List of FFH habitat types

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All habitat types occurring in Europe in accordance with Annex I of the Habitats Directive are listed below.

Annex I of the Habitats Directive lists natural and semi-natural habitats of community interest, for the conservation of which special protected areas are to be designated in the Natura 2000 network . Of the different habitat types, 91 are found in Germany and 72 in Austria.

The preceding number corresponds to the EU code of the habitat types according to the Habitats Directive, the name corresponds to the original name of the latest version of Annex I of the Habitats Directive of December 20, 2006.
in column 2 * = priority habitat types: these are threatened with disappearing and the European Community has a special responsibility for its preservation because its main area of ​​distribution is in Europe

* Habitat type (official name) Occurrence
in Germany
in Austria
11 Marine waters and intertidal zones
1110 Sandbanks with only weak permanent flooding by sea water X
1120 * Posidonia - seagrass meadows (Posidonion oceanicae)
1130 Estuaries X
1140 Vegetation-free silt, sand and mixed mud flats X
1150 * Coastal lagoons (beach lakes) X
1160 Shallow, large inlets and bays (shallow water zones and sea ​​grass meadows ) X
1170 Reefs X
1180 Submarine structures created by gas leaks
12 Rocky coasts and pebble beaches
1210 Annual flushing hems X
1220 Perennial vegetation of the pebble beaches X
1230 Atlantic rocky coasts and Baltic Sea rocky and steep coasts with vegetation X
1240 Mediterranean rocky coasts with vegetation with endemic Limonium species
1250 Macaronesian rocky coasts with endemic plant species
13 Atlantic salt marshes and meadows as well as inland salt marshes and meadows
1310 Pioneer vegetation with Salicornia and other annual species on mud and sand (Quellerwatt) X
1320 Silt grass stocks ( Spartinion maritimae ) X
1330 Atlantic salt marshes (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae) X
1340 * Inland salt marshes X
14th Salt marshes and meadows of the Mediterranean and the temperate Atlantic
1410 Mediterranean salt marshes (Juncetalia maritimi)
1420 Queller mudflats of the Mediterranean and temperate Atlantic regions (Sarcocornetea fruticosae)
1430 Halo-nitrophilic scrub (Pegano-Salsoletea)
15th Halophilic and gypsophilic inland steppes
1510 * Mediterranean salt marshes (Limonietalia)
1520 * Iberian plaster steppes (Gypsophiletalia)
1530 * Pannonian salt steppes and salt marshes X
16 Archipelagos, coasts and uplift areas of the Boreal Baltic States
1610 Esker ( moraine ) islands of the Baltic States with sand, rock or gravel beach - vegetation and sublittoral vegetation
1620 Small and tiny islands of the Boreal Baltic States
1630 * Coastal meadows of the Boreal Baltic States
1640 Sandy beaches with perennial vegetation of the boreal Baltic region
1650 Small, narrow bays in the boreal Baltic region
21st Dunes on the coasts of the Atlantic and the North and Baltic Seas
2110 Primary dunes X
2120 White dunes with beach grass Ammophila arenaria X
2130 * Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation ( gray dunes ) X
2140 * Decalcified dunes with Empetrum nigrum X
2150 * Fixed decalcified dunes of the Atlantic zone (Calluno-Ulicetea) X
2160 Dunes with Hippophaë rhamnoides X
2170 Dunes with Salix repens ssp. argentea (Salicion arenariae) X
2180 Forested dunes of the Atlantic, Continental and Boreal regions X
2190 Moist dune valleys X
21A0 Machair (* in Ireland)
22nd Dunes on the Mediterranean coast
2210 Fixed dunes in the coastal area with Crucianellion maritimae
2220 Dunes with Euphorbia terracina
2230 Malcolmietalia dune grass
2240 Brachypodietalia dune grass with annuals
2250 * Mediterranean coastal dunes with juniper Juniperus spp.
2260 Dunes with hard -leaf vegetation of the Cisto-Lavenduletalia
2270 * Dune forests of Pinus pinea and / or Pinus pinaster
23 Inland dunes (old and decalcified) X
2310 Dry sandy heaths with Calluna and Genista X
2320 Dry sandy heaths with Calluna and Empetrum nigrum X
2330 Dunes with open grass areas with Corynephorus and Agrostis X
