List of cultural monuments in Seehausen (Leipzig)

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The list of cultural monuments in Seehausen (Leipzig) contains the cultural monuments of the Leipzig district of Seehausen , which were recorded in the list of monuments by the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony as of 2017.


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

List of cultural monuments in Seehausen

image designation location Dating description ID
Landmarks of the Saxon-Prussian border
Landmarks of the Saxon-Prussian border (Map) 09256000
Inn (with hall extension) and courtyard paving and enclosure Am Anger 42
around 1900 (inn) old location Hohenheida, plastered building typical of the time with half-timbered gable, of architectural and local significance 09256014
War memorial for the fallen of World War I, with a row of trees around it Am Anger 45 (opposite)
1922 (Fallen Memorial), 1922 (Fallen Memorial) old location Hohenheida, historically important 09256023
Residential house, two side buildings built next to each other and barn as well as courtyard paving and front garden of a farm Am Anger 46
in the middle of the 17th century, according to information (farmhouse), around 1830 (farmhouse), 1894 (barn) old location Hohenheida, residential building presumably earth building, farm buildings with clinker facade, historically important 09256030
Residential house, pull-out house, barn and two side buildings as well as gate entrance, front garden and courtyard paving of a farm Am Anger 49
18th century (farmhouse), 19th century (barn) old location Hohenheida, completely preserved courtyard, plastered buildings typical of the region, of architectural significance 09256032
Rectory, side building, attached wash house and enclosure as well as paving of a rectory Am Anger 50
17th century (rectory) old location Hohenheida, stately plastered building with a crooked hip roof, of architectural and local significance 09256033
Two side buildings of a farm Am Anger 51
around 1870 (side building) old location Hohenheida, plastered buildings typical of the area, of architectural significance 09256066
Residential house, moving house, two side buildings, gate system, front garden and courtyard paving of a farm Am Anger 53
around 1905 (farmhouse), around 1880 (moving house) old location Hohenheida, villa-like farmhouse with a picturesque overall appearance and remarkable architectural quality, side building with clinker brick facade, historically important 09256036
Moving out house, side building attached to it, courtyard paving and gate entrance as well as enclosure wall and front garden of a farm Am Anger 54
around 1870/1875 (moving house) old location Hohenheida, pull-out house with plastered facade, side building clinker facade, enclosure as a mud wall, of architectural significance 09256038
Residential house, gate and front garden of a three-sided courtyard Am Anger 55
2nd half of the 18th century (farmhouse) old location Hohenheida, plastered two-storey clay building, part of the historical town center development, of importance in terms of building history and development history 09256039
Residential house, two side buildings and a barn as well as the enclosure wall and paving of a four-sided courtyard Am Anger 57
2nd half of the 18th century (farmhouse), 2nd half of the 19th century (side building) old location Hohenheida, residential building two-storey clay building, barn with clinker brick facade, enclosure as clay wall, of architectural significance 09256040
Side building of a farm Am Anger 58
around 1880 (side building) old location Hohenheida, plastered facade typical of the area, of architectural significance 09256062
Syringe house Am Anger 58 (opposite)
around 1850 (fire station) 09256075
Residential building (former municipal office) and an annex attached to it Am Anger 65
around 1800 (residential building) old location Hohenheida, single-storey clay building, of local significance 09256027
School and outbuildings Am Anger 66
marked 1876 (school) old location Hohenheida, plastered facade, as a former church school of local and socio-historical value 09256034
Church (with furnishings) and churchyard with enclosure wall and tombs
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Church (with furnishings) and churchyard with enclosure wall and tombs Am Anger 67
1715-1716 (church) old location Hohenheida, baroque hall church with polygonal choir closure and west tower, medieval core, architectural and local historical importance 09256028
Enclosure wall and ditch in front On the ring 09256011
Rundling Gottscheina monument protection area (suggestion) At the ring
around 1300 and later (monument protection area) Rundling Gottscheina monument protection area 09306220
Residential house, two side buildings built together, barn, gate entrance (with gate) and enclosure with front garden of a farm Am Ring 1
