Løgtingswahl 1970

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The 1970 Løgtingswahl in the Faroe Islands took place on November 7, 1970. It was the sixth election since the internal self-government ( heimastýri ) was obtained in 1948.

The biggest winner was Tjóðveldisflokkurin , who got a seat. The biggest losers were Sambandsflokkurin and Fólkaflokkurin , although only the Fólkaflokkurin lost a seat.

The Javnaðarflokkurin remained the strongest party with 7 out of 26 seats in parliament and was able to bring about a change of government with Atli Dam at the top. the former government of Prime Minister Kristian Djurhuus from Sambandsflokkurin by the coalition government Atli Dam I replaced.

Results of the Løgting election on November 7, 1970

Six parties took part in the election.

Distribution of seats
A total of 26 seats
Political party be right percent Seats
C - Javnaðarflokkurin 4,916 27.2 7th
E - Tjóðveldisflokkurin 3,963 21.9 6th
B - Sambandsflokkurin 3,921 21.7 6th
A - Fólkaflokkurin 3,617 20.0 5
D - Sjálvstýrisflokkurin 1.010 5.6 1
F - Framburðsflokkurin 637 3.5 1
total 18,064 100 26th

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Løgtingsval skift á valdømi og flokkar (1906-2004) , hagstova.fo