Ramón J. Sender

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Ramon J. Sender

Ramón José Sender Garcés (born February 3, 1901 in Chalamera , Huesca Province , † January 16, 1982 in San Diego , California ) was a Spanish writer and journalist.


Ramón J. Sender grew up as the son of wealthy parents in the Aragonese villages of Chalamera , Alcolea de Cinca and Tauste , where his father worked as a community secretary. His mother was a teacher. In 1911 he began private schooling with a clergyman; he had to take the exams for this as an external student at a grammar school in Saragossa . Later his father sent him to the boarding school in Reus . When the family moved to Zaragoza, he completed two years of school there, but was expelled from school because he was accused of leading a student revolt. He finally finished his schooling in Alcañiz in the province of Teruel , where he had to support himself as a pharmacist's assistant, because he had fallen out with his authoritarian father. In 1918 he went alone and without money to Madrid , where he published first articles and short stories in El Imparcial , El País , España Nueva and La Tribuna . In the Spanish capital he made contact with anarchist working class groups, but was forcibly brought home by his father because he was still a minor. In Huesca , Sender temporarily ran the daily La Tierra , but was drafted into the military at the age of 22 . Among other things, he had to serve in the Rif War from 1922-24 .

After his return he became a member of the editorial team of the daily El Sol (1924 to 1930); He also worked in Solidaridad Obrera of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo and La Libertad . In 1927 he was arrested by Miguel Primo de Rivera for his commitment to anarchism and against the dictatorship .

Sender was a well-known journalist and writer from a young age; his novel Imán (1930) about the Moroccan War achieved large editions and has been translated into several languages. In 1932 he published a novel about his prison experiences, Orden público . In the winter of 1933/34 he spent a few months in Russia . During this time he got closer to the communists, although he never became a party member.

When the civil war broke out , Sender was with his wife, Amparo Barayón, and his two young children Ramón and Andrea on summer vacation in San Rafael, a town in the Sierra de Guadarrama . They decided to split up: while he was joining the Republican troops, his wife went with the children to Zamora , where Amparo Barayón was captured, tortured and shot by the Franco forces. His brother Manuel was also executed. In 1937 Sender came to France and from there, with the help of the Red Cross , was able to bring his two children to join him. He left her in the care of two nannies in Bayonne while he tried to join the Republican troops, which failed due to internal disputes between communists and anarchists. The Republican government sent him to the United States to give lectures at universities; later he was entrusted with founding a propaganda magazine called La Voz de Madrid (The Voice of Madrid) in Paris . For a time he lived in Orsay near Paris by his author royalties , but then he decided with his children into exile to Mexico to go. He lived there until 1942, after which he moved to the USA, where he taught literature. He married a second time and had two children, but the marriage did not last long.

In 1976, after the end of the Franco regime, Sender returned to Spain to be awarded the Premio Planeta ; He also applied for Spanish citizenship, but eventually died in San Diego on the night of January 15-16, 1982. His ashes were scattered in the Pacific a few days later .


Ramón J. Sender is one of the most important writers in exile in Spain. Attempts have been made to divide his extensive literary work into different subject areas: 1. realistic, 2. allegorical, 3. historical, 4. autobiographical.

He began to write in a critical social manner in the 1930s. After the war, his work diversified both thematically and formally: he worked on historical material, wrote allegorical- symbolic stories and autobiographical novels and was also said to have approximations to the magical realism of Latin America. One of its main themes is the Spanish Civil War. He is not a great stylist , but has an inexhaustible delight in telling stories and mixes lyrical elements with humor . His works are peppered with moments of surprise and therefore very exciting to read.

His best-known novel first appeared under the title Mosén Millán in 1953, and since 1960 as Réquiem por un campesino español ; it became a bestseller both in Spain and abroad . From the perspective of a village priest preparing for the funeral mass for the title hero, he describes the biography of a “Spanish farmer” who is betrayed and killed in the course of the civil war, the murderers pay for the requiem (cf. Gumbrecht: 932). The priest does not succeed in saving the young man's life, one gets a good insight into his conflicts of conscience.