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse), around 1880 (side building) old location Gottscheina, adobe buildings, a side building with clinker brick facade, historically important 09255995
Residential house, attached side building, further side building of a three-sided courtyard Am Ring 2
19th century (farmhouse) old location Gottscheina, residential building presumably clay building, side building with clinker brick facade, former clay barn has been demolished, historically significant 09256006
Residential house, three side buildings, barn, gate entrance (with gate) and enclosure with front garden of a four-sided courtyard Am Ring 3
around 1880 (farmhouse), marked 1875 (barn) old location Gottscheina, residential building historicizing plastered facade, commercial buildings with clinker brick facades, a side building made of clay, of architectural significance 09256007
Side building of a former three-sided courtyard Am Ring 4
around 1870 (side building) old location Gottscheina, clinker brick facade, historically important 09256008
Barn, side building (moving house), two further side buildings and courtyard paving of a farm as well as boundary stones in the courtyard Am Ring 5
1st half of the 19th century (moving house) old location Gottscheina, side building, single-storey clay building, historically important 09256009
Residential house, moving house, side building attached to it, courtyard paving and enclosure with front garden of a three-sided courtyard Am Ring 6
19th century (farmhouse) old location Gottscheina, single-storey earth building, side building upper floor with clinker brick facade, historically important 09256010
Residential house, annexed side building, enclosure with front garden, gate entrance and courtyard paving of a former three-sided courtyard Am Ring 7
2nd half of the 18th century (farmhouse), around 1885 (side building) old location Gottscheina, upper floor half-timbered house, side building with clinker brick facade, forms a farm with number 7a, historically important 09255993
Side building of a former three-sided courtyard Am Ring 7a
around 1880 (side building) old location Gottscheina, forms a farm with number 7, partly clinker facade, historically important 09255994
Church (with furnishings) and churchyard with morgue, various tombs, enclosure wall and churchyard gate
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Church (with furnishings) and churchyard with morgue, various tombs, enclosure wall and churchyard gate Am Ring 8
17th century (church), marked 1892 (steeple), 19th / 20th century. Century (tombs) old location Gottscheina, simple hall church with historical west tower, of architectural and local significance 09255992
Residential house, two side buildings, barn and entrance gate (with gate) of a farm Am Ring 9
before 1858 (farmhouse), around 1880 (side building), marked 1865 (gate entrance) old location Gottscheina, residential building presumably earth building, barn clinker facade, of architectural significance 09256001
Residential house, side building (with extension), barn (with extension), gate entrance (with gate) and fencing with front garden of a farm Am Ring 10
1768 (farmhouse), 1863 (side building), 2nd half of the 19th century (barn) old location Gottscheina, residential building two-storey clay corrugated building, stable building with groined vault, of architectural significance 09255999
Residential building, three side buildings and a four-sided courtyard gate Am Ring 11
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse), around 1880, older in the core (side building) old location Gottscheina, two-story earth building, commercial buildings partly in clinker brick, partly with half-timbering, of architectural significance 09256002
Two side buildings and barn of a three-sided courtyard Am Ring 12
around 1880 (side building) old location Gottscheina, clinker buildings typical of the region, of architectural significance 09256003
Two side buildings of a farm Am Ring 13
around 1880 (side building) old location Gottscheina, plastered facade, historically important 09256004
Residential house, attached side building, further side building, gate entrance and enclosure with front garden of a farm Am Ring 15
before 1856 (farmhouse) old location Gottscheina, residential house with plastered half-timbered upper floor, historically important 09256005
Residential house and side fence Am Ring 17
around 1800 (residential building) old location Gottscheina, single-storey clay building, of social and historical importance 09255996
Former inn (with annex) Am Ring 20
around 1900 (residential building) old location Gottscheina, plastered facade with mansard roof, of local history 09255997
Residential building, former school (without extension) Am Ring 20a
1868 (residential house) old location Gottscheina, building facing the street, plastered facade, historically important 09256012
