District of Munich-Pasing

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District in Bavaria
Surname Munich-Pasing
number 106
Constituency Upper Bavaria
last choice October 14, 2018
voter turnout 74.6%
Member of the state parliament
Surname Josef Schmid
Political party CSU
Share of votes 30.8%
District assembly member
Surname Barbara Kuhn
Political party CSU
Share of votes 36.6%
Constituencies in Munich

The district of Munich-Pasing (district 106) is a Bavarian district .

It consists of the Munich districts Pasing-Obermenzing , Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied and Allach-Untermenzing as well as parts of the Laim district . Since 2011 it has consisted of the districts 21, 22 and 23, the district 25.22, 25.25 to 25.27 and 25.29 as well as the parts of the districts 25.21, 25.23 and 25.28 to the west of Fürstenrieder Straße .

State election 1998

In the 1998 state elections, the CSU achieved 52.2 percent of the total votes in the constituency (first and second votes together), the SPD 29.3 percent, the Greens 8.2 percent and the FDP 2.2 percent.

State election 2003

In the election on September 21, 2003 Otmar Bernhard (CSU) won the direct mandate in constituency 106 with 53.3 percent of the first votes. The SPD direct candidate Florian Ritter came in next with 28.2 percent of the first votes. In the total votes of the constituency (first and second votes together) the CSU achieved 54.1 percent, the SPD 27.2 percent, the Greens 10.1 percent and the FDP 3.6 percent.

State election 2008

In the 2008 state elections , 105,238 residents were eligible to vote in the constituency. The turnout was 60.6%. The result was the following:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% Change in total votes compared to the 2003 state election in%
Otmar Bernhard CSU 37.0 36.4 - 17.7
Florian Ritter SPD 27.2 26.8 - 0.4
Nikolaus Freiherr von Hoenning O'Carroll GREEN 10.9 12.2 + 2.1
Michael Knoblach Free voters 4.3 4.2 + 3.1
Reinhold Berger FDP 12.0 12.0 + 8.3
Angelika Haas REP 0.6 0.5 - 0.4
Franziska Spannagl ödp 1.6 1.3 - 0.1
Thomas Hummel BP 1.6 1.5 + 0.8
- BüSo - 0.0 - 0.1
Margrit Graf-Linseis LEFT 4.3 4.2 + 4.2
- VIOLET - 0.1 + 0.1
Toni Kuster NPD 0.6 0.6 + 0.6

State election 2013

In the state elections on September 15, 2013, the constituency comprised a total of 108,620 eligible voters. The turnout was 66.1%. The election in the Munich-Pasing district had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% +/- total votes against State election 2008 in% -P.
Otmar Bernhard CSU 42.0 42.0 + 5.6
Florian Ritter SPD 27.1 29.2 + 2.4
Ursula Sabathil Free voters 5.5 4.7 + 0.5
Christian Hierneis GREEN 11.3 10.7 - 1.5
Eva Hubener FDP 4.5 4.7 - 7.3
Julia Killet LEFT 2.2 2.0 - 2.3
Franziska Spannagl ÖDP 2.2 2.0 + 0.6
Angelika Haas REP 0.7 0.6 + 0.1
Richard Schöps BP 2.3 1.9 + 0.5
- BüSo - 0.0 0.0
- The freedom - 0.2 nk
Alexander Kohler Pirate party 2.2 2.0 nk

State election 2018

In the state election on October 14, 2018, 109,149 residents were eligible to vote in the Munich-Pasing constituency. The result was the following:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% Diff. to 2013
Josef Schmid CSU 30.8 30.0 - 12.1
Florian Ritter SPD 12.5 12.4 - 16.8
Karl-Heinz Wittmann Free voters 5.9 5.4 + 1.5
Josef Monatzeder GREEN 28.0 27.9 + 17.2
Klement Bezdeka FDP 7.5 7.6 + 2.9
Julia Killet LEFT 3.9 3.8 + 1.8
Norbert Seidl BP 1.3 1.2 - 0.7
Sonja Haider ÖDP 2.1 1.9 +/- 0.0
Nils Puskeppelies Pirate party 0.7 0.6 - 1.4
Markus Walbrunn AfD 7.2 7.2 + 7.2
- LKR - 0.0 + 0.0
- courage - 0.2 + 0.2
- The humanists - 0.1 + 0.1
- The party - 0.2 + 0.2
- Health research - 0.1 + 0.1
- Animal welfare - 0.3 + 0.3
Maximilian Preisinger V party³ 0.3 0.2 + 0.2

In addition to the first elected constituency member Josef Schmid (CSU), the direct candidates of the SPD, Florian Ritter, and the Greens, Josef Monatzeder, were elected to the state parliament via the district lists of their parties.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Voting circles ( Memento from October 7, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
  2. http://www.wahlen.bayern.de/lw/anl._zu_art.5_lwg_stkreiseint2013.pdf
  3. ^ Results of the Munich-Pasing district. State Returning Officer, accessed on March 31, 2019 .
  4. ^ State elections in Bavaria
  5. http://www.landtagswahl2013.bayern.de/taba2106.html
  6. ^ State elections in Bavaria
  7. ^ Result on www.landtagswahl2018.bayern.de, accessed on January 17, 2019.
  8. ^ State elections in Bavaria

Web links