Michelangelostrasse (Berlin)

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coat of arms
Street in Berlin
Residential houses of the Q3A series from the 1960s on the north side of Michelangelostraße
Basic data
place Berlin
District Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Created drawn in around 1890; laid out in the current route in 1964
Hist. Names Street 135
Connecting roads Ostseestrasse (west),
Kniprodestrasse (south)
User groups Car traffic , bus traffic , also pedestrian traffic , bicycle traffic
Road design two or three lanes with a central promenade
Technical specifications
Street length 860 meters
Location of the street between Prenzlauer Berg and Weißensee

The Michelangelo Street is a 860-meter-long street in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg of Pankow . It is a main street in the course of the northern part of the C-Ringstraße as an extension of the Berlin city ring and Seestrasse and connects to Ostseestrasse . This third city road ring is a little outside of the S-Bahn ring . Closing the ring is no longer included in the plans.

Planning the ring road

Green area on the south side of the street

In the district list (2015) of the detailed network, Michelangelostraße is listed under the street number 41961, as well as the Okstra class "G" and in the RBS (regional reference system) "STRA". According to the urban development plan (road system) , 860 meters are included in StEP category II as a higher-level road connection, 120 meters continuation are not categorized.

In the Hobrecht plan , the ring structure was specified within the communications route ( belt road ) in sector XIII. The current course of the road lies between the Weichbild boundary to Weißensee (current Lehderstrasse / north of Gürtelstrasse) and an inner ring course roughly in the course of today's Erich-Weinert-Strasse. The following plans from 1890 contain the street 40a in the ring course between these . The route of the existing since 1964 Michelangelostraße was until the mid-1950s only by the pylons and the electric transmission of Golpa checked, this led across the median strip of the Baltic Sea Road to the intersection Hohenschönhauser / Lichtenberger road and on to the Landsberger Chaussee. Until the early 1960s, the planned road 40a ( Extended Ostseestrasse ) was not designed as a road and was part of the allotment gardens east of Greifswalder Strasse. Until the 1970s, the street that was laid out in the early 1960s ran as a single-lane, two-lane connection to Kniprodestrasse .

This fallow and allotment garden area was more important than a street for the disposal of the inner city debris in the 1940s / 1950s. Initially, there was a "rubble railway" from the construction areas on Stalinallee . The area between Oderbruchstrasse and Kniprodestrasse was used as a pile of rubble from 1945 to the 1960s, and later as a garbage dump. The planned integration into the ring was hindered in the post-war years by the deposition of rubble from the city center on the Oderbruchkippe . The Volkspark Prenzlauer Berg, designed from the dump, and the allotment garden colonies that extend to the Weissensee Jewish Cemetery are located in the ring area. For the allotment gardens located here and their “main path” between the Volkspark in the south and the Jewish cemetery in the north, there were plans to continue the street as an urban motorway until after the fall of the Wall. To the south of the road laid out in 1961, the traffic reserve area of ​​a city ring road was kept free. The central promenade planned by Hobrecht was continued in the mid-1970s as a continuation of the central area of Ostseestrasse to Kniprodestrasse, and the second (southern) carriageway was built parallel to the existing street position (original northern lane). Between the street and the residential buildings of the large housing estate built in 1976–1978, parking spaces were placed in front of them as temporary use and a strip of trees and meadows was created.

In the current " Version of the FNP from 2015 ", Michelangelostraße is still intended as a higher-level road connection . Michelangelostraße is marked accordingly in the guided tour Seestraße, Bornholmer Straße, Wisbyer Straße, Ostseestraße. From this one FNP street is shown in the “main path” of the allotment garden colony (KGA “Neues Heim”) north of the “Altenescher Weg residential area” and the Volkspark. At the edge of the commercial area (building trade yard and BSR ) the corresponding path markings to the southern edge of the Jewish cemetery are indicated and occupy grounds of the KGA "Greenland", "Am Volkspark Prenzlauer Berg" and "Langes Höhe". After crossing the district border to Lichtenberg there is a connection to the Weißenseer Weg .

