DBU natural heritage

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The DBU Heritage GmbH is a 2007 founded subsidiary of the German Environmental Foundation . It is managed in the legal form of a limited liability company and is the owner of around 70,000 hectares of national natural heritage , spread over 71 properties in ten federal states. The national natural heritage comprises a total of around 156,000 hectares, mainly former military training areas and post-mining landscapes , which the federal government is gradually handing over to foundations, nature conservation associations and the states in order to secure them permanently for nature conservation . The areas are looked after and developed in accordance with nature conservation guidelines and thus preserved for future generations.

The DBU subsidiary intends to maintain and promote structural diversity and the wealth of native animal and plant species with the Federal Forests division of the Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks . The open land created by military exercises is preserved through regular maintenance as a retreat for rare species. Near-natural mixed deciduous forests can develop into new wilderness without human influence . Species-poor coniferous forests are first gradually transferred to near-natural forests and then left to develop naturally. Wetlands and bodies of water are ecologically upgraded and preserved by restoring the natural water balance.

In selected areas that do not pose a threat from previous military use, nature is made tangible for residents and visitors through targeted visitor guidance and various environmental education offers.


The following areas have been transferred to the administration of DBU-Naturerbe GmbH as DBU natural heritage areas:

Surname state Size ( ha )
Andernachhof Bavaria 58
Arsbeck North Rhine-Westphalia 270
Authausener forest Saxony 2,198
Beienroder wood Lower Saxony 184
Bendeleber forest Thuringia 451
Biederitzer Busch Saxony-Anhalt 125
Bark North Rhine-Westphalia 202
Borkenberge North Rhine-Westphalia 1,570
Borkum dunes Lower Saxony 44
Brenker Mark North Rhine-Westphalia 224
Cuxhaven coastal heaths Lower Saxony 1,220
Dammer mountains Lower Saxony 143
Dauban Forest Saxony 3,265
Drosselberg Thuringia 80
Dudenhofen Rhineland-Palatinate 97
Ebenberg Rhineland-Palatinate 196
Elbe meadows east mouth Lower Saxony 706
Elmpt North Rhine-Westphalia 250
Forstberg Thuringia 299
Women wood Bavaria 494
Gelbensander forest Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 1.005
Glücksburg Heath Saxony-Anhalt 2,595
Goitzsche Saxony-Anhalt 1,018
Göldenitzer Moor Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 127
Günthersleben Thuringia 151
Hainberg Bavaria 195
Hartmannsdorfer Forest Saxony 1.932
Herongen North Rhine-Westphalia 180
Ducal Mountains Lower Saxony 127
Sky bottom Thuringia 862
High horror Saxony-Anhalt 252
Holtenser mountain Lower Saxony 130
Hops North Rhine-Westphalia 196
Kaarzer wood Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2,788
Mountains of cellars Saxony-Anhalt 284
Cool morning Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 305
Kühnauer Heide Saxony-Anhalt 946
Landshut Bavaria 188
Lauterberg Bavaria 187
Luebberstedt Lower Saxony 407
Lünten North Rhine-Westphalia 132
Marienfließ Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 474
Mellrichstadt Bavaria 205
Oranienbaumer Heide Saxony-Anhalt 2,102
Oschenberg Bavaria 197
Eastern grove Thuringia 450
Paderborn-Lieth North Rhine-Westphalia 342
Peenemünde Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2,020
Pöllwitz Forest Thuringia 1,893
Prora Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 1,972
Prosa Brandenburg 3,313
Reiterswiesen Bavaria 320
Ringfurther Elbauen Saxony-Anhalt 1,199
Roßlauer Elbe Saxony-Anhalt 1,645
Rüthnicker Heide Brandenburg 3,853
Salt-hungry front roar Thuringia 1,464
Schwaneweder Heide Lower Saxony 404
Siegenburg Bavaria 291
Bridge head Rhineland-Palatinate 1,882
Tennenlohe Bavaria 437
Ueckermünder Heide Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 9,723
Crazy Heath North Rhine-Westphalia 1,843
White Venn Geisheide North Rhine-Westphalia 330
White house Brandenburg 1.106
Wersener Heider North Rhine-Westphalia 1,000
Wesendorf Lower Saxony 292
Western grove Thuringia 1,185
Well of meadows Lower Saxony 301
Woldeforst Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 174
Zeitzer Forest Saxony-Anhalt 855
Zschorno Forest Brandenburg 1,852

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DBU natural heritage: 71 DBU natural heritage areas now ensure the protection of nature , October 1, 2018.
  2. DBU Naturerbe: Liegenschaften , accessed on April 4, 2019.

Coordinates: 52 ° 17 '10 "  N , 8 ° 1' 51.6"  E