The Hound of Baskerville, III. Part: The creepy room

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Original title The legend of the dog of Baskerville, III. Part: The creepy room
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1915
Director Richard Oswald
script Richard Oswald
production Jules Greenbaum

The Hound of Baskerville, III. Part: Das eheimliche Zimmer is a medium-length, German silent detective film by Richard Oswald with Alwin Neuss in the role of Sherlock Holmes .


Stapleton, the villain from the first part of The Hound of Baskerville , who turned out to be a relative of the Baskervilles, has been charged and sentenced to death for his villainy, the murder of a relative. But he can escape the hangman. Now Sherlock Holmes is in great danger, because the shrewd detective had once exposed him and thus handed him over to the executioner. The only thing that drives Stapleton now is to take terrible revenge on the master detective.

The two archenemies try to outsmart each other with the cleverest tools. This is where the eponymous “eerie room” comes into play, as Stapleton lures Holmes there and literally squashes him with a steadily lowering ceiling. With an effort, Holmes manages to free himself. The gruesome dog from the moor is also used again. But this time there is no more escape for Stapleton in the end. The villain finds his fair end and sinks into the shallows of the moor.

Production notes

The Hound of Baskerville, III. Part: The eerie room was created in the spring of 1915 in the Greenbaum film studio in Berlin-Weißensee , passed film censorship in May 1915 and was banned for the Reich for the duration of the war. It was only in May 1919 that this “Baskerville” film was able to be viewed in Germany, while in Austria-Hungary, The Unheimliche Zimmer was still available in 1915, the year it was made. Like its predecessor, The Legend of the Dog of Baskerville, the film was only three acts long, making it around 40 minutes long.

useful information

The Hound of Baskerville, III. Part: The Eerie Room was the third part of a four-part Hund von Baskerville film series that producer Jules Greenbaum had made in 1914/15 with almost the same cast. The first part, the faithful adaptation of the Conan Doyle fabric of the same name , The Dog of Baskerville , was staged by Rudolf Meinert in 1914 . The following three further developments of this production were all implemented by Richard Oswald in 1915.


"The third part, which does not lack a certain witty satire, brings a number of breathtaking sensations and shows a great wealth of imagination, which does the director Richard Oswald credit."

- Cinematographic review of July 4, 1915. p. 38

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