Løgtingswahl 1980

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The 1980 Løgtingswahl in the Faroe Islands took place on November 8, 1980. It was the 9th election since internal self-government ( heimastýri ) was obtained in 1948.

In this early election, in addition to the unionist Sambandsflokkurin , the social democratic Javnaðarflokkurin of Prime Minister Atli Dam and his coalition partner Tjóðveldisflokkurin were the losers of the election. The Javnaðarflokkurin had to give up a seat so that the left-dominated government no longer had a majority.

The lost votes of the three above parties were evenly divided between the winning parties Fólkaflokkurin, Sjálvstýrisflokkurin and Framburðsflokkurin, with the Sjálvstýrisflokkurin winning one seat.

The result of the election led to the social democratically led state government Atli Dam III being replaced by the unionist led state government Pauli Ellefsen . The Tjóðveldisflokkurin left the government and the election winners Fólkaflokkurin and Sjálvstýrisflokkurin became government partners of the Sambandsflokkurin in the new coalition. It was the first purely civil coalition in the Faroe Islands in over 20 years.

Results of the Løgting election on November 8, 1980

Six parties took part in the election.

Distribution of seats
A total of 32 seats
Political party be right percent Seats
B - Sambandsflokkurin 5,558 23.9 8th
C - Javnaðarflokkurin 5,043 21.7 7th
E - Tjóðveldisflokkurin 4,415 19.0 6th
A - Fólkaflokkurin 4 399 18.9 6th
D - Sjálvstýrisflokkurin 1 953 8.4 3
F - Framburðsflokkurin 1,905 8.2 2
total 23,273 100 32

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Løgtingsvalini, atkvøður og tingmenn 1978-1994: Árbók fyri Føroyar 1995 , Hagstova Føroya, page 75
  2. Løgtingsvalini, atkvøður og tingmenn 1980-2002: Árbók fyri Føroyar 2003 , Hagstova Føroya, pp. 76-78