Planning bypass Weissensee

According to the original plan, the (Seestrasse) Ring would lead to the east through the Volkspark Prenzlauer Berg . To relieve the connection crossing the Ring (Berliner Allee in Weißensee), a south / north route through the Jewish cemetery was planned at the same level as early as 1935. A corresponding strip of land was kept free for reasons of piety on the site without burials. The events of the war prevented the extension of Kniprodestrasse (intended as Kniprodeallee ) to Buschallee .

The trunk road runs over Greifswalder Strasse and Berliner Allee (1953–1991 Klement-Gottwald-Allee ). The increase in traffic through Weißensee, especially with the new Hohenschönhausen district , brought the plans back to life. In 1986, as a continuation of the Ringstrasse, an elevated road was planned over the Weissensee Jewish Cemetery and construction preparations began. This road construction was intended as a prestige object of the "party and state leadership" of the GDR for the 750th anniversary of Berlin in 1987 and would have connected Kniprodestrasse with Hansastrasse, which leads to the large settlement of Hohenschönhausen . In addition, the connection via Lichtenberger Straße would have been possible as a ring continuation north around the Jewish cemetery in Weißenseer Weg to Lichtenberg. After making concessions to the Jewish community in Berlin, the construction project seemed feasible. The relief of Weißensee would have been desirable through such a solution from the times of a “car-friendly” city . Because of the strict rejection by the Adass Yisroel community of Berlin , the construction phase was canceled because there was a possibility that burials of unregistered Jewish citizens had taken place in the open space during the Nazi era . The building preparations already made in 1986 on Indira-Gandhi-Straße were " dismantled ". The ring originally planned by Hobrecht from 1905 ends in the north with Michelangelostraße at the Volkspark Prenzlauer Berg. The west-east traffic, which has increased since 1990, thus flows in the direction of Friedrichshain and Lichtenberg via Kniprode and Storkower Strasse. What remains is the extended Ostseestrasse as the name for the footpath and road through the allotments north of the Volkspark and south of the Jewish cemetery. The official name of this KGA private road is "Hauptweg".


Naming 1964

In the 1960s, further development along the city ring east of Ostseestrasse began. Initially, two QPb61 buildings were built east of Greifswalder Strasse. The allotment gardens were cleared and, like on Ostseestrasse between Gubitzstrasse and Hosemannstrasse, construction of Q3A apartment blocks began. The traffic route of Planstrasse 40a XIII was laid out as the "Extended Ostseestrasse". After official research and a survey of residents, the street name was chosen in honor of the Italian painter and sculptor Michelangelo (1475–1564). This street name after an artist was adapted to the streets previously renamed in the Weissensee neighborhood in 1951 after the composer ( composers' quarter ). In the 400th year of Michelangelo's death, the new street sign was unveiled in a solemn act on February 18, 1964.

North side buildings from the 1960s

Development on the north side of the street
Housing (QP64 and Q3A) in 1964 (From the Eastern Bloc to the West)

With the construction of the residential buildings in the area of ​​the border to the district (then the municipality of Weissensee), Michelangelostraße was laid out as a two-lane street up to Kniprodestraße. Until then there were allotments and wasteland up to the Gürtelstrasse . While the western Q3A block of flats was built along the street in 1961, there were eight transverse and at the east end a further two ten-storey QP series and behind these two Q3A lines parallel to Kniprodestrasse. Each of the 13 apartment blocks consists of five-story row houses with five houses each. In this environment from 1961 to 1968 built living quarters two kindergartens and beyond a polyclinic (since 1990 medical center), a communal laundry Base (Rewatex), later a occur to the belt road Feierabendheim . The houses were built as part of the cooperative housing scheme as part of the AWG program . In 1990, the AWG became the property of three housing cooperatives under German cooperative law.