2340 * Pannonian inland dunes X
31 Standing waters
3110 Oligotrophic , very weakly mineral waters of the sand plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae) X
3120 Oligotrophic, very weakly mineral waters mostly on sandy soils of the western Mediterranean area with Isoëtes spp.
3130 Oligo- to mesotrophic standing water with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and / or the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea X X
3140 Oligo- to mesotrophic calcareous waters with benthic vegetation of chandelier algae X X
3150 Natural eutrophic lakes with magnopotamion or hydrocharition vegetation X X
3160 Dystrophic lakes and ponds X X
3170 * Temporary shallow Mediterranean waters
3180 Temporary water-bearing karst lakes ( turloughs ) X
3190 Gypsum karst lakes on gypsum-based subsoil X
31A0 * Transylvanian hot springs with tiger lotus formations (Nymphaea lotus)
32 Running waters - Sections of watercourses with natural or near-natural dynamics (small, medium and large running waters), the water quality of which does not show any significant impairment X
3210 Natural rivers of Fennoscandia
3220 Alpine rivers with herbaceous bank vegetation X X
3230 Alpine rivers with riparian trees of Myricaria germanica X X
3240 Alpine rivers with wood on the banks of Salix elaeagnos X X
3250 Permanent Mediterranean rivers with Glaucium flavum
3260 Rivers of the planar to montane level with vegetation of the Ranunculion fluitantis and the Callitricho-Batrachion X X
3270 Rivers with mud banks with Chenopodion rubri pp and Bidention pp vegetation X X
3280 Permanent Mediterranean rivers: Paspalo agrostidion and gallery forests from Salix and Populus alba
3290 Temporary Mediterranean rivers with paspalo agrostidion vegetation
32A0 Tufa cascades of karst rivers in the Dinaric Mountains
4010 Moist heaths of the North Atlantic with Erica tetralix X
4020 * Moist heaths of the temperate Atlantic area with Erica ciliaris and Erica tetralix
4030 Dry European heaths X X
4040 * Dry Atlantic heaths on the coast with Erica vagans
4050 * Endemic Macaronesian Pagans
4060 Alpine and boreal heathens X X
4070 * Bush vegetation with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum (Mugo-Rhododendretum hirsuti) X X
4080 Subarctic willow bushes X X
4090 Endemic oro-Mediterranean heaths with gorse
40A0 * Subcontinental peripannonian bushes X X
40B0 Potentilla fruticosa - Bushes of the Rhodope Mountains
40C0 * Pontic- Sarmatian deciduous bushes
51 Bushes of the sub-Mediterranean and temperate areas
5110 Stable xerothermophilic formations of Buxus sempervirens on rocky slopes (Berberidion pp) X
5120 Formations of Cytisus purgans in mountain areas
5130 Formations of Juniperus communis on limestone heaths and lawns X X
5140 * Formations of Cistus palhinhae on maritime heaths
52 Tree-covered Matorrals in the Mediterranean
5210 Tree-shaped matorrals with Juniperus spp.
5220 * Tree-shaped matorrals with Ziziphus spp.
5230 * Tree-shaped matorrals with Laurus nobilis
53 Thermo-Mediterranean bush formations and pre-steppes
5310 Laurel bushes
5320 Euphorbia formations on cliffs
5330 Thermo-Mediterranean bush formations and pre-deserts (other societies)
54 Phrygane
5410 Western Mediterranean Phrygane (Astragalo-Plantaginetum subulatae) on rocky coasts
5420 Sarcopoterium spinosum - Phryganes
5430 Endemic phrygan of the Euphorbio-Verbascion
61 Natural grassland
6110 * Gap basophilic or lime pioneer lawn (Alysso-Sedion albi) X X
6120 * Dry, calcareous sandy lawns X
6130 Heavy metal lawn (Violetalia calaminariae) X X
6140 Silicate grasslands in the Pyrenees with Festuca eskia
6150 Boreo-alpine prairie on silica substrates X X
6160 Oro-Iberian grasslands on silicate soils with Festuca indigesta
6170 Alpine and subalpine limestone grasslands X X
6180 Mesophilic Macaronesian grasslands
6190 Gappy Pannonian grassland (Stipo-Festucetalia pallentis) X
62 Near-natural dry grassland and stages of bushes
6210 Near-natural dry calcareous lawns and their stages of shrubbery (Festuco-Brometalia) (* special stands with remarkable orchids) X X
6220 * Mediterranean dry grassland of the Thero-Brachypodietea
