List of landscape protection areas in the Tuttlingen district

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In the district Tuttlingen there are 39 landscape conservation areas. According to the protected area statistics of the State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), 7,058.51 hectares of the district area are under landscape protection, that is 9.61 percent.

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Aischwang Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.002
WDPA:  319465

Reichenbach am Heuberg
pasture landscape with hedges, juniper and tree populations.
18.0 1938-04-06
Summer sheep pastures below the Lembergs, Hirnwiesen and Längenberg Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.018
WDPA:  324692

The summer sheep pastures must not be used for any other purpose than grazing by sheep.
29.0 1944-01-11
Hohenkarpfen Commons-logo.svg Hohenkarpfen 09/20/2005 15-30-17.jpg 3.27.021
WDPA:  321701

Gunningen , Hausen ob Verena , Seitingen-Oberflacht Zeugenberg
dominating the landscape with castle ruins. Additional areas for the nature reserve of the same name
58.5 1944-01-11
Hedge landscape above the Hausener Mühle in Heeräcker, Ried, Buchreute and Schildbühl Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.022
WDPA:  321484

Hausen ob Verena A characteristic
hedge landscape of the Brown Jura .
50.0 1944-01-11
Field marking east of Kolbingen Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.024
WDPA:  320776

Kolbingen , Mühlheim an der Donau
Typical high alpine landscape, characterized by sheep pastures, hedges and rains with an important recreational function.
320.5 1988-03-25
Summer sheep pasture on the Wachtbühl Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.025
WDPA:  324627

The summer sheep pastures must not be used for any other purpose than grazing by sheep.
15.0 1944-01-11
Summer sheep pasture Aggenhauser Weiler and Bühl Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.026
WDPA:  324600

The summer sheep pastures must not be used for any other purpose than grazing by sheep.
53.0 1944-01-11
Scheibenbühl and Bühle Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.027
WDPA:  324132

Preservation of the summer sheep pasture due to its uniqueness and beauty as well as a recreational area for the general public.
42.7 1988-10-25
Tiefental Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.028
WDPA:  325169

Mühlheim an der Donau
Side valley of the Danube valley with high recreational value.
15.2 1988-07-20
Stetten Valley Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.029
WDPA:  324846

Mühlheim an der Donau
Side valley of the Danube valley.
27.5 1992-02-24
Summer sheep pasture on the Bäunisberg and power stone Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.030
WDPA:  324625

Mühlheim an der Donau
The summer sheep pastures may not be used for any other purpose than grazing by sheep.
114.0 1944-01-11
Ursental with the lower Bräunisberg Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.031
WDPA:  325374

side valley of the Danube valley.
86.0 1992-09-28
Altental-Rottweiler valley Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.032
WDPA:  319536

side valley of the Danube; Recreation area.
39.5 1984-07-16
Deep reed Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.033
WDPA:  325172

Charming part of the landscape; Recreation area.
33.6 1988-08-15
Honberg Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.035
WDPA:  321751

mountain ridge above Tuttlingen with castle ruins; Green and recreational areas.
59.9 1986-02-03
Witthohstrasse with adjacent meadows Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.036
WDPA:  325921

Scenic very beautiful road with meadows interspersed with the forest.
17.8 1944-01-11
Witthoh between Lohhof, Württembergerhof and Aichhalderhof, if not wooded Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.037
WDPA:  325920

plateau with great views.
150.0 1944-01-11
Mountain meadow garb Haldenlang Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.038
WDPA:  319898

Charming mountain meadows.
16.0 1944-01-11
Altwasser at the bleaching Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.039
WDPA:  319572

Old Danube Water.
8.0 1944-01-11
Rear Harrasbachtalwiesen Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.041
WDPA:  321621

7.0 1944-01-11
Summer sheep pasture with trees and hedges in the Brühl and Menishalde garments Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.042
WDPA:  324685

39.0 1957-11-08
Summer sheep pasture with trees and hedges near the quarry in Bohl Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.044
WDPA:  324687

