NGC 4147

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Globular cluster
NGC 4147
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Constellation Berenike's hair
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 12 h 10 m 06.2 s
declination + 18 ° 32 ′ 32 ″
Concentration class VI
Brightness  (visual) 10.4 mag
Brightness  (B-band) 11 likes
Angular expansion 4.4 '
Physical data
Affiliation Milky Way
Metallicity [Fe / H] −1.8
discovery William Herschel
Discovery date February 15, 1784
Catalog names
 NGC  4147 • C 1207 + 188 •  GCl  18 •  GC  2752 • 2MASX J12100614 + 1832317 • HI 19 • h 1106

NGC 4147 = NGC 4153 is a galactic globular cluster in the constellation Coma Berenices with an apparent visual magnitude of 10.4 mag. The cluster is one of the smallest and most star-poor representatives of its object class within the Milky Way , its total mass is estimated to be only around 40,000 solar masses - about a tenth of the mass of an average globular cluster and has an estimated diameter of max. 100 light years. It is located at an estimated 60,000 ly. From the solar system and 70,000 ly. From the Galactic Center .

He was discovered by William Herschel on February 15th . It is believed that Herschel's observation, which would later lead to entry NGC 4153 in the New General Catalog , had this object as its subject.


Individual evidence

  2. a b c SEDS : NGC 4147
  3. GGCS database . Retrieved October 2, 2011.
  4. SuW 04.2018 p. 54ff
  5. Seligman