6230 * Species-rich montane grass grass (and submontane on mainland Europe) on silicate soils X X
6240 * Sub-Pannonian steppe dry grasslands X X
6250 * Dry Pannonian steppe grasslands on loess X
6260 * Pannonian steppes on sand X
6270 * Species-rich, mesophilic, dry lawn of the lower areas of Fennoscandia
6280 * Nordic Alvar - dry grassland and flat Pre-Cambrian limestone cliffs
62A0 Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae)
62B0 * Serpentine grassland in Cyprus
62C0 * Pontic-Sarmatian steppes
62D0 Oro - Mesoic acidic grasslands
63 Hard deciduous forests ( dehesas ) used as pastureland
6310 Dehesas with evergreen oak species
64 Near-natural moist grassland with tall grass
6410 Pipe grass meadows on lime-rich soil, peaty and clayey-silty soils (Molinion caeruleae) X X
6420 Mediterranean wet grassland with tall perennials of the Molinio-Holoschoenion
6430 Moist tall herbaceous vegetation of the planar and montane to alpine level X X
6440 Burning cones floodplain meadows (Cnidion dubii) X X
6450 North Boreal floodplain meadows
6460 Bog meadows of the Troodos Mountains
65 Mesophilic grassland
6510 Lean lowland hay meadows ( Alopecurus pratensis , Sanguisorba officinalis ) X X
6520 Mountain hay meadows X X
6530 * Meadows with trees in Fennoscandia
6540 Sub-Mediterranean grassland of the Molinio-Hordeion secalini
71 Acid bogs with sphagnum
7110 * Living raised bogs X X
7120 Degraded raised bogs that can still be renatured X X
7130 Open bogs (* active bogs)
7140 Transitional and swinging lawn bogs X X
7150 Peat Bog Schlenken (Rhynchosporion) X X
7160 Mineral springs and fens springs in Fennoscandia
72 Lime-rich fens
7210 * Lime-rich fens with Cladium mariscus and species of Caricion davallianae X X
7220 * Tufa springs ( cratoneurion ) X X
7230 Lime-rich fens X X
7240 * Alpine pioneer formations of the Caricion bicoloris atrofuscae X X
73 Boreal peat bogs
7310 * Aapa moors
7320 * Palsa moors
81 Rubble and rubble heaps
8110 Silicate heaps of the montane to nival level (Androsacetalia alpinae and Galeopsietalia ladani) X X
8120 Limestone and limestone schist heaps of the montane to alpine level (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) X X
8130 Thermophilic rubble heaps in the western Mediterranean
8140 Debris heaps in the eastern Mediterranean
8150 Siliceous debris heaps in the mountainous areas of Central Europe X X
8160 * Calcareous debris heaps of the colline to montane level of Central Europe X X
82 Stony rock slopes with crevice vegetation
8210 Limestone cliffs with crevice vegetation X X
8220 Silicate rocks with crevice vegetation X X
8230 Silicate rocks with pioneer vegetation of Sedo-Scleranthion or Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii X X
8240 * Lime rock pavement X
83 Other rocky habitats
8310 Caves that are not open to tourists X X
8320 Lava fields and cavities
8330 Fully or partially submerged sea caves
8340 Permanent glaciers X X
9 FORESTS (Near-natural and natural forests with native species in the high forest stage, including medium-sized forests with typical undergrowth, which meet one of the following criteria: rare or residual stocks and / or occurrence of species of Community interest)
90 Forests of boreal Europe
9010 * Western taiga
9020 * Epiphyte-rich , old, natural, hemiboreal deciduous forests ( Quercus , Tilia , Acer , Fraxinus or Ulmus )
9030 * Natural primary forest succession of the land uplift areas in the coastal area
9040 Subalpine / subarctic Nordic forests of Betula pubescens ssp. Czerepanovii
9050 Herb-rich spruce forests in Fennoscandia
9060 Coniferous forests on or in connection with fluvio-glacial Esker moraines
9070 Forest pastures of Fennoscandia
9080 * Hardwood swamp forests of Fennoscandia
91 Forests of temperate Europe
9110 Grove beech forest (Luzulo-Fagetum) X X
9120 Atlantic, acidic beech forest with undergrowth of holly and occasionally yew (Quercion robori-petraeae or Ilici-Fagenion) X
9130 Woodruff beech forest (Asperulo-Fagetum) (incl. Barley-beech forest ) X X
9140 Central European subalpine blue-grass beech forest with maple and Rumex arifolius X X
9150 Central European orchid-lime-beech forest (Cephalanthero-Fagion) X X
