Løgtingswahl 1966

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The 1966 Løgtingswahl in the Faroe Islands took place on November 8, 1966. It was the 5th election since the achievement of internal self-government ( heimastýri ) in 1948.

The biggest winner with over 3% was the Sambandsflokkurin . The Fólkaflokkurin was also able to gain something. All other parties took only slight losses.

As the total number of MPs in Løgting was reduced from 29 to 26 with this election, the winners did not receive any additional seats. In contrast, the three losing parties Javnaðarflokkurin , Sjálvstýrisflokkurin and Tjóðveldisflokkurin each had to give up one seat.

The social democratic Javnaðarflokkurin remained the strongest party with 7 out of 26 seats in parliament and was able to bring about a change of government with Peter Mohr Dam at the top. The previous government of Prime Minister Hákun Djurhuus vom Fólkaflokkurin was replaced by the coalition government Peter Mohr Dam II .

Results of the Løgtings election on November 8, 1966

Six parties took part in the election, all of which entered parliament.

Distribution of seats
A total of 26 seats
Political party be right percent Seats
C - Javnaðarflokkurin 4,751 27.0 7th
B - Sambandsflokkurin 4.177 23.7 6th
A - Fólkaflokkurin 3.811 21.6 6th
E - Tjóðveldisflokkurin 3,529 20.0 6th
D - Sjálvstýrisflokkurin 867 4.9 1
F - Framburðsflokkurin 489 2.8 1
total 17,624 100 26th

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Løgtingsval skift á valdømi og flokkar (1906-2004) , hagstova.fo