Munich Declaration

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The two distinctive Renaissance domes of the towers of the Frauenkirche as Munich's landmarks symbolize a large number of resolutions presented to the public in the Bavarian capital

Under the heading of the Munich Declaration , various interest groups have repeatedly published resolutions that are unrelated in terms of content and objectives and only have the name in common. The name usually results from the fact that the resolution was presented to the public in Munich .

Munich Declaration on Federalism in Europe (1947)

After the reunification of Germany tied Max Streibl to the example of the Munich-based Prime Ministers' Conference on 1947, the in the prime minister of the western zones under the leadership of Hans Ehard had constituted as "trustees of the German people". Streibl invited the 16 heads of government of the states on 20/21. December 1990 to a conference of prime ministers in Munich, where they spoke out in a joint declaration for the federalist principle of the Federal Republic. The declaration was published on January 4, 1991 in the Bayerische Staatszeitung .

Munich Declaration on the Spelling Reform (1996)

With the “Munich Declaration on Spelling Reform” on November 30, 1996, Friedrich Denk , Thomas Jaworek, Thomas Rücker and Thomas Schröer called for a referendum in Bavaria in full-page advertisements in the Münchner Merkur and the Süddeutsche Zeitung . The aim was to reverse the 1996 reform of German spelling . This was preceded a few weeks earlier by the Frankfurt Declaration on the Spelling Reform, which was drawn up as part of the Frankfurt Book Fair , with similar goals.

Munich Declaration of the "Burda Academy for the Third Millennium" (1997)

Burda Academy for the third millennium

As part of the “Internet & Politics” congress, which was organized in February 1997 by the “Burda Academy for the Third Millennium” founded by Hubert Burda in 1994 , scientists and politicians such as Robert Cailliau , Wolfgang Fürniß , Siegmar Mosdorf and Gerhard Widder published a "Munich Declaration". This included the demand to give all citizens the chance to actively use the new communication media with the new options they create within the democratic, social constitutional state as a framework for action. In relation to the special properties of networked media, the declaration saw that a redefinition of basic information rights, education and the relationship between self-realization and solidarity would be necessary.

Munich Declaration of the Munich Working Group on Public Broadcasting (1997)

The Munich Working Group for Public Broadcasting (MAR), which in addition to its spokesman at the time, Walter Hömberg u. a. Dietrich Schwarzkopf , Gerd Bacher , Wolfgang R. Langenbucher , Ralf Hohlfeld and ARD foreign coordinator Richard W. Dill published ten theses in 1997 "in support of a public broadcasting aimed at the common good" and explained why public broadcasting, which is mainly financed by fees, was considered a cornerstone of the democratic order.

Munich Declaration: Nurses and midwives - a plus for health (2000)

At the second WHO Ministerial Conference on Nursing and Midwifery in Europe in June 2000, the health ministers participating in the Member States of the WHO European Region called for an acceleration of measures to strengthen nursing and midwifery .

Munich Declaration to the European Union for an Impeachment Regulation (2003)

In December 2003, German artists and scientists called on the European Union in a “Munich Declaration” to take action against the “unusual and possibly criminal behavior” of the still incumbent EU Council President and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi . Berlusconis abuses his media power, his pressure on the independence of the judiciary is "a disgrace for a free, democratic Europe". That is why an " impeachment rule for incompetent and criminal EU politicians" should be included in the future EU constitution . The signatories of the resolution submitted to the EU Parliament and the Federal Government included a. Carl Amery , Senta Berger , Rolf Boysen , Ralph Giordano , Dieter Hildebrandt , Walter Jens , Friedrich Schorlemmer and Hans-Peter Dürr .

Munich Declaration on Federalism Reform (2004)

In October 2004, on the initiative of Alois Glück, the presidents of the German state parliaments made a joint declaration in favor of bold steps in the reform of federalism . At the same time, they emphasized the importance of the state parliaments and a lively, powerful federalism. The Federal Government was called upon to send a clear signal to strengthen federalism and to support the corresponding changes. A sensible redistribution of the tasks of the federal and state governments is indispensable. The reform of federalism is of paramount importance for strengthening parliamentary democracy and for improving the country's performance.