9160 Subatlantic or Central European pedunculate oak forest or star chickweed oak-hornbeam forest (Carpinion betuli) X X
9170 Bedstraw- oak-hornbeam forest Galio-Carpinetum X X
9180 * Tilio-Acerion canyon and slope mixed forests X X
9190 Old acidic oak forests on sandy plains with Quercus robur X
91A0 Oak forests in the British Isles with Ilex and Blechnum
91AA * Eastern downy oak forests
91B0 Thermophilic ash forests with Fraxinus angustifolia
91BA Moesian fir forests
91C0 * Caledonian forests
91CA Scots pine forests of the Rhodope Mountains and the Balkan Mountains
91D0 * Bog forests X X
91E0 * Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) X X
91F0 Hardwood forests with Quercus robur , Ulmus laevis , Ulmus minor , Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia ( Ulmenion minoris ) X X
91G0 * Pannonian forests with Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus X X
91H0 * Pannonian downy oak forests X
91I0 * Euro-Siberian oak steppe forests X
91J0 * Yew forests of the British Isles
91K0 Illyrian beech forests (Aremonio-Fagion) X
91L0 Illyrian oak-hornbeam forests (Erythronio-Carpinion) X
91M0 Pannonian -balkanische turkey oak - sessile oak forests and X
91N0 * Pannonian inland sand dune bushes (Junipero - Populetum albae)
91P0 Fir forest of the Heiligkreuzgebirge (Abietum polonicum)
91Q0 Pinus sylvestris - Forests of the Western Carpathians on limestone
91R0 Scots pine forests of the Dinaric Dolomites (Genisto januensis-Pinetum)
91S0 * Western Pontic beech forests
91T0 Central European lichen-pine forests X X
91U0 Pine forests of the Sarmatian steppe X
91V0 Dacian beech forests (Symphyto-Fagion)
91W0 Moesian beech forests
91X0 * Beech forests of Dobruja
91Y0 Bedstraw- oak-hornbeam forest Galio-Carpinetum
91Z0 Moesian silver linden forests
92 Deciduous Mediterranean deciduous forests
9210 * Beech forest of the Apennines with Taxus and Ilex
9220 * Beech forest of the Apennines with Abies alba and beech forest with Abies nebrodensis
9230 Galician-Portuguese oak forests with Quercus robur and Quercus pyrenaica
9240 Iberian oak forests with Quercus faginea and Quercus canariensis
9250 Oak forests with Quercus trojana
9260 Oak forests with Castanea sativa X
9270 Greek beech forests with Abies borisii-regis
9280 Forests with Quercus frainetto
9290 Cypress forests (Acero-Cupression)
92A0 Gallery forest with Salix alba and Populus alba
92B0 Gallery forest on temporary Mediterranean rivers with Rhododendron ponticum , Salix and other vegetation
92C0 Forests with Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis (Platanion orientalis)
92D0 Mediterranean gallery forests and river-side bushes (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae)
93 Mediterranean hardwood forests
9310 Aegean forests with Quercus brachyphylla
9320 Forests with olea and ceratonia
9330 Forests with Quercus suber
9340 Forests with Quercus ilex and Quercus rotundifolia
9350 Forests with Quercus macrolepis
9360 * Macaronesian laurel forests ( Laurus , Ocotea )
9370 * Phoenix palm groves
9380 Forests of Ilex aquifolium
9390 * Bush and low forest vegetation with Quercus alnifolia
93A0 Forests with Quercus infectoria (Anagyro foetidae-Quercetum infectoriae)
94 Temperate mountain and coniferous forests
9410 Montane to alpine acidic spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea) X X
9420 Alpine larch and / or Swiss stone pine forest X X
9430 Montaner and subalpine Pinus uncinata forest (* on gypsum or lime substrate) X
95 Mediterranean and Macaronesian mountain conifer forests
9510 * Forest of the South Apennines with Abies alba
9520 Forests with Abies pinsapo
9530 * Sub-Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines X
9540 Mediterranean pine forests with endemic pines
9550 Canarian endemic pine forest
9560 * Endemic forests with Juniperus spp.
9570 * Forests with Tetraclinis articulata
9580 * Mediterranean forests with Taxus baccata
9590 * Cedrus brevifolia forests (Cedrosetum brevifoliae)
95A0 Oro-Mediterranean pine forests of the high altitudes

Individual evidence

  1. Directive 2006/105 / EC (PDF file) (PDF)

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