva, daughter of the wealthy factory owner Roche, has fallen in love with the writer Ferdinand Paul. Nevertheless, one day she decides to marry the respected sculptor Franz Wandelt. However, he loves nothing in his life more than his art and soon neglects his newly wedded wife.

The misfortune soon struck almost everyone involved: Eva had two children, a son and a daughter, and died soon afterwards. In the face of the talented Franz, the son is so desperate about his own lack of talent that he voluntarily retires. Eva's daughter Frieda, on the other hand, leaves her egocentric father and moves in with the writer Paul. Abandoned by everyone, only art remains as a “royal beggar”.

Production notes

The five-act film was censored in July 1917, was banned from young people and was shown for the first time in the following month. It had five acts and had a playing time of just under an hour on 1609 meters of film length.

Royal Beggars was the first film in the so-called Richard Oswald series in 1917/18.


“This play from sculpting circles with Hugo Flink in the main role is characterized by an exciting plot, good representation and photography. Hugo Flink shows us this time from a completely different side, he plays excellently and has lots of good partners, so that the interaction is very harmonious. "

- Cinematographic review of October 6, 1917. p. 88

In Paimann's film lists you can read: “Material is very good. Game, photos and scenery are very good. (For a fine audience.) ”.

Individual evidence

  1. Royal Beggars in Paimann's Film Lists ( Memento of the original from March 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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