Lousy ponds and runaway ponds

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Coordinates: 51 ° 40 ′ 57 "  N , 12 ° 47 ′ 53"  E

Relief map: Saxony-Anhalt
Lousy ponds and runaway ponds

The Lausiger Ponds and Runaway Ponds are a nature reserve in the town of Bad Schmiedeberg in the Wittenberg district in Saxony-Anhalt .

The nature reserve with the registration number NSG 0130 is 54.6  hectares in size. It is completely part of the FFH area "Lausiger Teiche und Ausreißer-Teich east Bad Schmiedeberg" and surrounded by the landscape protection area "Dübener Heide". The area has been under protection since 1939 (date of regulation: April 17, 1939). It initially had a size of 94.9 hectares. The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the Wittenberg district.

The nature reserve, which consists of two parts, is located east of Bad Schmiedeberg in the Dübener Heide nature park . It places part of the Great Lousy Pond, the Little Lousy Pond and the outlier pond about a kilometer to the south, along with its bank areas and adjacent areas, under protection. The ponds were created in the Middle Ages and used for fish farming . The ponds are fed via trenches from the Düben Heath and drained via other trenches towards the Elbe .

The ponds have distinctive floating leaf and water vegetation with a southern water hose and water spring . Especially in the runaway pond, the floating leaf vegetation forms larger stands. Here resettle white water lily , frog bite , Small duckweed , floating pondweed and Common Water crowfoot . The bank areas are occupied by reeds with reeds , narrow-leaved cattails and rushes , especially on the south bank of the Great and Small Lousy Pond . In the silting zones on the south bank of the outlier pond and the Kleiner Lausiger pond as well as in the bays on the northwest bank of the Großer Lausiger pond, intermoor communities with gray harrows , ostrich grass , narrow-leaved cotton grass , common pennywort , rush , marsh blouse and peat moss are developing. Small areas located Stiff harrows Ried with Carex vesicaria , Carex rostrata , marsh hair strand and swamp iris . On the south-eastern bank of the Kleiner Lausiger Pond, there is a cinder block alder with swamp hair, bitter foam herb and swamp fern . Other extensive alder stocks also grow on the south and west banks of the Großer Lausiger Teich. They are followed from Scots pine , white birch and English oak formed pine forests and cranberry -Eichenwälder, whose herb layer from Moorgrass and Brachypodium sylvaticum is formed.

The nature reserve is of great importance for water birds and amphibians . So live here u. a. Great crested grebe , little grebe , pochard and mute swan . Other bird species in the nature reserve, which use the reed zones as a habitat, are u. a. Marsh harrier , reed warbler and reed warbler . Occasionally the sea ​​eagle uses the pond area as a feeding ground. Amphibians are particularly in the area of the small pond by Lousy frog , moor frog , tree frog , green frog , common toad and spadefoot represented. The pond area is also the habitat of numerous dragonfly species . The Elbe beaver also lives here. The fish fauna of the ponds is determined by the carp . Gudgeon and three-spined stickleback occur in the ditch system connecting the large and small lousy pond as well as the inflows and outflows .

The nature reserve borders on state road 129 to the north and east. Part of the large Lausiger pond and the east bank are excluded from the scope of the nature conservation ordinance. There is a campsite and a beach here. Otherwise the nature reserve borders mainly on forest areas, west of the Großer Lausiger Teich also on grassland .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance on the "Lausiger Teiche und Ausreißer-Teich" nature reserve (PDF, 15.2 kB). Retrieved April 17, 2018.
  2. Campsite & mobile home port "Am Großer Lausiger Teich" . Retrieved October 12, 2015.