15.0 1957-11-08
Summer sheep pasture with trees and hedges south of the Trossingen-Aldingen road in the garment Auwasen Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.047
WDPA:  324686

6.0 1957-11-08
Hedge landscape in Bühl garb Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.055
WDPA:  321475

Reichenbach am Heuberg
17.0 1957-11-08
Parts of the landscape in the Deilingen and Wehingen districts Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.056
WDPA:  322451

Deilingen , Wehingen
Alb plateau where not wooded (summer sheep pastures, meadows).
226.0 1963-08-02
Hegau Commons-logo.svg Hohenstoffeln klein.jpg 3.27.057
WDPA:  321494

Well-known volcanic landscape of the Hegau from Neuhöwen in the north to Rosenegg in the south.
272.3 1952-05-21
Muhlberg Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.059
WDPA:  323078

Open, agriculturally used areas with special recreational value.
19.2 1988-12-15
Danube valley with Bära and Lippach valleys Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.060
WDPA:  320394

Bärenthal , Buchheim , Fridingen an der Donau , Kolbingen
breakthrough valley of the Danube and side valleys with imposing rock formations; high, nationally significant recreational value.
1,205.2 2004-11-08
Albtrauf between Balgheim and Gosheim with Dreifaltigkeitsberg, Klippeneck and Lemberg Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.061
WDPA:  319479

Balgheim , Denkingen , Gosheim , Spaichingen
Part of the Albtraufes of special character and beauty with high recreational value.
973.6 1991-04-09
Bäratal Commons-logo.svg Kreidenstein ruin 19.JPG 3.27.062
WDPA:  319779

Bärenthal , Egesheim , Fridingen an der Donau , Kolbingen The
landscape of the Alb valley is very beautiful with steep slopes, sheep pastures and rocky areas with a high recreational value.
583.8 2008-02-14
Summer sheep pasture at the entrance to the Schäfertal, in the Grauental, Kuhwasen and on the Hühnerbühl Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.063
WDPA:  324602

Böttingen , Bubsheim Sheep
pasture with high recreational value for the general public.
81.3 1991-07-01
Field marking Irndorf Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.064
WDPA:  320775

Typical high alpine landscape with hedges and wood meadows; Recreation area.
777.5 1991-07-01
Wartenberg Commons-logo.svg Wartenberg9.jpg 3.27.067
WDPA:  325659

Northernmost basalt cone of the Hegau volcanoes with its surroundings; of special character and beauty; Recreational function.
222.1 1994-01-10
Pfaffental Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.068
WDPA:  323663

Remote meadow valley as a habitat for endangered communities and occurrence of endangered species; Recreation room.
54.4 1994-01-24
Trosselbachtal Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.069
WDPA:  325241

Aldingen , Trossingen
Valley close to the city with endangered communities and protected species; Recreation area for the general public.
145.6 1994-07-25
Trosselbach, Hagenbach and Primtal Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.070
WDPA:  325240

stream valleys of special character and beauty, habitat for plants and animals; high recreational value.
94.8 1994-09-19
Lupping Commons-logo.svg Lupfen 06.04.2015.JPG 3.27.071
WDPA:  322864

Durchhausen , Talheim , Seitingen-Oberflacht
"Lupfen" -kuppe with species-rich mixed forest, slope areas with lines of hedges or wood strips that characterize the landscape and juniper heaths; the recreational value for the general public should be secured.
502.0 1996-04-22
Dürbheimer Berg Commons-logo.svg BW 3.27.072
WDPA:  320478

Balgheim , Dürbheim , Mahlstetten
508.1 2003-09-29
Kirchberg and the surrounding area Commons-logo.svg The Swabian Jura - panoramio (1) .jpg 3.27.073
WDPA:  390126

summer sheep pasture with special recreational value.
171.0 2008-04-16
Legend for landscape protection area

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Protected area directory of the State Agency for the Environment (select type of area and city or district)
  2. ^ Protected area statistics of the LUBW

Web links

Commons : Landscape protection areas in the Tuttlingen district  - collection of images, videos and audio files