In der Laake nature reserve

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In der Laake nature reserve

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

location Lünen Beckinghausen
surface 15.9 ha (2 sections)
Identifier UN-010
WDPA ID 163908
Geographical location 51 ° 37 '  N , 7 ° 33'  E Coordinates: 51 ° 36 '34 "  N , 7 ° 33' 3"  E
In der Laake nature reserve (North Rhine-Westphalia)
In der Laake nature reserve
Sea level 45.5 m
Setup date 1985

The In der Laake nature reserve is located in the area of ​​the city of Lünen in the Unna district in North Rhine-Westphalia .

Area description

The approximately 16  hectare area was placed under nature protection in 2007 under the code number UN-010 . It extends east of the core town of Lünen and west of Beckinghausen , between Kamener Strasse (L654) in the north and the Oberhausen-Osterfeld-Hamm railway line in the south.

The nature reserve consists of two parts, on both sides of the Datteln-Hamm Canal .

The wetland of the eastern part of the area is occupied by a wet meadow to wet fallow. The area is no longer cultivated, but a maintenance cut is made, whereby the cuttings remain in the NSG (rotting piles of grass). The fallow area is slightly overgrown with willow (approx. 10%), vegetation is often determined by a mixture of marsh horsetail , shaggy willowherb and marsh marigold . The vegetation cover is partially patchy and heavily mossy. On the north-eastern edge there is an almost continuous strip of wood, in which the Bruch willow dominates over long stretches . On the southern edge there are individual alders , willows and poplars and - in the southwest - a group of tree willows .

The vegetation of the western part of the area consists mainly of larger wooded areas, wet fallow land, extensive willow bushes and drier meadow areas. The northwest and west of the area are predominantly wooded. A mixed poplar forest rich in shrubs and herbs dominates, while maple and oak stands are represented on a smaller scale . North of the footpath, the stock is thinned after wood has been removed. To the south of the path there are several bomb craters, some of which are surrounded by tree willows, with a diameter of approx. 10–15 m and a lot of dead wood. The water is cloudy, there is no water and reed vegetation. To the east, the woody stock goes into a wet fallow with z. T. standing water and in a larger willow bush over. On the higher-lying areas in the northeast, there are meadows rich in oats and foxtail as well as smaller woody stands. On the south-eastern edge of the area there is a new, paved path (built during the work to raise the dam on the canal) and a freshly dug pond. Both areas are mainly accompanied by ditches at the edge.

Protection goals and measures

Biotope types according to Paragraph 20c BNatSchG: Swamp with fallow and wet meadow vegetation Securing and optimizing a wetland complex of species-rich wetlands and a wet forest area.

• Preserve old wood • Eliminate woodland • Preservation of water bodies • Extensive grassland management • No grazing • No fertilization • No drainage • Create a buffer zone • Preserve dead wood • Conversion to indigenous woody stock • Vegetation control • Improvement of water quality • Rewetting.

See also

Web links