Scipio Ludwig Karl von Taubenheim

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Scipio Ludwig Karl von Taubenheim (born October 7, 1787 in Kleinmangelsdorf , † December 27, 1844 in Koblenz ) was a Prussian officer , most recently major general .



Ludwig was a member of the noble family von Taubenheim . His parents were Karl Ludwig Friedrich von Taubenheim (1757-1818), Prussian major , last in III. Musketeer battalion of the Grawert infantry regiment No. 47 and Karoline Charlotte von Katte (* 1765), daughter of the Prussian major general, chief of the Dragoon Regiment No. 1 and knight of the order Pour le Mérite Bernd Christian von Katte (1700–1778).

Military career

Taubenheim began his military career in 1800 at the Military Academy in Berlin and entered 1805 as a corporal corporal in the infantry regiment "Alvensleben" no. 33 of the Prussian army one. In the fall of 1806 he was promoted to ensign and in December he was promoted to second lieutenant in the light infantry in Silesia . Taubenheim took part in the Fourth Coalition War , and thus in the Battle of Auerstedt and the battles near Rothwaltersdorf , Ullersdorf, Wartha and Frankenstein, where he was wounded at Wartha. In 1809 he moved to the Silesian Rifle Battalion . He then took part in the Wars of Liberation , more precisely the Battle of Großgörschen and Battle of Bautzen . After that he was promoted to lieutenant prime minister . Further stations were Dresden , Kulm and Leipzig , where he was wounded again. Other skirmishes in which he participated were Peterswaldau, Nollendorf, Pirna, Etoges, Montmirail , Meaux, Thionville, Château-Thierry and La Fere-Champenoise , as well as the sieges of Magdeburg, Glatz, Silberberg and Erfurt , and finally the battles of Laon and Paris .

In August 1815 Taubenheim served as captain and company commander in the 3rd Jägerabteilung , from 1821 he was commander . In 1828 he became commander of the 1st battalion of the 28th Landwehr Regiment in Cologne . Also as a commander, but as a lieutenant colonel with a patent from 1839 ad interim, he was transferred to the 39th Infantry Regiment in 1840 . In the same year he was confirmed as regimental commander with his promotion to colonel .

On September 26, 1844 Taubenheim took his leave , conferring the character of major general with pension .



Taubenheim married Susanne Wilhelmine Berndt (1801–1868), daughter of Heinrich Ferdinand Berndt, councilor and assessor in Kreidelwitz , in Klein Gaffron on July 2, 1823 . The marriage resulted in two daughters.


  • Leopold von Münchhausen: Officer master list of the Brandenbg. Jäger Battalion No. 3 and the Masch.-Gewehr-Abteilg. No. 7. Richter & Munkelt, Lübben 1909, pp. 3–4.
  • Kurt von Priesdorff : Soldier leadership . Volume 6, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1938], DNB 367632810 , p. 113, no. 1739.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelslexikon , Volume XIV, Volume 131 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag Limburg / Lahn 2003, pp. 337–338