La Crónica del Alba 1942–66 is a fictional autobiographical chronicle consisting of 9 novels; the protagonist is called José Garcés (so he bears the second first and last name of the author).

Sender has also written indigenous short stories like Mexicayotl (1940) and republican plays like La llave .

His son Ramón Sender Barayón is also a writer, lives in the USA and writes in American.


Narrative literature

  • Imán (1930): critical novel about the war in Morocco
  • OP (Orden Público) (1931).
  • Siete domingos rojos (1932): on the emergence and failure of a general strike
  • Viaje a la aldea del crimen (1934).
  • La noche de las cien cabezas (1934).
  • La Esfera (1934).
  • Mr. Witt en el cantón (1935): historical novel about the uprising of the Cantones in Cartagena in 1873, his most important work before the war, Premio Nacional de Literatura
  • Contraataque (1938). Reports on the civil war
  • El lugar de un hombre (1939).
  • Mexicayotl (1940).
  • El viento de la Moncloa (1940).
  • Crónica del alba . Bildungsroman. 1942-1966
  1. Crónica del alba. Hipógrifo violento. La "Quinta Julieta".
  2. El mancebo y los heroes. La onza de oro. Los niveles del existir
  3. Los términos del presagio. La orilla donde los locos sonríen. La vida comienza ahora
  • Epitalamio del prieto Trinidad (1942): Story of an uprising on a prison island on the South American coast.
  • El rey y la reina (1947): symbolic novel about the civil war
  • El verdugo afable (1952).
  • Los cinco libros de Ariadna (1957): dictator satire
  • Los laureles de Anselmo (1958).
  • Bizancio (1958).
  • Réquiem por un campesino español (1960)
  • La llave (1960).
  • Novelas ejemplares de Cíbola (1961)
    • Excerpt in German: El buitre - Der Geier Übers. Erna Brandenberger, in: Fueron testigos. Cuentos modernos - You were a witness. Modern Spanish stories. dtv bilingual. 13th edition dtv, Munich 2014, ISBN 342309303X , pp. 190–211
  • La luna de los perros (1962)
  • Carolus Rex (1963).
  • Los tontos de la Concepción (1963).
  • Jubileo en el Zócalo (1964): Farce about Hernán Cortés
  • El bandido adolescente (1965).
  • Cabrerizas Altas (1966),
  • Las gallinas de Cervantes y otras narraciones parabólicas (1967).
  • Tres novelas teresianas (1967).
  • Las criaturas saturnianas (1967).
  • El extraño señor Photynos y otras narraciones americanas (1968).
  • La aventura equinocial de Lope de Aguirre (1968): Conquistador novel
  • Novelas del otro jueves (1969)
  • La tesis de Nancy (1969), Nancy, doctora en gitanería (1974), Nancy y el Bato loco (1974), Gloria y vejamen de Nancy (1977) and Epílogo a Nancy: bajo el signo de Taurus (1979).
  • Nocturno de los catorce (1969)
  • En la vida de Ignacio Morell (1969)
  • Relatos fronterizos (1970)
  • La Antesala (1971)
  • Túpac Amaru (1973)
  • Las tres Sorores (1974).
  • La mesa de las tres moiras (1974)
  • El fugitivo (1976)
  • El Mechudo y la llorona (1977)
  • Solanar y Lucernario Aragoneses (1978)
  • La mirada inmóvil (1979)
  • Ramú y los animales propicios (1980)
  • Tanit (1981)
  • Monte Odina (1981)


  • El problema religioso en México; católicos y cristianos (1928)
  • Madrid-Moscú, narraciones de viaje (1934)
  • Carta de Moscú sobre el amor (1934)
  • Unamuno, Valle Inclán, Baroja y Santayana (1955)
  • Examen de ingenios. Los noventayochos (1961)
  • Valle Inclán y la dificultad de la tragedia (1965)
  • Ensayo's sobre el infringimiento cristiano (1967)
  • Tres ejemplos de amor y una teoría (1969)
  • America antes de Colón (1930)
  • Teatro de masas (1932)
  • Proclamación de la Sonrisa (1934)


