Oranienbaumer Heide

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Coordinates: 51 ° 46 ′ 26 "  N , 12 ° 21 ′ 43"  E

Relief map: Saxony-Anhalt
Oranienbaumer Heide
Konik horses and Heck cattle in the Oranienbaumer Heide nature reserve
Heck cattle in the Oranienbaumer Heide nature reserve

The Oranienbaumer Heide is a nature reserve in the independent city of Dessau-Roßlau and the cities of Oranienbaum-Wörlitz and Graefenhainichen in the district of Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt .


The nature reserve with the registration number NSG 0184 is around 2683  hectares . It is largely part of the FFH area "Middle Oranienbaumer Heide" and the EU bird sanctuary of the same name and is largely surrounded by the "Oranienbaumer Heide" nature reserve . The area has been under protection since June 28, 2014 (date of regulation: May 23, 2014). It replaces the “Mittlere Oranienbaumer Heide” nature reserve designated in 1998 (date of regulation: October 16, 1998). Responsible lower nature conservation authorities are the city of Dessau-Roßlau and the district of Wittenberg.


The nature reserve is located southeast of Dessau between Mildensee , a district of Dessau-Roßlau, Oranienbaum , a district of Oranienbaum-Wörlitz and Jüdenberg and Möhlau , districts of Graefenhainichen in the transition area from the Middle Elbe region to the Dübener Heide . The nature reserve, which is mostly in the Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve, also includes 2134 hectares of the national natural heritage "Oranienbaumer Heide", which is looked after by the non-profit DBU Naturerbe . In addition to the Oranienbaumer Heide, which gives it its name, the nature reserve includes the Bläserbruch, the Hänscheteil, the Semmelberge, the Große Heidefeld, the Ellerborn, the Sarmen, the Schornicker Lache, the Mochhau, the Moorteich (also: Mochteich), the Moorwiese (also: Mochwiese), the Hirschborn, the Spitzen Berg and the Alte Grube Möhlau. Some of the areas were designated as extensive natural monuments at the beginning of the 1990s : Mochhau and Moorteich with the "Regulation on the establishment of extensive natural monuments" of September 27, 1990 and Moorwiese with the regulation of October 27, 1992.


The nature reserve is one of the most biotopic and species-rich areas in Saxony-Anhalt. The northern area of ​​the protected area is determined by fluvial sediments of the Elbeurstromtal and the southern area by plateaus of glacial moraines . In particular, the central areas of the nature reserve were used by the Soviet Army as a military training area from 1945 to 1992 . Parts in the south and east were shaped by the mining of brown coal and gravel . Around 478 hectares of the nature reserve are reserved as a total reserve for undisturbed natural development.

Large areas of the nature reserve are taken up by semi-natural mixed deciduous forests , some of which are formed as pedunculate oak or oak-hornbeam forests as well as oak forests on the sandy plains of the moraine. The predominant tree species are English oak and hornbeam . In the wooded areas, you can find common hawthorn , woodruff , broad-leaved sitter , multi-flowered white root , pill sedge , single-flowered wintergreen , common pipegrass , brown-red stendellum , blueberry , wood violet , wiryearm , wood zest , wood twins and bracken . Pine forests, mixed pine-birch forests and birch forests with Scots pine and silver birch are also growing, especially in the peripheral zones .

In the area of ​​the lower part of the Sollnitzbach, which flows through or delimits the nature reserve in the southwest, floodplain forests with black alder and common ash as well as alder-ash forests grow. Here are u. a. You can find angular leek , panicle and barbed sedge , winged St. John's wort , meadow alant , swamp hair strand , large meadow button , winged brown root and meadow silge . In addition, near-natural still waters have emerged in the area of ​​the former mining areas. Here come u. a. Sparganium erectum , Sparganium natans , Small and Southern Water hose , swamp water star , Carex Acutiformis and onion rush before.

The central portion of the protected area is of open and semi-open areas with dry and lean lawn , Heiden , dunes with open areas of grass and silver grass pioneer corridors and pipes grass meadows on calcareous, peaty and shaped clay-silty soils. Here is a rich flora u. a. with Common Steinquendel , sand straw flower , heather , branchy's Lily , hawkweed , cypress spurge , Red bent grass , Genista pilosa , dyer's broom , wing broom , botrychium matricariifolium , sheep fescue , mountain Haarstrang , Tüpfelhartheu , rock cinquefoil , Real Betonie , hill Meier , Rispenflockenblume , chondrilla juncea , three teeth , Heidelabkraut , Sprouting carnation , Norwegian cinquefoil , pigeon skabios , sage gamander , Nordic bedstraw and real bedstraw . In addition, more than 60 different fungi were detected, including pointed gelatinous sap fungus, sclerotia stalk porling and sand bristle.