Michelangelostrasse is actually only built on on the north side. The southern side of the street remained undeveloped, the buildings that were built in the 1970s are (one-sided) on Hanns-Eisler-Straße. The adjacent green areas were traffic reserve areas and were discussed in 2013 as building reserve land for building densification , although the ring road planning was probably not yet completely given up in the mid-2010s. “The extension of the A 100 to Frankfurter Allee should [te] be completed by 2015 and the connection to Landsberger Allee will not take place until after 2015. Any further possible closure of the motorway ring was deleted from the land use plan. The gap between Landsberger Allee and Michelangelostraße should instead be closed by a normal inner-city street. ”The crossing on Ostseestraße was redesigned with the expansion of intersections for turning in front of each other. Michelangelostraße was given a southern carriageway. With the abolition of the allotment gardens in the new development area, the required street space was gained. At the same time, however, a wide open area was reserved for the expansion of the Ringstrasse (traffic reserve area).


Michelangelostraße to the WBS-70 buildings on Hanns-Eisler-Straße

The Mühlenviertel district claims to be a neighborhood on the Mühlenberg (e.g. Mühlenberg-Center). In the 19th century there were seven windmills on Greifswalder Strasse. However, almost 30 mills were primarily on the Windmühlenberg. This was located on the southern edge of Prenzlauer Berg between Schönhauser Allee and Prenzlauer Allee , bounded by Saarbrücker and Belforter Straße, at that time in front of Prenzlauer Tor. The necessary wind was stronger here due to the edge of the Barnim opposite the Spree lowlands of Kölln and Berlin.

In Berlin's urban planning for living-world-oriented spaces (LOR), the planning space cited as Mühlenviertel (LOR: 03 06 14 29, where 03 = Pankow / 06 = northern Prenzlauer Berg / 14 = Prenzlauer Berg Ost / 29 = Greifswalder Strasse) is taken from Greifswalder Strasse , Weißensee , Kniprodestraße and Ringbahn . "Mühlenkiez" and Mühlenviertel are identical with the Pankower LOR planning area "Greifswalder Straße". The adjoining LOR rooms are:

  • south of the S-Bahn line the " Green City ": LOR 03061434 = "Anton-Saefkow-Park"
  • Quartier Thälmann-Park : LOR 03061433, southwest across the railway line and the Greifswalderstraße away
  • Planning area Erich-Weinert-Straße (LOR 03061428) opposite in the west
  • the planning areas adjacent to the north belong to the Weissensee district
  • in Prenzlauer Berg on Kniprodestrasse to the east is the planning area LOR 03061430 Volkspark Prenzlauer Berg
  • Planning area 03061435 "Conrad-Blenkle-Straße" extends in the south-east direction towards Friedrichshain

In the planning area, the Mühlenviertel or Mühlenkiez also includes the large housing estate with WBS70 / 11 and two twin high-rises from the 1970s:

  • The north side of Michelangelostraße up to the Gürtelstraße is a settlement area from the 1960s with Q3A houses
  • the residential buildings along the north side of Storkower Strasse from the 1930s
  • the housing estate between the S-Bahn and Storkower Straße from the 1960s
  • the houses on Einsteinstrasse and Pieskower Weg, which were built in the 1960s on the area of ​​allotment gardens. The core of this settlement near the high-rise WBS 70/11 is the Einsteinpark.

Until the start of the design around 1960, the allotment gardens "Anni Ebermann" and "Friedrichshöhe" were on the site, supplemented by various storage spaces on the eastern properties of Greifswalder Straße, as well as the residential buildings 27–93a (north side) and 2–24 (south side) ) the Storkower Straße, Pieskower Weg 2–14. The “Kaufhaus” (81/84), which also housed the Astra cinema, was located at the S-Bahn station (then still “Weißensee”).

The district statistics refer to the entire area, including the “WBS70-Kiez”, according to the planning basis. The new construction of residential buildings planned (for the 2020s) on Michelangelostraße would fill the C-ring in the street layout. The social data and their development are stored on the Internet by the statistical office. For example, due to the settlement of the high-rise housing estate on KGA holdings between 1975 and 1985, the proportion of over 60-year-olds is significantly higher than the Berlin average. At the end of 2018, the total number of residents was 10,058: 8.9% were foreign nationals, 5% Germans with a migration background and 8,665 Germans. The proportions in the Berlin average are twice as high. According to the monitoring, the planning area belongs to area type 2 +/-, status: medium, situation: stable. In terms of area, the Mühlenviertel has a size of 85 hectares. Of this area, 51.5% of the residential use is available and almost 19% is street area. A little more than two percent belong to the core area use and also 2% for mixed use, 17.5% for public needs and special uses, almost 6% as traffic areas. 2% of the area belongs to parks and green spaces.

Further information on the Mühlenkiez can be found on the FIS Broker website: for example, restrictions on the use of model aircraft or hobby drones . On the other hand, there are also maps of construction completions in the 2010s and the elevation of the terrain.

Large housing estate on Michelangelostraße

The allotment garden areas along the south side of Michelangelostraße from Greifswalder to Kniprodestraße (at times as Arthur-Becker-Straße) were still vacant as building land after the Q3A houses on Pieskower Weg and Einsteinstraße had already been built from Storkower Straße . There was no space of the size required for a major construction project in the inner city district. The central cattle yard further east was still in operation and was only later shut down and released for building. For the residential building program , contiguous building areas were required for the WBS 70 panel buildings. The new type of residential building met the demands of the GDR leadership to solve the housing problem by 1990. It was a result of the social program ; the desire for “good” apartments grew faster than could be met with previous construction methods. Built according to designs by Roland Korn and the collective on the area of ​​earlier allotment gardens, they helped to cover the housing requirements of the then Prenzlauer Berg district for 10,000 residents. From 1973 to 1983 the new residential quarter was built on Michelangelostraße towards the east, with eleven-story WBS 70 residential buildings. "There was a stadtnahes and grassed residential area in the tradition of Taut Carl Legien Housing Estate and no satellite city ." Some details originally contained in the project planning for the "residential complex Greifswalderstraße" as central car parks were abandoned in favor of park-like, tree-lined courtyards, (actually ) for cost reasons. Areas for waste disposal were placed at the outer corners of the apartment block. The residential buildings were built by the "Housing Combine Berlin" with the support of construction workers from the GDR districts.

On the site of the allotment gardens, Hanns-Eisler-Strasse and Thomas-Mann-Strasse were built along the houses . In part, they were assigned to the state-organized " Municipal Housing Administration " (KWV), and on the other hand to the cooperative AWG . With the turnaround in 1989 , the KWV houses were handed over to the state-owned (district) housing company (initially WIP, then WIR, later Gewobag ) in accordance with the requirements in Berlin as a whole , and the AWG houses were renamed the "Zentrum" housing association with amendments to the statutes .

The Hanns-Eisler-Straße (built on the south side) is parallel to Michelangelostraße. Half the width of the open space between Kniprode- (1974–1995 →  Artur-Becker-Straße ) and Greifswalder Straße remained free as a reserve area and has meanwhile been created as a parking area for residents and as a bus turning area. A section is excluded from this as an eco-meadow. For wild grasses meadow explains the green belt of leads LSG Northeast to the Friedrichshain park in the city center. On the one hand, a poor lawn can develop here undisturbed, on the other hand it saves the district gardening authority from having to maintain a large area. At the eastern end south of the Hanns-Eisler-Straße access road, a sports field was built; in the 1990s there was an air dome between Michelangelo- and Hanns-Eisler-Straße . Bus line 200 (to Bahnhof Zoo ) ends at the bus turning point . The bus route 156 (Stadion Buschallee / Hansastraße - S-Bahn station Storkower Straße ) travels the entire length of the street.

Planning "Living on Michelangelostraße"

Green area on the south side of the street
View over the bus turning point.

