Krummbach is a geographical name:
- Krummbach LU , a village in the municipality of Geuensee , Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Krummbach , fictional Upper Lusatian village in the DEFA film Sister Agnes
River, partly with Krummbachtal as the valley name:
- Krummbach (Ablach) , left tributary of the Ablach in Unterbichtlingen, Sauldorf, Sigmaringen district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Aisch) , left tributary of the Aisch opposite the Greienmühle of Höchstadt an der Aisch , district of Erlangen-Höchstadt, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Altmühl) , left tributary of the Altmühl near Preuntsfelden (Windelsbach), Ansbach district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Brend) , right tributary of the Brend in Schönau an der Brend , Rhön-Grabfeld district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Cunnersdorfer Wasser) , right tributary of the Cunnersdorfer Wasser in Löbau , Görlitz district, Saxony
- Krummbach (Dreisam) , left tributary of the Dreisam in the Black Forest near Ebnet, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Erlengraben) , left main line upper course of the Erlengraben (Kleiner Bach) (right side line upper course of the Kleiner Bach , to the Kraichbach ) near Östringen , district of Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Krummbach (Franconian Rezat) , right tributary of the Franconian Rezat near Oberdachstetten , Ansbach district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Fuhse) , left tributary of the Fuhse near Steinbrück (Söhlde), Hildesheim district, Lower Saxony
- Krummbach (Gerlosbach) , right tributary of the Gerlosbach in the Kitzbühel Alps near Gerlos , Schwaz district, Tyrol
- Krummbach (Glems) , right tributary of the Glems from the Gerlinger Krummbachtal between the residential areas Mahdental and Glemseck von Leonberg, Boeblingen district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Gürzenicher Bach) , left tributary of the Gürzenich Bach at the Hubertushof von Gürzenich (Düren), Düren district, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Krummbach (Horner Bach) , right tributary of the Horner Bach ( Hornebecke ; to Goorbach ) at the Sahle von Ochtrup residential area , Steinfurt district, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Krummbach (Hühnerbach) , left tributary of the Hühnerbach near Birkenberg ( Rettenbach am Auerberg ), Oberallgäu district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Hüttenwerkskanal) , right inflow of the Hüttenwerkskanal (to the Kocher ) in Neuschmiede ( Abtsgmünd ), Ostalbkreis, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Ilm) , left tributary of the Ilm near Kranichfeld , Weimarer Land district, Thuringia
- Krummbach (Kurtenwald Bach) (Kurtenwaldsbach) , left tributary of the Kurtenwald Bach (to the Rhine ) at Kleineichen (Rösrath), Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Krummbach (Lasterbach) , right tributary of the Lasterbach near the Neumühle von Hüblingen, Westerwaldkreis, Rhineland-Palatinate
- Krummbach (Lech) , right tributary of the Lech near Gründl ( Prem ), Weilheim-Schongau district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Leiblach) , right tributary of the Leiblach at the Reutenmühle von Hergatz , Lindau district (Bodensee), Bavaria
- Krummbach (Lein) , left tributary of the Lein at Vordersteinenberg -Tennhöfle (Alfdorf), Ostalbkreis, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Möhrenbach) , right tributary of the Möhrenbach near Otting , Donau-Ries district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Moorgraben) , right tributary of the Moorgraben (to Murach ) near Siegelsdorf ( Altendorf ), Schwandorf district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Reichenbach) , left tributary of the Reichenbach (to Elz ) opposite Reichenbach (town of Elzach ), Emmendingen district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Schmalnohebach) , right upper reaches of the Schmalnohebach (to the Vils ) near Sigl (Vilseck), Amberg-Sulzbach district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Schussen) , right tributary of the Schussen near Weiler ( Berg ), Ravensburg district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Steinach) , left tributary of the Steinach (to the Neckar ) in Frickenhausen , Esslingen district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Steindlbach) , left tributary of the Steindlbach (to Glonn ) near Walkertshofen (Erdweg), Dachau district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Steinhauser Rottum) , left, artificially created stream to Steinhauser or Unteren Rottum in Ochsenhausen, Biberach district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Steinlach) , left tributary of the Steinlach near Frickenhausen , Esslingen district, Baden-Württemberg
- Krummbach (Sulzach) , left tributary of the Sulzach near Unterdallersbach (Feuchtwangen), Ansbach district, Bavaria
- Krummbach (Treisbach) , left tributary of the Treisbach (to the Dill ) near Steinbach (Haiger), Lahn-Dill district, Hesse
- Krummbach (Warne) , right tributary of the Warne near Lüderode (Liebenburg), Goslar district, Lower Saxony
See also: