Ducal Mountains

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Ducal Mountains
Herzogsberge201710 4.jpg
location Southeast of Braunschweig , Wolfenbüttel district , Lower Saxony
surface 266 ha
Identifier NSG BR 150
FFH area 265 ha
Geographical location 52 ° 15 '  N , 10 ° 38'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 14 '39 "  N , 10 ° 38' 0"  E
Herzogsberge (Lower Saxony)
Ducal Mountains
Sea level from 82 m to 112 m
Setup date 19th July 2019

The Herzogsberge are a nature reserve in the Lower Saxony communities of Cremlingen and Sickte in the Wolfenbüttel district .


The nature reserve with the registration number NSG BR 150 is around 266  hectares in size. Most of the nature reserve lies within the FFH area "Forests and small bodies of water between Mascherode and Cremlingen". The reserve replaced parts of the conservation area, "Herzog Mountains and adjacent parts of the landscape," from which it is partially surrounded. The area has been under nature protection since July 19, 2019. The responsible nature conservation authority is the Wolfenbüttel district.


The nature reserve is located southeast of Braunschweig . It provides open land areas of the former site training area in Cremlingen on hilly relief and in the west and south adjoining forest areas with natural and structurally rich oak and beech mixed forests under protection. The open land areas are characterized as lean, lowland hay meadows and pipe grass meadows . Embedded in it are small sandy lawns and open ground areas as well as small wooded areas. In some places water-bearing still waters can only be found temporarily . Reitlingsgraben and Cremlinger Bach and some of them flowing streams run through the nature reserve. Reeds and sedges are formed in damp places . In the north of the nature reserve there is a brine spring in a wet meadow rich in tall forebears . A 127 hectare part of the nature reserve has been part of the national natural heritage since the end of 2017 .

Cremlinger Bach

The nature reserve is the habitat of species-rich flora and fauna.

The extensively managed hay meadows are home to various types of grass, including foxtail , common stalk grass , smooth oat and ridge grass , as well as cuckoo foam , cuckoo clove , German felt herb , meadow marguerite , common buttercup and bulbous buttercup . The whistle grass meadows, which are primarily developed on moist locations in the north of the nature reserve, are home to swamp yarrow , medicinal cairn , spotted orchid , broad-leaved orchid , Nordic bedstraw , ragweed , cowslip , large flea , coley and globe flower . The wet meadow at the brine spring houses in a salty environment z. B. Common swaths of salt , marsh marigold , meadow silt and Heilziest, occasionally also globe flower. The grasslands in the nature reserve are temporarily grazed with sheep for maintenance.

The still waters with near-natural water structures and shallow bank and silting areas have well-developed aquatic vegetation with spawn and frog-bite communities and the like. a. with floating pondweed , hairy pondweed and triple-furrowed duckweed .

In autumn 2018, in some cases heavily silted up and overgrown still waters were rehabilitated and thus upgraded as a habitat for amphibians .

The forests are partly pronounced as grove or woodruff beech forests . They are characterized by the common beech as the dominant tree species. There are also English oak and sycamore maple . In the herb layer, among other things, Pillensegge , Drahtschmiele and Goldenes Frauenhaarmoos or Waldsegge , Woodruff , Common Golden Nettle and Forest Fluttergrass settle . In damp locations, damp mixed oak and hornbeam forests grow thick with a high proportion of English oak and hornbeam . In the herb layer, common witchweed , ragweed and star chickweed settle . Along the Reitlingsgraben there are partly riparian forests with alder and ash as the dominant tree species. In the herb layer are u. a. Berle , forest horsetail , real watercress , swamp sedge , brook avens , giant fescue and real meadowsweet can be found. The forests on some historically old forest sites with sometimes more than 200 years Book feature places a high old and dead wood proportion and sometimes significant orchids occur. Over 40 hectares of the forests in the nature reserve are part of the NWE-10 program of the Lower Saxony State Forests for natural forest development.

The nature reserve is home besides those already mentioned, numerous other plant species, including daffodils , Herb Paris , Yellow Anemone , Lungwort , Oxlip , onion Toothwort , Little valerian , Small centaury , Siberian Iris , Violet Helleborine , Male orchid , Small Cudweed , sand straw flower , mountain sand bells , Devil's , ornithopus perpusillus , Lathyrus tuberosus , Myosotis discolor , ophioglossum vulgatum , Lythrum Portula , Kümmelsilge , Stachys recta , Bauer mustard , grape spring fescue as well as the fungal species gold Yellow meadow lobe and dryness promontory.

In the nature reserve, various amphibians are native, so natterjack toad , spadefoot , Moor Frog , Agile Frog , Pool Frog , Alpine newt and crested newt . Natterjack toad and garlic toad occur here on the eastern edge of their range. Furthermore, the area is the habitat of numerous dragonflies such as southern rush damsel , common rush damsel , horseshoe damsel , cup damsel , flat bellied , quadruped , blood-red darter , willow damsel and big pitch dragonfly . The open land areas offer locusts such as the blue-winged wasteland insect and the blue-winged sand insect a suitable habitat. In addition, insects are z. B. represented by the butterflies large oak carmine , chessboard butterflies , plantain pied butterflies and Jakobskrautbär as well as various deadwood-dwelling beetles such as stag beetles and sawhorses .

The area is also the habitat of various bats . So here come Barbastelle , Serotine , Daubenton's bat , greater mouse-eared , whiskered bat , Leisler , Noctule , Pipistrelle , Bechstein's bat , Natterer's bat , common pipistrelle , soprano pipistrelle and brown long-eared before.

Birds are u. a. by Woodlark , Skylark , Wheatear , Tree Pipit , Meadow Pipit , Pied Flycatcher , Whinchat , Stonechat , lapwing , gray partridge , red-backed shrike , stock dove , black woodpecker , green woodpecker , lesser spotted woodpecker and wryneck represented.


The area of ​​a forest training facility of the Lower Saxony State Forests in the west of the nature reserve is excluded from the scope of the nature conservation ordinance. The area has also served as a local recreation area since it was abandoned for military use in 2003 . There is a path concept to protect flora and fauna. A forest kindergarten has also been operated here since 2008 .

Web links

Commons : Herzogsberge  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. NWE stands for natural forest development

Individual evidence

  1. Herzogsberge now also legally owned by DBU , DBU Naturerbe, December 21, 2017. Accessed on August 16, 2019.
  2. Herzogsberge and Wohld: “The shepherd ensures environmentally friendly maintenance of the landscape” , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , Cremlingen municipal association, May 19, 2016. Retrieved on August 16, 2019.
  3. ^ Dredging for the toads on the DBU natural heritage site "Herzogsberge" , press release, Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation , September 18, 2018. Accessed on August 16, 2019.
  4. New Herzogsberge nature reserve: paths will be marked from next week , Wolfenbüttel district, July 19, 2019. Accessed on August 16, 2019.
  5. Path concept for recreational use NSG "Herzogsberge" , Wolfenbüttel district (PDF, 2.8 MB). Retrieved August 16, 2019.
  6. Ulli Schwarze: Forest kindergarten in the Herzogsbergen celebrates its 10th birthday , Cremlingen-online, April 7, 2018. Accessed on August 16, 2019.