The location on the border between the former city districts of Prenzlauer Berg and Weißensee did not entail any further planning or development. Michelangelostraße remained open as a route for a possible closure of the city ring (traffic reserve area). With the change of the conditions after the abolition of the division of Berlin and especially after the merger of the two ex-districts with Pankow, new bases of the planning in the district Pankow arose. South of Michelangelostrasse is the Greifswalder Strasse residential complex with 11-storey residential buildings and large courtyards from the mid-1970s. The need for building space increased in the 2010s for the entire city, open spaces for residential development and building densification were sought. With the resistance of residents (as with Tempelhofer Feld) or allotment gardeners (as with the “KGA Oeynhausen” in Schmargendorf ), Michelangelostraße, which was designated as “mixed building area M2” according to the zoning plan, came into view. There was no development plan on the street until 2015. The intended use for an urban motorway has been omitted , although Michelangelostraße is still listed as a higher-level road link in the traffic section of the urban development plan .

The development in the "Michelangelostraße residential complex" is complete. The residential area bordering on the Weissensee composers' quarter between Gürtel, Kniprode, Michelangelo and Greifswalder Strasse has been used by the Senate Department for building densification. An urban development “ ideas competition ” was initiated by the Pankow district office at the request of the Senate. In secrecy for the public concerned , the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, the Pankow District Office, the Liegenschaftsfonds Berlin, with the involvement of representatives of the housing cooperatives and housing associations "for the approximately 30 hectare area, launched an urban design competition that was decided in December 2014" . The area is suitable for 1,500 residential units due to the proximity of the S-Bahn ring, the loose five-storey row development with low density from the 1960s and the free city ​​motorway route on the south side of Michelangelostraßen towards the large housing estate. According to the competition results, the maintenance of the sports field and the construction of a new elementary school (7000 m²) and a triple sports hall (2000 m²) are planned in the Michelangelo- / Kniprodestrasse area, 1000 m² for a daycare center and last but not least 143,000 m² of living space. In return, the 700 parking spaces that are not managed will be eliminated. The open space of the bus turning point is to be resolved with the extension of the bus line 200 leading to the center west into Ostseestrasse. A continuous 50-meter-wide block development over a length of 650 meters is planned on the south side of Michelangelostraße. On the north side, head buildings are to be erected in front of the transverse rows of houses. The "wooded" areas should continue to be used and supplemented by additional trees in the planning area. The building rights should be in place by 2017 , so that the new residential area can be built by the end of the 2010s with a planned total investment volume of more than 100 million euros.

In the planning area “Greifswalder Strasse” (Mühlenviertel), the Senate is planning to promote an urban renewal with the help of subsidies. The area represents part of the Berlin funding framework “Urban Redevelopment”. On July 4, 2017, the district office decided on the ISEK (Integrated Urban Development Concept). From a citizen participation procedure, the district office adapted the planning to the possible conditions in the neighborhood.