Residential building (without extension) Am Ring 20b
1887 (poor house) old location Gottscheina, plastered facade, probably former poor house, of social and historical importance 09255998
House, barn and two side buildings of a farm built together At Hauptstrasse 1
19th century (farmhouse) old location Hohenheida, partly clay buildings, probably former blacksmiths of the place, historically important 09256044
House and courtyard paving of a farm At Hauptstrasse 4
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse) old location Hohenheida, building and development historical value 09256043
Residential house, two side buildings and barn as well as courtyard paving of a farm At Hauptstrasse 7
19th century (farmhouse) old location Hohenheida, residential building upper floor half-timbered plastered, farm building with plastered facade, historically important 09256041
Residential house, two side buildings, barn, gate entrance (with gate) and courtyard paving and front garden of a four-sided courtyard At Hauptstrasse 8
2nd half of the 19th century (farmhouse), around 1890 (side building) old location Hohenheida, residential house with plastered facade, side building with clinker brick facade typical of the region, of architectural significance 09256092
Residential house (on an angular floor plan), side building, gate system, courtyard paving and front garden of a farm At the main street 9a; 10
around 1900 (farmhouse) old location Hohenheida, residential house plastered clinker facade with half-timbering, stylistically between late historicism and local style, side building simple plastered building, of architectural significance 09256026
House, front yard and gate system At Hauptstrasse 11
2nd half of the 19th century (residential building) old location Hohenheida, single-storey plastered building, socially important 09256025
Residential house, attached side building, further side building (with angled extension), front garden, gate and courtyard paving of a four-sided courtyard At Hauptstrasse 13
marked 1884 (farmhouse), around 1885 (side building) old location Hohenheida, residential building typical of the time clinker brick building with twin windows in the gable, farm building plastered buildings, of architectural significance 09256024
Residential house, side building (with angled extension), barn, courtyard paving and front garden of a farm At Hauptstrasse 14
around 1800 (farmhouse), mid-19th century (side building) old location Hohenheida, two-story earth building with a crooked hipped roof, farm buildings plastered buildings, historically important 09256071
Residential house, moving house, barn, front garden and enclosure wall of a farm At Hauptstrasse 17
2nd half of the 18th century (farmhouse), around 1880 (moving house), around 1800 (barn) old location Hohenheida, residential building ground floor and upper floor half-timbered, side building (pull-out house) clinker brick building typical of the region, clay barn, enclosure as a clay wall, of historical importance 09256022
Residential house, side building attached to it, gate system and enclosure wall as well as the front garden of a farm At Hauptstraße 19
2nd half of the 18th century (farmhouse) old location Hohenheida, residential building two-storey clay building, side building with clinker brick facade, enclosure as clay wall, of architectural significance 09256020
Side building of a three-sided courtyard At Hauptstrasse 24
1st half of the 19th century (side building) old location Hohenheida, plastered clay building facing the street, of architectural significance 09256018
Residential house, side building, gate entrance and enclosure of a second side courtyard At Hauptstrasse 41
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse), around 1870 (side building) old location Hohenheida, plastered house with a crooked hip roof, historically important 09256015
Post mill
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Post mill Göbschelwitzer Strasse 57
19th century (mill) old location Göbschelwitz, technical historical monument 09256055
House and two side buildings of a farm built next to one another
House and two side buildings of a farm built next to one another Göbschelwitzer Strasse 72
marked 1899 (farmhouse), before 1876 (side building) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered facades, historically important 09256095
Former school, now a residential building, with an outbuilding, garden and enclosure Göbschelwitzer Strasse 73
1913-1914 (school) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered facade, with elaborately designed portal, reform style architecture, socially and historically significant, memorable, significant for local history 09256054
Church (with furnishings), churchyard with enclosure wall and memorial for those who fell in World War I.
