And you should wander restlessly ...

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Original title And you should wander restlessly ...
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1915
length 62 minutes
Director Richard Oswald
script Richard Oswald based on templates by ETA Hoffmann and Edgar Allan Poe
production Lothar Stark
camera Carl Hoffmann

And you should hike restlessly ... is a German silent film horror story from 1915 by Richard Oswald .


A rich count, who is an avid collector of antiques, acquires an antique box. Little does he know that there is a terrible, centuries-old curse on this artifact. Since the purchase he has been constantly haunted by a ghostly appearance in the form of a medieval knight's wife. One day the count visits a friend at his castle. When a fire breaks out there, the count discovers the secret of his enchanted box. He discovers an ancient document with the name "Records of the court jester of the castle" and reads this document. There it is written how the curse once came about:

A brave knight once lived in a castle with his beautiful youthful wife. As a decent knight, of course, he had to constantly go out into the wide world and always have new adventures and battles, and so he was often far from home. But since his lovely wife was getting bored so alone, she got stupid thoughts and got involved with a handsome junker. Once at home, the knight and his supposed maiden stepped in front of the altar and gave her that jewel box as a morning gift, filled with holy relics of the family. However, the knight's wife had long planned to have her regularly absent husband removed, took the relics from the box and put a small bottle of poison in it instead. She handed her lover the box on which he should now remove his rival.

The castle's own court jester learned of the nefarious plan of the honorable and faithless and shared his knowledge with the knight and master of the house, who then seized with sheer horror. When everything was exposed, the Junker threw himself into the depths and the knight's wife ingested her own poison in order to evade her husband's vengeance. The relics that were removed have disappeared. Standing by her corpse, however, the knight uttered a terrible curse: "And you should wander restlessly until the relics are returned". The count with the collector's ticket is very lucky in misfortune: soon he comes across a similar box that actually contains the relics. He puts them back in the original box and gets rid of the curse.

Production notes

And you should wander restlessly ... is the rare case of a German ghost comedy. The four-act act produced by Lothar Stark passed the censorship in September 1915 and was premiered on September 29, 1915 in front of an invited audience in the Tauentzienpalast . The mass start took place on November 19, 1915. The length of the three-act vehicle was 1430 meters.

Director Oswald was also the production manager for this film.

According to the criticism, Guido Herzfeld played six roles in this film, but only five can be identified by name.


“This latest creation from the well-known director has, as shall be said in a moment, met expectations… also. The logically structured, extremely interesting plot of this film, which again reveals the master of film poetry, interweaves mystical magic with real reality and thus gives the director the opportunity in varied images to create scenes of special impact in strong contrasts. (...) Even in casting the main roles, the director reveals himself with the right eye. Oswald has chosen Guido Herzfeld for six roles, who solves the difficult tasks assigned to him in an outstanding manner. (...) The first film in the Richard Oswald series, arguably one of the most ingenious film works to date, shows cinematographic art on a new path ... "

- Cinematographic review of October 3, 1915. P. 51 f.

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