Munich Declaration for Fair Coexistence between the Press and ÖRR (2008)

At the end of July 2008, publishers organized in the Association of German Magazine Publishers demanded in a so-called “Munich Declaration” new framework conditions for fair cooperation between the press and public broadcasting . They urged that media policy in the 12th Amendment to the Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting should limit public law offers on the Internet to moving images and audio.

Munich Declaration on Health Promotion (2009)

In September 2009 the Society for Community Psychological Research and Practice (GGFP) published the “Munich Declaration on Health Promotion”, the aim of which was to perceive prevention as part of a more comprehensive health-promoting strategy and to align the strategies in community psychological thinking with the principles of empowerment and participation.

Munich Declaration on Teaching in the New Cross-Sectional Area of ​​Palliative Medicine (2009)

After palliative medicine became a new cross-sectional area of ​​the license to practice medicine in 2009 , professors, together with representatives of the Federal Representation of Medical Students in Germany , formulated a statement in January 2011 on the scope, content, course schedule and weighting in teaching and examinations as well as funding requirements.

Munich Declaration of the German Association of Cities (2012)

On the occasion of the congress “Taking responsibility for education together” on 8./9. November 2012 of the German Association of Cities , this went public with a "Munich Declaration" on educational policy engagement. The core demands were the further development of communal educational landscapes, an expansion of the communal options for action and rights in education, the abolition of a ban on cooperation in order to be able to take responsibility for education together, and the financial security of the commitment of cities and municipalities.

Munich Declaration on the Promotion of Special Abilities (2014)

Representatives of high school teachers from the Baden-Württemberg Philologists Association, the Bavarian Philologists Association and the Austrian Professors Union passed a resolution in May 2014 in which they emphasized the importance of promoting special talents to ensure international competitiveness of the coming generation and not compensating for educational deficits and promoting talented students to play off against each other.

Munich Declaration for binding framework conditions for journalists in Europe (2015)

As part of a collective bargaining conference of German-speaking journalist organizations in February 2015, the participants published a call for measures to be taken against what they see as dramatically deteriorating working conditions, which would pose a massive threat to freedom of the press and diversity of opinion. The Bavarian Journalists Association , the German Journalists Association , the DJV Landesverband Hessen, impressum , the journalists ' union in the GPA-DJP and the media sector in the GdG-KMSfB were involved .

Munich Declaration of German AIDS Aid (2015)

According to a resolution of the Conference of Interior Ministers from June 2015, the police are allowed to mark people with the “personal information” (PHW) ANST for “contagious” in their nationwide information system INPOL . The general assembly of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe protested in October 2015 with the “Munich Declaration” against what they saw as “counterproductive and stigmatizing practice”, since it violates the basic right to informational self-determination and stigmatizes people.

Munich Declaration on the occasion of the Internationale Handwerksmesse (2015)

On the occasion of the International Crafts Fair , the Bavarian Crafts Day, the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Bavaria and the Association of Bavarian Economy published a joint demand for a growth-friendly change of course with the cornerstones of the design of an energy transition, changes in the minimum wage and the planned inheritance tax reform.

Munich Declaration on Inclusion and Publicly Responsible Adult Education (2015)

As part of the symposium “Getting into play - inclusion and publicly responsible adult education” on 10/11. July 2015 in the Munich Adult Education Center, requirements to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities in adult education were formulated.

Munich Declaration of the AG Public Publishers (2016)

At an annual meeting of the Association of Public Publishers in January 2016, the assembled publishers unanimously adopted a “Munich Declaration” in which, against the background of what they consider to be a worrying development in copyright law, they sent the Federal Cabinet a legislative signal in the direction of strong, enforceable copyright law and retention to collecting societies like the VG Wort .

Munich Declaration on Germany as a Software Engineering Location (2016)

The “Munich Declaration on Germany as a Software Engineering Location” was presented at the conference for object-oriented programming OOP in February 2016 in Munich, the German “industry meeting for software developers ”. With the help of the declaration, the signatories wanted to create public awareness of the need to expand the core competence software engineering in the state and encourage schoolchildren and young students to study computer science in order to be able to help shape the future. The first signatories included a. Manfred Broy , Gerhard Goos , Jutta Eckstein , Peter Liggesmeyer , Veronika Thurner and Martin Wirsing .

Munich Declaration with the guidelines of the CDU / CSU in the election campaign (2017)

At a joint presidium meeting in February 2017, the CDU and CSU adopted a “Munich Declaration” with guidelines for the election campaign for the 2017 federal election.