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Church (with furnishings), churchyard with enclosure wall and memorial for those who fell in World War I. Göbschelwitzer Strasse 75
before 1500, later reshaped (church), after 1918 (monument to fallen soldiers) old location Göbschelwitz, simple hall church with east tower, medieval core, of architectural and local importance 09256059
Residential house, barn, side building, courtyard paving, front garden and enclosure with gate system (gate) of a farm
Residential house, barn, side building, courtyard paving, front garden and enclosure with gate system (gate) of a farm Göbschelwitzer Strasse 81
inscribed 1866 (farmhouse), 19th century (side building) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered buildings typical of the time, of architectural significance 09256056
Former municipal office, now a residential building, with side fencing Gutsweg 1
1st half of the 19th century (municipal office) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered building with crooked hip roof, of local significance 09256052
Residential building Gutsweg 3
around 1880 (residential building) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered facade, historically important 09256051
Residential house, barn and two side buildings as well as courtyard paving, manure place and gate system of a farm Behind the church 2
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse), around 1880/1890 (side building), 1898 (barn) Plastered buildings, partly clinker facades, of architectural significance 09256069
Residential building Behind the church 4
marked 1906 (residential building) Plastered facade, important in terms of building history 09256070
Residential house and gate system Behind the church 8
around 1870 (residential building) single-storey plastered building, of social and historical importance 09256072
Triangulation column Regensburger Strasse
marked 1865 (triangulation column) Second order station, important testimony to geodesy of the 19th century, of significance in terms of surveying history. Monument text The station stands on a field, well protected by a row of bushes and is only accessible with a little effort - without a direct path. The Göbschelwitz windmill and Leipzig-Dübener Strasse were already striking descriptions of the location of the column at the end of the 1860s. The General Conference of Central European Degree Measurement in Berlin in 1864 made the decision to carry out further astronomical determinations in the vicinity of observatories in order to be able to examine the true shape of the earth's surface in these areas more precisely. The Saxon degree measurement commissioners selected the area around the Leipzig observatory. This means that the Markstein station and the other “Leipzig points” 110-Schwarzeberg, 112-Wachberg, 113-Grenzhübel and Wachauer Denkstein, from 1876 station 114-Wachau, are the only points of the Royal Saxon triangulation on which astronomical determinations were made. This was carried out by Helmert in 1868 when he was working at Bruhns in Leipzig and doing his doctorate. Its construction was made possible by a building permit jointly granted by the landowners JKA Rohr in Seehausen and CG Thieme in Göbschelwitz. The pillar on a square ground plan bears the inscription "Station / MARKSTEIN / der / Kön. Sächs. / Triangulirung / 1865", whereby the abbreviation "Kön" was renewed at an unknown time. Before the year 2000, the column was overturned. It can be assumed that the abbreviation "Kön" was renewed in the course of the rebuilding. In the period from 1862 to 1890, a land survey was carried out in the Kingdom of Saxony, in which two triangular networks were formed. On the one hand, there is the network for grade measurement in the Kingdom of Saxony (network I. class / order) with 36 points and the royal Saxon triangulation (network II. Class / order) with 122 points. This national survey was led by Prof. Christian August Nagel, according to which the triangulation columns are also called "Nagelsche columns". This surveying system was one of the most modern layer networks in Germany. The surveying columns set for this purpose remained almost entirely in their original locations. They are an impressive testimony to the history of land surveying in Germany and in Saxony. The system of surveying columns of both orders is in its entirety a cultural monument of supraregional importance. LfD / 2014 09305043
House, side building, barn and paving of a four-sided courtyard
House, side building, barn and paving of a four-sided courtyard Schulgasse 7
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse), around 1890 (barn) old location Göbschelwitz, residential building two-storey earth building with crooked hip roof, farm building with clinker facade, enclosure as an earth wall, of architectural significance 09256060
