Kindler's University Library

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Kindlers Universitäts Bibliothek ( World University Library ) was a series of books published by Kindler Verlag in Munich between 1966 and 1975 .

Based on an idea by Helmut Kindler , all volumes in this series were published in parallel in English, French, Dutch, Swedish and Spanish.

This series comprises around 70 volumes with between 200 and 300 pages. The editors Hans-Geert Falkenberg and Kurt Fassmann were supported by a scientific advisory board; Rolf Geisler headed the editorial team.


  1. Ronald Hingley : From Pushkin to Tolstoy . A sociology of literature . 1967.
  2. Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt : Music of the 20th Century . 1969.
  3. Gunnar Thorson: Exploring the Sea. An inventory . 1972.
  4. Jean Georges Baer : Animal Parasites. Adaptation, environment, development . 1972, ISBN 3-463-15569-9 .
  5. Jeffrey A. Gray: Fear and Stress. Creation and overcoming of neuroses and frustrations . 1971, ISBN 3-463-15567-2 .
  6. Pierre Huard: Chinese Medicine . 1973.
  7. Évry Schatzman : The Limits of Infinity . Structure of the universe . 1968.
  8. José Luis Sampedro : Drivers of the World Economy . 1967.
  9. Edward A. Wrigley: Changing Population Structure. Methods and results of demographics . 1969.
  10. Philippe Wolff: Languages ​​we speak. Their origin from Latin and Germanic ; from AD 100–1500. 1971, ISBN 3-463-15568-0 .
  11. Heinz S. Wolff: Technology in medical practice . 1970.
  12. Charles Wilson: The Fruits of Freedom. Holland and 17th Century European Culture . 1968.
  13. Bryan R. Wilson : Religious Sects . 1970.
  14. John Willett : Expressionism . 1970.
  15. Wolf Wickler : Mimicry . Imitation and deception in nature . 1968.
  16. Martin Wells: Miracles of Primitive Life. Organization and performance of lower animals . 1968.
  17. Daniel Waley: The Italian city-states . 1969.
  18. John Vaizey : Education in the Modern World . 1967.
  19. Peter Ucko : rock art Paleolithic . 1967.
  20. Jan Tinbergen : Models for economic planning . 1967.
  21. Evelyn Sullerot: The Woman in Modern Society . 1971.
  22. John A. Ratcliffe: Sun, Earth, Radio. Exploration of the ion sphere . 1970.
  23. Magnus Pyke: bread for four billion. World food problems . 1970.
  24. Raymond Picard: From LaFontaine to Rousseau . Critical models of French literature . 1970.
  25. Robert C. North: Chinese Communism . 1966.
  26. Gisela Nass: Molecules of Life. An outline of molecular biology . 1970.
  27. Philippe Muller: The Development of the Child . 1969,
  28. Kurt Mendelssohn : The search for the zero point . 1966.
  29. Jacques Maquet : Power and Social Structures in Africa . 1971.
  30. Lucy Mair : Magic in the black continent . 1969.
  31. Stefan Tschudi Madsen: Art Nouveau . Turn of the century European art . 1967.
  32. Donald Longmore: Research Object Heart . Function, disease and healing . 1971.
  33. Pedro Laín Entralgo : doctor and patient. Interpersonal relationships in the history of medicine . 1969.
  34. Björn Kurtén : The world of dinosaurs . 1968.
  35. Jürgen Kuczynski : The emergence of the working class . 1967.
  36. David Knowles : History of Christian Monasticism . Benedictines , Cistercians , Carthusians . 1969.
  37. Walter A. Kaufmann : Decision making technology in management. Models for human action . 1968.
  38. Michael C. Kaser: Economic Policy of the Soviet Union . Ideology and practice . 1970.
  39. Henry Kamen : Intolerance and Tolerance between Reformation and Enlightenment . 1967.
  40. John L. Jolley : Information Act. Introduction and practice of data processing 1968.
  41. Roger Hood: Crime . Crime, justice, the penal system . 1970 (with Richard Sparks).
  42. Matthew J. Hodgart: The Satire . 1969.
  43. Abraham Cornelis van Heel: What is light ? . 1968.
  44. Peter Geoffrey Hall: World Cities . 1966.
  45. Richard Gregory : Eye and Brain. On the psychophysiology of vision . 1966.
  46. Raymond Greene: Control processes in the human organism . Structure and function of hormones . 1970.
  47. Robert Gouirau: Elementary Particles and Accelerators . 1967.
  48. Lucien Gérardin: Nature as a role model . 1968.
  49. Francesco Gabrieli : Mohammed and the Arab World . 1968.
  50. Hans Freudenthal : Mathematics in Science and Everyday Life . 1968.
  51. William G. Grieve Forrest: Paths to Hellenic Democracy. State thinking in political reality, 800–400 BC Chr. 1966.
  52. Hermann Flohn : From rainmaker to weather satellite . 1968.
  53. Otto G. Edholm: Problems of the work science . An introduction to ergonomics . 1967.
  54. Samuel Dresden: Humanism and Renaissance . 1968.
  55. Rémy Chauvin : The world of insects . 1967.
  56. Jean Émile Charon : History of Cosmology . 1970.
  57. David Caute: The Left in Europe . 1966.
  58. André Cailleux : The Unknown Planet. Earth anatomy . 1968.
  59. Roger Buvat: The organization of the living. The vegetable protoplasm . 1969.
  60. David Briggs: The Lineage of Plants. Evolution and variation in flowering plants . 1969.
  61. Jacques Boussard: The Origin of the Occident . Cultural history of the Carolingian era . 1968.
  62. François Bordes : hand ax and mammoth . The Paleolithic . 1968.
  63. François Bodin: Poisons . Occurrence, effect, control . 1970.
  64. Jagdish Bhagwati : Economic Problems in Developing Countries . 1966.
  65. Arnold H. Beck: Words and Waves. History and technology of communication . 1967.
  66. John Percy Vyvian Dacre Balsdon : The Roman Empire . 1970.
  67. Karl Otmar von Aretin : Papacy and the modern world . 1970.
  68. José Luis López-Aranguren : Sociology of Communication . 1967.
  69. João Andrade e Silva: waves and particles. Introduction to quantum mechanics . 1969 (together with Georges Lochek).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Great Britain: ( Weidenfeld & Nicolson ); USA: McGraw-Hill
  2. Hachette
  3. Meulenhoff De Haan.
  4. Aldus Bonnier
  5. Guadarrama
  6. ^ Herbert W. Duda, Ludwig Heilmeyer . J. Hans D. Jensen and Helmut Plessner .