Web links

Commons : Michelangelostraße  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. FIS-Broker factual data display in the detailed network of road sections
  2. cf. also the northeast (XIII) on the "Plan from Berlin and the surrounding area to Charlottenburg" from 1862 in the article Hobrecht Plan
  3. a b Overlay of historical maps with the current map sheet
  4. Berlin city map 1961
  5. FNP Berlin in the version of the new announcement of November 12, 2009 (OJ p. 2666), last amended on July 30, 2013 (OJ p. 1863)
  6. FNP Berlin in the version of the new notice of January 5, 2015 (OJ p. 31)
  7. ↑ Land use plan - current work card 2015
  8. Histomap Berlin from 1910 with the continuous Kniprodestrasse
  9. City map Berlin 1955
  10. a b c histomapberlin: Map 4228 / 422A from 1929, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1955, 1956, 1966, 1975, 1986, 2015
  11. Michelangelostrasse in Berlin. In: Neue Zeit , February 19, 1964, p. 6.
  12. a b Building age of the residential development: Area around Michelangelostraße
  13. Housing cooperative DPF ( Memento of the original from April 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , WG MERKUR eG: Residential areas in Pankow , WBG center: Residential area Mühlenkiez ( Memento of the original from February 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dpfonline.de @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / wbg-zentrum.de
  14. Prenzlauerberg-Nachrichten: There is enough building site : "However, the district knows enough other open spaces that the state would not even have on the plan: [...] or a plot of land on Michelangelostraße." (January 29, 2013)
  15. Four lanes through the allotment gardens? (April 20, 2001)
  16. Mühlenviertel celebrates its 40th birthday: Kiez actors organize a party . In: Berlin Week of July 11, 2017.
  17. A Kiez is piled high: In the area of ​​the Mühlenkiez, wind turbines have never turned . In: Berlin Week of November 29, 2017
  18. Lifeworld-oriented rooms (LOR) - planning rooms: centered on planning area "Greifswalder Straße"
  19. ^ FIS-Broker (Geoportal Berlin): Lebensweltlichorientierte spaces (LOR) - planning spaces
  20. ATKIS® DGM - digital terrain model: Mühlenviertel
  21. subject to the reassessment of a guided tour through the gardens at the Volkspark to Lichtenberg
  22. Population structure in the "Lebensweltlichorientierte planning area" (LOR 03061429) Greifswalder Strasse in the Prenzlauer Berg Ost district of the Berlin-Pankow district
  23. Germans with a migration background: Germans with a foreign country of birth or a naturalization number or option number (children born in Germany to foreign parents have been given German nationality (option rule) since January 1, 2000 under the conditions specified in Section 4 (3) of the Nationality Act (StAG)).
  24. Foreign citizenship: 19.1% / Germans with MHG: 13% and Germans without MHG: 67.6%
  25. Use of model aircraft in Berlin: Michelangelo- / Greifswalder Straße
  26. Completions 2012 - 2017: Mühlenviertel and Neighborhoods
  27. Terrain heights 2009 (Environmental Atlas): Surroundings of Michelangelostraße in the square of the LOR
  28. ↑ Land use plan at stadtentwicklung.berlin.de
  29. Planning area on FIS Broker map display Map of Berlin 1: 5000 (K5 color edition)
  30. ^ FNP new announcement of January 5, 2015
  31. ↑ Land use planning for Berlin - FNP report 2015 , decided by the Senate on December 2, 2014: “A new priority is the provision of sufficient living space for a growing population in the various sub-areas and demand segments, especially for households with low and medium incomes . "
  32. Development plan overview - sorted by districts (January 2014) ( Memento of the original from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.berlin.de
  33. Stadtentwicklung.berlin.de ( Memento of the original from June 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. “The city ring should end at Frankfurter Allee. From there, a normal city street will connect to the existing city road ring via Storkower Straße. " @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de
  34. Open urban planning ideas competition for architects and urban planners in a two-phase process ( Memento of the original from February 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de
  35. Promotion of the ideas competition
  36. Berliner Zeitung , number 23/2015, January 28, 2015, page 17 : "Nobody has informed the neighbors about this yet."
  37. “Those affected only found out through the press. [...] Participants in the (preparatory) talks about the competition were sworn to absolute secrecy “in order not to be cut off from interim information.
  38. Press release of the district office from February 25, 2015 Ideas competition Michelangelostraße - Citizens' Assembly on April 9, 2015
  39. Berliner Morgenpost : Parking spaces on Michelangelostraße have to give way to apartments. , December 31, 2014
  40. The new residential area in Prenzlauer Berg
  41. Winner result of the ideas competition living on Michelangelostraße , with location and structural plans
  42. Parking space management in Prenzlauer Berg
  43. WGB Zentrum: We want to secure sustainable low rents - thanks to new construction and consolidation ( Memento of the original from February 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / wbg-zentrum.de
  44. Pankow's City Councilor Jens-Holger Kirchner (Greens) leaves no doubt that the winning design will be implemented quickly. “There is no longer any discussion about whether there will be construction there,” he says.
  45. Current Berlin land-use planning
  46. Berliner Woche : Residential area Michelangelostraße is now being planned
  47. ISEK for the large housing estate Greifswalder Straße ( memento of the original from September 29, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.berlin.de

Coordinates: 52 ° 32 ′ 37.5 "  N , 13 ° 26 ′ 57.6"  E