Side building of the farm Schulgasse 11, recorded at times under Göbschelwitzer Straße 77 Schulgasse 8; 10
around 1880 (side building) Formerly Gut Hofweißig, effective commercial building in the center of the village in the immediate vicinity of the church, document of the rural way of life, of importance in terms of building history 09306636
Memorial to the fallen of World War 1 Seehausener Allee -
after 1918 (Monument to Fallen) Of local significance, granite stone with inscription plaque and plastic 09299642
Former school, later municipal office, with a front garden and an annex to the rear
Former school, later municipal office, with a front garden and an annex to the rear Seehausener Allee 15
1905 (school) red clinker facade with plaster ornamentation, of local significance 09256080
Side building, gate and courtyard paving of a farm Seehausener Allee 25
End of the 19th century (side building) Plastered facade, important in terms of building history 09256079
Church (with furnishings), churchyard with tombstone and enclosure wall
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Church (with furnishings), churchyard with tombstone and enclosure wall Seehausener Allee 33
before 1500 (church) The core of the choir tower church is medieval, remodeled in baroque style, the church in Leipzig-Seehausen is a monumental testimony to the church history in the vicinity of the city, of architectural and local significance 09256077
Residential house, attached side building and barn of a farm Seehausener Allee 43
around 1890 (farmhouse), 1st half of the 19th century (barn) Residential house plastered facade, clay barn, of architectural significance 09256068
House of a farm, with front garden and gate Seehausener Allee 46
marked 1891 (farmhouse) historicizing plastered facade with stucco-sandstone structure, of architectural significance 09256085
Two barns, two stable buildings and the former distillery of an estate and paving
Two barns, two stable buildings and the former distillery of an estate and paving Seehausener Allee 62
around 1900 (barn), around 1890 (barn), around 1890 (pigsty), around 1900 (cowshed), around 1890 (former distillery) Originally owned by the Johannis Hospital in Leipzig, of local and architectural importance 09256091
Residential house and two side buildings built next to one another as well as paving of the access road to a farm Seehausener Allee 68
around 1800 (farmhouse), around 1880 (side building), around 1880 (pavement) Two-story plastered residential building (presumably half-timbered upper floor), historically important 09256088
Residential house (No. 8), moving house (No. 10), side buildings attached to it and paving of a farm in the courtyard Teichweg 8; 10
around 1800 (farmhouse), around 1890 (moving house) old location in Göbschelwitz, pull-out house clinker facade with elaborate structure, residential house plastered construction with crooked hipped roof, historically important 09256053
House, side building and courtyard paving of a farm
House, side building and courtyard paving of a farm Teichweg 14
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse) old location Göbschelwitz, residential house plastered facade, historically important 09256057
Moving out house and enclosure wall of a farm Teichweg 16
1st half of the 19th century (moving house) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered facade, enclosure as a mud wall, of architectural significance 09256050
Residential house, three side buildings, barn and archway with gate to a four-sided courtyard Teichweg 18
around 1890 (farmhouse) old location Göbschelwitz, plastered buildings typical of the time, of architectural significance 09256094

Former cultural monuments

image designation location Dating description ID
Four-sided courtyard At Hauptstrasse 6
around 1800 (barn) Two barns, stable and outbuildings as well as courtyard paving and front garden of a four-sided courtyard 09256042


  • State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Saxony Dynamic web application: Overview of the monuments listed in Saxony. In the dialog box, the location “Leipzig, City; Seehausen "can be selected, then an address-specific selection takes place. Alternatively, the ID can also be used. As soon as a selection has been made, further information about the selected object can be displayed and other monuments can be selected via the interactive map.
  • Thomas Noack, Thomas Trajkovits, Norbert Baron, Peter Leonhardt: Cultural monuments of the city of Leipzig. (Contributions to urban development 35), City of Leipzig, Department of Urban Development and Construction, Leipzig 2002

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