Starnberg district

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Constituency : Upper Bavaria
District number: 129 (up to 2008: 127, 2013: 128)
District name: Starnberg
Constituency representatives
District MPs: Ute Eiling-Hütig
Political party: CSU
Share of votes: 30.7%
Voter turnout: 79.2%
Date of election: October 14, 2018

The district of Starnberg (district 129, formerly 127/128) is a district in Upper Bavaria . It includes the district of Starnberg and the communities of Bernried am Starnberger See , Iffeldorf and Seeshaupt in the district of Weilheim-Schongau . A total of 102,086 residents were eligible to vote in the state elections on October 14, 2018.

2008 election

The 2008 state elections had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% Change in total votes compared to the 2003 state election in%
Ursula Mannle CSU 37.2 37.2 −20.8
Tim Weidner SPD 17.3 17.6 +1.5
Anne Franke GREEN 14.4 15.0 +1.9
Christine Hollacher Free voters 8.5 7.3 +4.3
Renate Will FDP 15.2 15.9 +9.6
Adolf Bauer REP 0.8 0.7 −0.1
Christiane Lüst ödp 1.6 1.4 −0.2
Gunnar Swiss BP 1.4 1.3 +0.3
- BüSo - 0.0 0.0
Sieglinde Knoechner LEFT 2.9 2.9 +2.9
Johanna Deiringer VIOLET 0.4 0.4 +0.4
Roland Wuttke NPD 0.4 0.4 +0.4

Election 2013

The 2013 state election in the Starnberg district had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% +/- total votes against 2008 in% -P.
Ute Eiling-Hütig CSU 40.8 43.9 + 6.6
Tim Weidner SPD 16.8 19.3 +1.7
Albert Luppart Free voters 9.2 7.3 0.0
Martina Neubauer GREEN 12.7 12.0 - 3.0
Martin Zeil FDP 10.7 9.1 - 6.8
Lutz Hansel LEFT 1.3 1.2 - 1.7
Christiane Lüst ÖDP 2.5 2.1 + 0.7
Adolf Bauer REP 0.7 0.5 −0.2
Andreas Lintl BP 3.0 2.5 +1.3
- BüSo - 0.0 0.0
- The freedom - 0.1 nk
Tobias McFadden PIRATES 2.3 2.0 nk

Election 2018

The 2018 state election has the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Total votes in% Change in total votes compared to the
2013 state election in%
Ute Eiling-Hütig CSU 30.7 31.8 −12.0
Christiane Kern SPD 8.1 8.5 −10.8
Matthias Vilsmayer Free voters 11.4 10.2 +3.0
Anne Franke GREEN 26.7 26.5 +14.5
Britta Hundesrügge FDP 9.6 9.4 +0.3
Bernhard Feilzer LEFT 2.3 2.4 +1.1
Rupert Pfänder BP 2.0 1.7 −0.8
Anastasia Kühn ÖDP 1.3 1.2 −0.9
Alexander Kohler PIRATES 0.5 0.4 −1.5
Klaus Radtke AfD 6.7 6.6 [+6.6]
Tim King courage 0.4 0.4 [+0.4]
Gregor Lange V party³ 0.3 0.3 [+0.3]
- LKR - 0.0 [+0.0]
- The humanists - 0.0 [+0.0]
- The party - 0.2 [+0.2]
- Health research - 0.0 [+0.0]
- Animal welfare party - 0.3 [+0.3]

In addition to the directly elected constituency member Ute Eiling-Hütig (CSU), the candidate of the Greens, Anne Franke, was elected to the state parliament via her party's district list.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Division of districts
  2. ↑ District results
  3. ^ State elections in Bavaria
  4. ^ State elections in Bavaria
  5. ^ Result of the state election. (PDF) State Returning Officer Bavaria, p. 43 , accessed on November 13, 2018 .
  6. State election - results in the graphic view for the Starnberg district. Retrieved October 15, 2018 .

Web links