Løgtingswahl 1946

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The 1946 Løgtingswahl in the Faroe Islands took place on November 8, 1946. It was the last Løgtings election before the achievement of internal self-government ( heimastýri ) in March 1948. Until this structural change, the Faroe Islands had been a simple Danish office with a bailiff since 1816 . Løgting, which was restored in 1852, was a kind of Danish district council with initially only an advisory function. However, the Løgting ruled the country almost autonomously during the British occupation in World War II.


Jákup í Jákupsstovu , a member of the social democratic Javnaðarflokkurin , disagreed with the party-supported Danish government draft on the future status of the Faroe Islands and enabled the Fólkaflokkurin to submit a motion to parliament in May 1946, which would hold a referendum on the future status of the Faroe Islands Faroe Islands. In the subsequent vote, the proposal was accepted.

The referendum on the future status of the Faroe Islands took place on September 14, 1946 and the result was that a slim relative majority voted for the separation from Denmark. Because of the tight outcome of only 166 votes in excess for the separation, the government in Copenhagen did not want to recognize this result. The opposition in Løgting also opposed the result. As a result of this conflict, the king dissolved the Faroese parliament on September 24, so that new elections could be scheduled for November 1946. This was only the second time that the Løgting had been dissolved by the king.

The vote

The election was held on November 8, 1946 and the clear loser was the Fólkaflokkurin with a vote loss of more than 3 percent. He gave up three seats and only had eight MPs. The Sambandsflokkurin gained over 4 percent, but this had no effect on the six seats in parliament. Javnaðarflokkurin and Sjálvstýrisflokkurin had formed a joint list ( Listasambandið ) and together also received six seats. Jákup í Jákupsstovu, who originally belonged to the Social Democrats but had disagreed with the Danish government draft, ran as an independent candidate for the Løgting. However, he received too few votes to take a seat in parliament.

The result was a victory for the supporters of the Danish government bill on the future status of the Faroe Islands. The Fólkaflokkurin and with it the detachment faction as a whole emerged weakened from the election. A clear majority in parliament was now against the detachment and thus the independence of the Faroe Islands was off the table. Difficult and tough negotiations then led to a compromise, the law on internal self-government ( Heimastýri ), which was passed on March 23, 1948. Then in May 1948 the first state government of the Faroe Islands with Andrass Samuelsen from Sambandsflokkurin as Prime Minister ( Løgmaður ) was formed. The government consisted of a coalition of Sambandsflokkurin, Sjálvstýrisflokkurin and Javnaðarflokkurin. The office of Løgmaður was thus restored in the Faroe Islands after its abolition in 1816.

A late consequence of the referendum of September 14th and the election of November 8th was the establishment of Tjóðveldisflokkurin in May 1948 after the first state government had started its work. Its founders also included Jákup í Jákupsstovu, who ran as an independent candidate in the 1946 election, and Erlendur Patursson , a son of Jóannes Patursson , the first chairman of the Fólkaflokkurin, who died in August 1946, shortly before the referendum.

Results of the Løgtings election on November 8, 1946

With this election, the total number of MPs in Løgting was reduced from 23 to 20. Three groups and an independent candidate took part in the election, but did not succeed in entering parliament.

Distribution of seats
A total of 20 seats
Political party be right percent Seats
A - Fólkaflokkurin 5,396 40.9 8th
B - Sambandsflokkurin 3,783 28.7 6th
C + D - Listasambandið ( Javnaðarfl. + Sjálvstýrisfl. ) 3,705 28.1 6th
U - Independent 302 2.3 0
total 13,186 100 20th

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dagblaðið - Nov. 13, 1946 , infomedia.dk. Newspaper report on the outcome of the Løgtings election on November 8, 1946.
  2. Stjørnarskipanarmálið 1946 , Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur (in Faroese)
  3. Kongen sender tinget hjem , wikisource.org (in Danish)
  4. Løgtingsval skift á valdømi og flokkar (1906-2004) , hagstova.fo