Munich Declaration against shortage of nursing staff (2017)

In May 2017, the German Professional Association for Nursing Professions drew attention in a “Munich Declaration” to what it saw as the drastically aggravated staffing situation in nursing, which led to chronically understaffed wards and nursing facilities and which made normal care hardly possible, and called for action.

Munich Declaration by the economic policy spokesman for the CDU / CSU (2017)

At a two-day conference in Munich, who spoke economic policy spokesman for the CDU / CSU - fractions from federal and state governments for a quick start of coalition negotiations after the general election in 2017 and formulated ten key points to strengthen the social market economy while avoiding new burdens on business and active design of a technological change.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joachim Bauer: Europe of the regions . Duncker & Humblot 1992 S 192 ISBN 978-3-428-47477-6 ( limited preview )
  2. ^ Text of the "Munich Declaration on Spelling Reform" , published as a full-page advertisement on November 30, 1996 in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (p. 7) and in the Münchner Merkur
  3. The effect of the Internet is different everywhere . In: Computerwoche . March 7, 1997
  4. Florian Rötzer: Internet & Politics and the "Munich Declaration" . In: Telepolis . February 20, 1997
  5. Claus Leggewie , Christa Maar (ed.): Internet and politics. From spectator to participation democracy? Bollmann Verlag Cologne 1998. ISBN 3-89658-101-5
  6. Matthias Zehnder : Danger from Cyberspace ?: The Internet between Freedom and Censorship Springer 2013 p. 147 ISBN 978-3-034-85022-3 ( limited preview )
  7. ^ Walter Hömberg (ed.): Radio culture and culture radio . Lit Verlag 2000 ISBN 978-3-825-84839-2 ( limited preview )
  8. ^ Munich Declaration of the Munich Public Broadcasting Working Group 1997
  9. ^ Declaration of Munich: Nurses and midwives - a plus for health
  10. "Munich Declaration": EU against Berlusconi . In: Tagesspiegel . December 27, 2003
  11. "Munich Declaration": Berlusconi threat to press freedom . In: The Standard . December 29, 2003
  12. ^ Munich declaration by the presidents of the German state parliaments on reforming federalism
  13. ^ Axel Stehle: "Munich Declaration" by the German state parliament presidents on reforming federalism . In: Bavarian State Parliament . October 18, 2004
  14. Limit public service offers . In: Börsenblatt . July 29, 2008
  15. ^ Text of the Munich Declaration published by Axel Springer Verlag
  16. ^ Munich Declaration on Health Promotion by the GGFP. September 2009
  17. Gian Domenico Borasio , Isabel Dietz, Frank Elsner, Johanna Hildebrandt, Benjamin Ilse, Christine Schiessl: Munich declaration on teaching in the new cross-sectional area of ​​palliative medicine . doi : 10.1055 / s-0031-1274595
  18. Munich Declaration of the German Association of Cities from 8./9. November 2012
  19. Munich Declaration on the Promotion of Special Abilities 2015
  20. Munich Declaration for Binding Framework Conditions for Journalists in Europe February 10, 2015
  21. ↑ End the identification of HIV-positive persons in police databases! In: German AIDS Help. October 25, 2015, accessed May 2, 2017 .
  22. Munich Declaration on the occasion of the Internationale Handwerksmesse 2015 ( Memento of the original dated November 7, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  23. Munich Declaration on Inclusion and Publicly Responsible Adult Education, July 2015
  24. Torsten Casimir: The crisis of the VG Wort . In: Börsenblatt . January 21, 2016
  25. Pia Grund-Ludwig: Agile methods are in demand . In: Deutschlandfunk . February 6, 2016
  26. Munich Declaration on Germany's Software Engineering Location 2016
  27. Rainald Menge-Sonnentag: OOP 2016: Software meets Business at the anniversary conference . In: heise online . February 11, 2016
  28. "Munich Declaration": The Union's guidelines for the election campaign . In: Münchner Merkur . February 6, 2017
  29. Günter Bannas: In search of the right formula . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . February 7, 2017
  30. Munich Declaration by the DBfK , May 10, 2017
  31. Munich declaration by the economic policy spokesman for the CDU / CSU of October 3, 2017
  32. ^ Economy in the Union for speedy coalition negotiations . Süddeutsche Zeitung , October 3, 2017, accessed on August 3, 2020 .