  • Hernán Cortés (1940)
  • El Diantre, tragicomedia para el cine según un cuento de Andreiev (1958)
  • Los antofogastas, Donde crece la marihuana (1967)
  • Don Juan en la mancebía, drama litúrgico en cuatro actos (1968)


  • Las imágenes migratorias (1960)
  • Libro armilar de poesía y memorias bisiestas (1973)

In German


  • Réquiem por un campesino español directed by Francesc Betriu (1985) with Antonio Banderas as Paco and Antonio Ferrandis as Mosén Millán


  • Carole Adam: The re-use of identical plot material in some of the novels of Ramón J. Sender . In: Hispania , Vol. 43 (1960), pp. 347-352, ISSN  0018-2133
  • Fulgencio Castañar: Apuntes sobre Ramón J. Sender . In: Cuadernos americanos , 40 : 243-252 (1981), ISSN  0011-2356
  • Luis A. Esteve Juárez: Autobiografía y literatura en "El verdugo afable" by Ramón J. Sender . In: Alazet , Vol. 8 (1996), pp. 89-104, ISSN  0214-7602 .
  • José C. Mainer: La narrativa de Ramón J. Sender. La tentación escénica . In: Bulletin hispanique , 85 : 325-343 (1983), ISSN  0007-4640
  • Joaquín Marco: Ramón J. Sender y la novelistica española . In: Destino / Epoca 2 , Vol. 29, 1966 ISSN  0011-9563
  • José R. Marra López: Ramón J. Sender. Novelista español . In: Insula , Vol. 19, 1964 ISSN  0020-4536 p. 5
  • Marshall J. Schneider: Up from the abyss. Creation and re-creation in three novels of Ramón J. Sender . In: Revista hispánica moderna / NE , Vol. 41, 1988 ISSN  0034-9593 pp. 115-124
  • Mary S. Vásquez: Ramón J. Sender en su centenario 1901 - 2001 . In: Letras peninsulares , 14, 2001, ISSN  0897-7542
  • Martin Franzbach: History of Spanish Literature at a Glance . RUB , 8861. Reclam, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-15-008861-5 .
  • José García López: Historia de la literatura española. 20th edition Vicens-Vives, Barcelona 2006, ISBN 84-316-0597-9
  • Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht : A History of Spanish Literature. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1990, ISBN 3-518-58062-0
  • Hans-Jörg Neuschäfer : Spanish literary history . 2nd edition Metzler, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-476-01857-1
  • Santos Sanz Villanueva: Historia de la literatura española. Vol. 6: El siglo XX, Part 2: Literatura acutal . Editorial Ariel, Barcelona 1984, ISBN 84-344-8380-7
  • Christoph Strosetzki: History of Spanish Literature. 2., unchanged. Edition Niemeyer, Tübingen 1996, ISBN 3-484-50307-6
  • Michael D. Thomas: Coming of age in Francos Spain. Anti-fascist rites of passage in Sender, Delibes , Laforet , Matute , and Martín Gaite . Peter Lang, Frankfurt 2014, ISBN 9781433124532 (in English)
  • Jesús Vived Mairal: Ramón J. Sender. Biografía (Voces; Vol. 14). Páginas de Espuma, Madrid 2002, ISBN 84-95642-05-0 .
  • Domingo Ynduráin (Ed.): Época Contemporánea: 1939–1980. Series: Historia y crítica de la literatura española, 8th Editorial Crítica, Barcelona 1980, ISBN 84-7423-781-5
  • Claudia Gatzemeier: Ramón José Sender. A great novelist in Spanish exile after 1939. Coming to terms with the past and searching for identity in the "Crónice del alba", shown with special emphasis on the structure of the figures. Unpublished Diss. Phil. University of Leipzig , 1986

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Francisco Rico : Historia y crítica de la literatura española . Editorial Crítica, Barcelona 1980 to 2000, Vol. VIII: p. 343.