The nature reserve offers a habitat for numerous animals. So here are u. a. Black stork , crane , hawk , hawk , red and black kite , honey buzzard , marsh harrier , Hobby , hoopoe , black , gray and middle spotted woodpecker , nightjar , woodcock , Woodlark , Stonechat , barred warbler , wheatear , Corn Bunting , Tawny Pipit , Red-backed Shrike and Shrike home. The open areas provide various insect habitat, including butterflies such as clover and thyme Burnet , lean lawn Fritillary , Rockrose Cube skipper , Colias Sareptensis , aricia agestis , ocher Bindiger Samtfalter and grasshoppers as Small Heath grasshopper , conocephalus discolor , Blue-winged Grasshopper , Marsh hoppers and wart-bites . Furthermore, various spider species adapted to warm dry locations are native, including wandering spiders , flat-bellied spiders , canopy spiders , wolf spiders and ant hunters . Deadwood in the wooded areas offer z. B. the arched neck trestle a suitable habitat.

Dragonflies such as the blue-winged demoiselle , the common wedge damsel , the green damsel , the wedge-spotted dragonfly and the banded darter are native to the waters . Here, various come amphibians such as tree frog , jumping frog , moor frog , natterjack toad , green toad , spadefoot and Bergmolch ago. The nature reserve is also home to reptiles , including smooth snakes , adder and sand lizard . The Sollnitzbach is also the habitat of Elbe beavers and otters .

The reserve also offers bats as Brown long-eared , Serotine , Gray long-eared , Noctule , Barbastelle and mosquito bat habitat. The wolf has also been observed in the nature reserve . A pack has been recorded since the mid-2010s .

After the abandonment of military use, large parts of the area were left to natural succession . They are partially covered with bushes or are taken over by pioneer forests. The heathland and dry grass areas must be cared for to prevent the growth of woody plants. For this purpose, a care concept was developed in cooperation with the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences . Since 2008 parts of the open landscape have been grazed with Heck cattle and Konik horses . In order to push back trees, peeling measures are also carried out and the heather mowed for rejuvenation. By grazing with cattle z. B. the sprouting of the late bird cherry that has settled in the nature reserve is so dogged that it can no longer bear fruit.

Several main paths in the nature reserve have been open to visitors since the end of March 2012. An educational trail with 13 stations has also been set up. Large areas of the area may not be entered for reasons of nature conservation and for safety, because there are contaminated sites such as ammunition remains in the area of ​​the former military training area.

The nature reserve is mostly surrounded by wooded areas. In the east it borders on the Burgkemnitz – Oranienbaum railway line .


  • Maintenance management of FFH open land habitats in the "Oranienbaumer Heide". Final report for the German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU). , Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, July 2012 (PDF files: Part 1, 6.2 MB , Part 2, 7.7 MB )
  • Heino John, Antje Lorenz, Susanne Osterloh: The fern and flowering plants of the former military training area Oranienbaumer Heide. In: Communications on floristic mapping in Saxony-Anhalt. Volume 15/2010, pp. 17 - 54 ( PDF file , 1.4 MB)

Web links

Commons : Oranienbaumer Heide  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. National Natural Heritage, first tranche: Land of the Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks (as of January 2012) (PDF file, 16.1 kB). Retrieved November 26, 2014.
  2. a b c Oranienbaumer Heide: Minister Aeikens visits grazing project that is recognized throughout Germany , DBU Naturerbe, July 7, 2014. Accessed on May 6, 2019.
  3. a b Cattle and horses, where tanks once drove , Volksstimme, April 2, 2012. Retrieved November 26, 2014.
  4. Oranienbaumer Heide , Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve. Retrieved November 26, 2014.
  5. Ilka Hillger: Is the wolf sedentary or a wanderer? , Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, January 27, 2014. Retrieved November 26, 2014.
  6. Wolfsmonitoring Sachsen-Anhalt - Report on the monitoring year 2017/2018 , State Office for Environmental Protection (PDF, 13.5 MB). Retrieved February 26, 2020.
  7. a b c FFH open land habitats on large areas using the example of the “Oranienbaumer Heide” model , Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt. Retrieved May 6, 2019.
  8. Antje Lorenz: Oranienbaumer Heide , Anhalt University (PDF file, 2.7 MB). Retrieved November 26, 2014.
  9. Management of the late blooming bird cherry in the Oranienbaumer Heide through extensive grazing , Anhalt University (PDF file, 3.6 MB). Retrieved September 11, 2017.
  10. ^ Annette Gens: Too many hikers in the restricted area , Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, June 12, 2012. Retrieved November 26, 2014.