Wolfgang Stammberger

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Wolfgang Stammberger (born July 14, 1920 in Coburg ; † May 1, 1982 ibid) was a German politician ( FDP , later SPD ). From 1961 to 1962 he was Federal Minister of Justice and from 1970 to 1978 Lord Mayor of Coburg.


education and profession

After graduating from high school in 1939, Wolfgang Stammberger began studying law and political science , which he had to interrupt in 1940 because of military service , most recently as a lieutenant in the reserve, and then completed the first state examination in 1946 and the second in 1949 after being a prisoner of war . In 1948 he received his doctorate as Dr. iur. with work The right to compensation for assistance . He was admitted to the bar in 1949 .

Political party

From 1946 to 1964 he was a member of the FDP . Here he was initially involved with the Young Democrats , whose state chairman in Bavaria he was from 1946 to 1948. On June 3, 1964, a good 18 months after his resignation as Federal Minister, he resigned from the FDP and became a member of the SPD. He justified this step primarily with the dwindling importance of the FDP, since the SPD was on the way to becoming a liberal people 's party . After he had fallen out with the SPD city council faction and was not re-elected for the mayoral election in Coburg in 1978, he left the SPD that same year.

Documents on his political activities are in the Coburg City Archives .


From 1953 to 1969 Wolfgang Stammberger was a member of the German Bundestag . In 1953, he was directly elected member of the Coburg constituency and then always entered the Bundestag via the Bavarian state list. There he was from 1957 to 1961 Chairman of the Committee on Health Care; he was the youngest incumbent committee chair at the time. On June 3, 1964, he moved to the SPD parliamentary group .

Public offices

After the general election in 1961 , on November 14, 1961, he was appointed Federal Minister of Justice in the federal government led by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer . During his term of office, the affair about the appointment of Wolfgang Fränkel as federal prosecutor and the Spiegel affair , in which he was unlawfully passed over by Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss and in the wake of which he and the other FDP federal ministers were removed from him on November 19, 1962, fell Resigned office.

From 1970 to 1978 he was Lord Mayor of Coburg.


Wolfgang Stammberger was married and had three children. His later successor in office, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, is his niece. He was a member of the Federation of Freemasons , his lodges Zur Fränkische Krone and Prometheus are located in Coburg and Bonn.


  • Walter Henkels : 99 Bonn heads , revised and supplemented edition, Fischer-Bücherei, Frankfurt am Main 1965, p. 237 ff.

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. No talk of taboo . The mirror. March 18, 1964. Retrieved June 7, 2017.