Nikita Nikolajewitsch Moissejew

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Nikita Moiseyev Nikolayevich ( Russian Никита Николаевич Моисеев ., Scientific transliteration Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev ; born August 10 . Jul / 23 August  1917 greg. In Moscow ; † 29. February 2000 ) was a Russian mathematician , physicist and university teacher .


Moiseev was born in the attic of a small Moscow villa. At that time, the house belonged to the railway entrepreneur Nikolai von Meck , who was the son of Tchaikovsky sponsor Nadezhda von Meck . Moiseev's mother Jelena Nikolajewna was the adopted daughter of Nikolai von Mecks. Moiseev's father Nikolai Sergejewitsch Moissejew came from a family of court officials and was a private lecturer at the University of Moscow (MGU) at the time and died in Butyrka prison during the Stalinist purges in 1930 .

Moissejew was already enthusiastic about mathematics during his school days and attended the mathematics working group at Moscow's Steklow Institute for Mathematics . He practiced sports, was a mountaineer and in 1934 became cross-country skiing - USSR youth champion (his top distance was 50 km).

After graduating from school, Moissejew began studying at the Pedagogical Institute and switched to MGU after completing the first annual course in 1935. In 1940 he was drafted into the Red Army and trained the soldiers in cross-country skiing in the Soviet-Finnish winter war . In 1941 he graduated from the Mechanics- Mathematics Faculty of the MGU as a functional analyst . After the start of the German-Soviet War , he completed a special course at the Military Academy for Air Force Engineers “Prof. NJ Schukowski ” and was then employed in 1942, first as a senior technician and then as an engineer for weapons technology. Due to a lack of flight personnel, he flew repeatedly in Ilyushin's Il-2 on the Bryansk Front , Volkhov Front , Leningrad Front and on the 2nd Baltic Front as a shooter, where he was hit twice. In 1944 he joined the CPSU .

After the war, in 1946 Moiseyev became chief engineer at the Research Institute NII-2 of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, and he taught at the Military Academy for Air Force Engineers “Prof. NJ Zhukovsky ”. He then headed the training department of the Kharkov Military Aviation University . In 1948 he received his doctorate as a candidate in technical sciences and left military service as captain of the reserve.

In 1949 Moiseyev began to teach at the chair of jet propulsion technology at the Bauman Technical University in Moscow (MWTU) . On the recommendation of Grigori Dwuchschorstow , he was appointed to the University of Rostov-on-Don (RGU), where he became a lecturer and eventually headed the chair for theoretical mechanics .

In the early 1950s he carried out research work with Dmitri Menshov , Yuri Pobedonoszew , Dimitri Wentzel , Igor Tamm , Mikhail Lavrentiev , Ivan Winogradow , Leonid Sedov , Sergei Sobolew and Mstislaw Keldysch at the Moscow Steklow Institute for Mathematics , with the results of which he obtained a doctorate in 1955 in physical-mathematical sciences .

In 1956 Moiseyev was appointed professor to the chair of mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology . There he organized the new faculty for control engineering and applied mathematics , of which he was the first dean . At the same time, he headed the laboratory of the computing center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . The focus of his work was system analysis , theory and calculation methods for control systems and trajectories of space objects as well as solid state dynamics . He was a member of the International Academy of Astronautics . In 1967 he became vice director for the scientific work of the computer center of the AN-SSSR. Under his leadership, models for simulating the consequences of a nuclear war ( nuclear winter ) were developed in 1983 . He became a real member of the AN-SSSR in 1984. In 1985 he left office and remained an advisor to the director of the data center until his death.

Moiseyev was one of the founders of the Moscow Independent University of Ecology and Politics (MNEPU), which opened in 1992 . He contributed to the establishment of the Russian Society for Ecological Economy , became a member of the Society's Council and gave a plenary lecture at the opening of the first international conference in 1993. He founded the Russian section of the International Green Cross and became its first president. In 1995 he became editor-in-chief of the popular science journal Ekologija i Schisn (Ecology and Life) , the first issue of which appeared in 1996.

Moiseev was buried in Moscow's Danilov Cemetery.

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mosiseev's grave: МОИСЕЕВ Никита Николаевич (accessed August 30, 2017).
  2. ^ Virtual Museum of academician NN Moiseev (accessed August 30, 2017).
  3. Петров А. А .: Никита Николаевич Моисеев - судьба страны в судьбе учёного . АНО журн. Экология и жизнь, Moscow 2011, ISBN 978-5-904553-04-3 .
  4. Михайлов И. А .: Воспоминания о пережитом и тревоги о будущем (статья о Н. Н. Моисееве) . In: Свободная мысль . No. 12 , 1999.
  5. Константин Родионов: Фон-Мекк и Моисеевы . In: Альманах Преображение . No. 5 , 2014 ( [accessed August 30, 2017]).
  6. NN Moissejew: Как далеко до завтрашнего дня . МНЭПУ, Moscow 1997 ( Об альпинизма и Игоре Евгениевиче Тамме [accessed August 29, 2017]).
  7. Экология и жизнь (accessed August 30, 2017).