Canton of Aillant-sur-Tholon

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canton of Aillant-sur-Tholon
region Burgundy
Department Yonne
Arrondissement Auxerre
main place Aillant-sur-Tholon
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 10,300 (Jan. 1, 2012)
Population density 42 inhabitants / km²
surface 245.47 km²
Communities 20th
INSEE code 8901

The canton of Aillant-sur-Tholon was a French canton in the arrondissement Auxerre in the Yonne department and in the Burgundy region until 2015 ; its main town was Aillant-sur-Tholon , the representative in the General Council of the Department was last from 2008 to 2015 William Lemaire ( UMP ).


The canton consisted of 20 municipalities:

local community Population year Area km² Population density Code INSEE Post Code
Aillant-sur-Tholon 1,399 (2013) 18.2 77 inhabitants / km² 89003 89110
Branches 488 (2013) 10.99 44 inhabitants / km² 89053 89113
Champvallon 672 (2013) 6.83 98 inhabitants / km² 89078 89710
Chassy 463 (2013) 16.45 28 inhabitants / km² 89088 89110
Fleury-la-Vallée 1,116 (2013) 15.06 74 inhabitants / km² 89167 89113
Guerchy 659 (2013) 11.86 56 inhabitants / km² 89196 89113
Laduz 328 (2013) 7.54 44 inhabitants / km² 89213 89110
Merry-la-Vallée 403 (2013) 18.31 22 inhabitants / km² 89251 89110
Neuilly 448 (2013) 13.39 33 inhabitants / km² 89275 89113
Les Ormes 295 (2013) 8.55 35 inhabitants / km² 89281 89110
Poilly-sur-Tholon 714 (2013) 19.56 37 inhabitants / km² 89304 89110
Saint-Aubin-Château-Neuf 517 (2013) 24.89 21 inhabitants / km² 89334 89110
Saint-Martin-sur-Ocre 64 (2013) 4.58 14 inhabitants / km² 89356 89110
Saint-Maurice-le-Vieil 352 (2013) 4.93 71 inhabitants / km² 89360 89110
Saint-Maurice-Thizouaille 259 (2013) 1.95 133 inhabitants / km² 89361 89110
Senan 784 (2013) 17.54 45 inhabitants / km² 89384 89710
Sommecaise 349 (2013) 15.53 22 inhabitants / km² 89397 89110
Villemer 241 (2013) 4.26 57 inhabitants / km² 89457 89113
Villiers-sur-Tholon 489 (2013) 15.5 32 inhabitants / km² 89473 89110
Volgré 353 (2013) 9.55 37 inhabitants / km² 89484 89710

Population development

1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006
7635 7192 7373 7872 8290 8786 9832