Leopold von Sturmberg

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Leopold von Sturmberg on a painting in the Fürstengang Freising
Coat of arms of Leopold von Sturmberg in the Fürstengang Freising

Leopold von Sturmberg , also Liutpold von Sturmberg († August 5, 1381 ) was Prince-Bishop of Freising from 1378 to 1381 .

He came from the knight family of the Sturmbergs, which had its seat in Styria at Burg Sturmberg (today municipality Naas ).

After the death of Bishop Paul von Jägerndorf, the Freising cathedral chapter used the turbulence of the papal procession from Avignon to Rome to elect its shepherd again. It was decided in favor of the illegitimate son of the Bavarian Duke Stephan III. , Johann von Moosburg . Pope Urban VI. appointed however immediately after his papal election in April 1378 Luitpold von Sturmberg, who was supported by the Habsburgs. The Wittelsbacher could not prevail against Sturmberg, so that Johann waived. He was appointed bishop of Regensburg for this in 1384.

Shortly after Leopold's appointment, the great occidental schism broke out . Freising and Bavaria were on the Roman side, the Habsburgs on the French. So it became difficult for Leopold to take possession of his prince-bishopric. It was not until July 1379 that he drew for the first time as Bishop of Freising. In order to consolidate his position, he chartered the city of Freising all of its traditional rights.

In 1380, the Heiliggeistspital Foundation was set up under his rule , and it still exists today.

In 1381 Leopold traveled to Carniola to visit the Freising estates. At the beginning of August he was in Bischoflack to inspect the bridge he had commissioned. On August 5th he fell from the handrailless bridge into the Zayer (today: Sora) and drowned. His body was not transferred to Freising, but rather buried in the Poor Clare Church of Maria Immaculata in Bischoflack.

Bridge in Bischoflack, from which Leopold fell


  • * Josef Maß (Hrsg.): The Diocese of Freising in the Middle Ages (= Association for Diocesan History of Munich and Freising (Hrsg.): History of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, Volume 1), (= Wewelbuch 153), Munich 1986, ISBN 3- 87904-153-9 .
  • Karl Meichelbeck : Historia Frisingensis, Vol. 2 . Veith Verlag, Augsburg 1729.
  • Hubert Strzewitzki: The family relations of the Freising bishops in the Middle Ages (contributions to the old Bavarian church history / episode 3; vol. 3). Archbishop's Ordinariate, Freising 1939.

Individual evidence

  1. H. Strzewitzek: The family relations of the Freising bishops in the Middle Ages , p. 158f.
  2. H. Strzewitzek: The family relationships of the Freising bishops in the Middle Ages , p. 223ff.
  3. ^ K. Meichelbeck: Historia Frisingensis, Vol. II , pp. 165f
  4. J. Maß: The Diocese of Freising in the Middle Ages , p. 274f.
predecessor Office successor
Paul von Jägerndorf Bishop of Freising
Berthold von Wehingen