List of geotopes in the district of Cuxhaven

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The list of geotopes in the district of Cuxhaven names the geotopes in the district of Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony . Some of these geotopes are also protected as natural monuments (ND), landscape protection areas (LSG), nature reserves (NSG) or part of these.

Geotope no. designation place comment Coordinates image
2218/03 Exposure wall with 2 fossil floors Long , northwest slope of the Sonnenberg. Geotope type: Exposure wall.
Length 50 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Saale, Eem and Vistula Ice Age.
Petrography: filled hollow form, contains niveofluviatile sands and floating earths from the Saale and Wichsel periods and 2 podsol-like fossil soils from the Eem Ice Age.
53 ° 43 '4.8 "  N , 8 ° 42' 39.6"  E
2317/02 Beach wall and spit hook Dorum , approx. 15 km northwest of Sievern . Geotope type: beach wall, spit.
Length 400 m, width 75 m, height 10 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary-Middle Holocene.
53 ° 39 '28.8 "  N , 8 ° 35' 16.8"  E
2318/01 Exposure wall Drangstedt , approx. 500 m NE Wehden . Geotope type: Exposure wall.
Width 10 m, height 8 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene.
Petrography: Meltwater from the younger Drenthe and till clay from the main Drenthe glaciation.
53 ° 36 '39.6 "  N , 8 ° 41' 13.2"  E
2319/02 "Wildes Moor" high moor NW Stinstedt . Geotope type: raised bog.
Area 57.0 ha.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary.
Nature reserve NSG LÜ 101 "Wildes Moor bei Stinstedt".
53 ° 40 ′ 15.6 "  N , 8 ° 56 ′ 52.8"  E
2320/02 Exposure Lamstedt , southern part of the west wall of the brickworks mine NW of Stade. Geotope type: outcrop.
Width 50 m, height 5 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Elster-Saale interglacial.
Petrography: marine clays of the Holstein interglacial.
53 ° 36 '3.6 "  N , 9 ° 6" 39.6 "  E
2417/01 "Saalackerstein" boulder Schiffdorf , in front of the garden fence of a house on Schludenweg (Edehaus). Geotope type: boulder.
Length 1.6 m, width 1.4 m, height 1 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Drenthe glaciation.
Petrography: gneiss, e.g. T. angular edges.
Natural monument ND-Cux 110.
53 ° 32 '1.1 "  N , 8 ° 38' 55.7"  E
2418/05 Boulders old sand pit (grassland) south of Elmlohe -Marschkamp. Geotope type: boulder.
4 boulders: length 2.4 m, width 1.1 m, height 1.3 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Drenthe glaciation.
Petrography: a) Granite, plate-shaped disc chipped off, 1 smooth surface with glacier ridges b) Granite, rich in biatite c) Granite d) Gneiss, layered structure, coarse.
53 ° 34 '30 "  N , 8 ° 43' 44.4"  E
2418/07 Boulder 1.5 km northwest of Wehdel and 350 m NNW of the Aussiedlerhof. Geotope type: boulder.
Length 2 m, width 1.2 m, height 0.8 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Drenthe glaciation.
Petrography: Gneiss, angular shape, banded by layers rich in feldspar (pink).
Natural monument ND-Cux 232.
53 ° 31 '3.1 "  N , 8 ° 47' 42.3"  E
2419/01 Dead ice hole Köhlen , eastern edge of Geemmeneth . Geotope type: hollow form without drainage (dead ice hole).
Length 125 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Saale glaciation.
53 ° 30 '39.6 "  N , 8 ° 52' 4.8"  E
2518/09 "Drachenstein" boulder 2.5 km east of thunder in a small birch-pine forest. Geotope type: boulder.
Length 1.7 m, width 1.8 m, height 0.3 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Drenthe glaciation.
Petrography: gneiss, serpentine veins in the ground.
Natural monument ND-Cux 125.
53 ° 29 ′ 29.3 "  N , 8 ° 45 ′ 19.7"  E
2519/01 Wall made of meltwater sands on the northeast side of Lake Wollingst, 2 km SSE Wollingst . Geotope type: moraine.
Length 306 m, width 80 m, height 5 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Drenthe glaciation (Saale ice age).
Petrography: Wall consists of fine to medium sand.
In the nature reserve Wollingster See and Randmoore .
53 ° 27 '39.6 "  N , 8 ° 52' 4.8"  E
2618/01 Foundling "Great gray stallion" 2 km ESE Albstedt in grassland. Geotope type: boulder.
Length 3.5 m, width 2.5 m, height 1.5 m.
Stratigraphy: Quaternary Pleistocene, Drenthe glaciation.
Petrography: gneiss, pink, two smooth surfaces, fissured.
Natural monument ND-Cux 97.
53 ° 19 '24.1 "  N , 8 ° 44' 45.9"  E

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Wollingster See , (pdf; 248 kB)