9th century BC Chr.
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9th century BC Chr. |
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7th century BC Chr. |
The 9th century BC Chr. Began on January 1 v 900th And ended on December 31, 801 BC. Chr.

Ruins of Sparta
Age / Epoch
- The Iron Age begins in Central Europe .
- The late Vedic period began in India , which marked the beginning of a phase of urbanization.
Events / developments

States of the Levant around 850 BC Chr.
- Around 900 BC The geometric style begins in today's Greece .
- From approx. 900 BC The Phoenicians soon began to intensify trade with Andalusia , evidenced by many Phoenician finds in and around Huelva , some of which may have been found in the late 10th century BC. BC, but at least into the early 9th century BC To date.
- In the 9th century BC The Mannai state was founded by the Mannaeans.
- In the 9th century BC The state of Qin was founded in China .
- Around 900 BC BC: Foundation of Sparta in Laconia , in today's Greece.
- Around 858 BC BC: Founding of the Urartian Empire in northeast Asia Minor .
- 853 BC BC: Battle of Karkar on the Orontes between the Assyrians under Shalmaneser III. and a Syrian coalition.
- 853 BC BC: The Arabs are mentioned for the first time on the Kurkh monolith .
- Around 853 BC The state of Moab gained independence from the northern Reich of Israel .
- Around 849 BC The state of Edom gained independence from the southern kingdom of Judah (during the reign of Joram , according to Albright, 849 BC).
- Around 843 BC The Persians are mentioned for the first time in Assyrian inscriptions.
- 841 BC Chr .: King Li of Zhou is expelled from his capital in an uprising . This is the first date in Chinese history that can be dated to a year .
- Around 825 BC Chr .: The Eubean Lefkandi is considerably destroyed by a fire. At about the same time, your daughter city of Eretria increased in importance.
- 814 BC BC: According to later ancient sources, the North African city of Carthage was founded by the Phoenicians .
- Around 806 BC Chr. The state was Zheng by the Duke Huan of Zheng established in China.
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.

Statue of Hasaël
Pharaohs of Egypt
- Osorkon I. (925-890 BC)
- Takelot I. (889-874 BC)
- Osorkon II (874-850 BC)
- Harsiese I (870-860 BC / Counter-King)
- Takelot II. (850-825 BC)
- Scheschonq III. (825-773 BC)
- Petubastis I (818–793 BC / Counter-King / 23rd Dynasty )
Kings of Aram Damascus
- Ben-Hadad I (890-860 BC)
- Ben-Hadad II (855-842 BC)
- Hasaël (842–805 BC)
- Ben-Hadad III. (805-773 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Adad-nirari II. (911-891 BC)
- Tukulti-Ninurta II. (890-884 BC)
- Aššur-nâṣir-apli II. (883–859 BC)
- Salmānu-ašarēd III. (858–824 BC)
- Šamši-Adad V (823–811 BC)
- Adad-nīrārī III. (810–783 BC)
King of Moab
- Mesha (850–810 BC)
Kings of Israel
- Baesa (909-886 BC)
- Ela (886–885 BC)
- Zimri (885 BC)
- Omri (885–874 BC)
- Ahab (874–853 BC)
- Ahaziah (853–852 BC)
- Joram (852–841 BC)
- Jehu (841 – approx. 818–812 BC)
- Jehoahaz (812–798 BC)
Kings of Judah
- Asa (910–869 BC)
- Jehoshaphat (872-848 v. Chr.)
- Joram (848–841 BC)
- Ahaziah (841–835 BC)
- Joash (835-796 v. Chr.)
King of Tire
- Mattan I (829-820 BC)
Kings of Urartu
- Middle Preclassic (approx. 900–400 BC) of the Maya in Central America . In the middle pre-classical period, there was continuous settlement in the entire Maya area and the development of trade between the cities. Around the 7th century BC The first traces of settlement can be found in the area of Tikal in Guatemala . About 500 BC can be found on the Gulf of Mexico. First evidence of settlement buildings and stone temples.
Inventions and discoveries
- The Aramaic script was used by the Aramaeans around 900 BC. Developed from the Phoenician script .
- The Greek alphabet has been around since the 9th century BC. Used and is a further development of the Phoenician script.
Individual evidence
- ^ Theis Ramsauer: Hatha Yoga from a sports science perspective. GRIN Verlag, 2008, ISBN 3-638-95716-0 , p. 5
- ↑ Irina Eversmeyer: Hinduism and caste systems in India - then and now. GRIN Verlag, 2009, ISBN 3-640-33041-2 , p. 9
- ↑ Erika Zwierlein-Diehl : Antique gems and their afterlife. Walter de Gruyter, 2007, ISBN 3-11-019450-3 , p. 26
- ↑ Fernando González de Canales Cerisola: Del Occidente Mítico Griego a Tarsis-Tarteso - Fuentes escritas y documentación arqueológica , Madrid 2005 - ISBN 9788497423441 ; F. González de Canales, L. Serrano, J. Llompart: El Emporio Fenicio-Precolonial de Huelva, approx. 900-770 aC , Madrid 2005 - ISBN 9788497423458 .
- ^ Philine von Oppeln and Gerald Huebner: Azerbaijan: On the way in the land of fire. Trescher Verlag, 2009, ISBN 3-89794-124-4 , p. 33
- ↑ Johannes Eberhorn: Qin Shihuangdi - the first emperor of China . In: Planet Wissen , May 27, 2011. Retrieved February 10, 2012.
- ^ Ernst Baltrusch : Sparta: History, Society, Culture / Ernst Baltrusch. CH Beck, 1998, ISBN 3-406-41883-X , p. 15
- ^ Sarkis Shahinian: Armenia: Diary of a trip to the land of Ararat. vdf Hochschulverlag AG, 1996, ISBN 3-7281-2292-0 , p. 175
- ^ Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson : History of the Jewish People: From the Beginnings to the Present. CH Beck, 2007, ISBN 3-406-55918-2 , p. 151
- ↑ Heinz Halm : The Arabs: from the pre-Islamic period to the present. CH Beck, 2004, ISBN 3-406-50843-X , p. 7
- ↑ Erich Ebeling and Bruno Meissner : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Aräologie. Walter de Gruyter, 1993, ISBN 3-11-004451-X , p. 125
- ^ Fritz Rienecker and Gerhard Maier : Lexicon for the Bible. R. Brockhaus Verlag GmbH &, 1998, ISBN 3-417-24678-4 , p. 1059
- ^ Frank Rainer Scheck: Jordan: Peoples and Cultures between Jordan and the Red Sea. DuMont Reiseverlag, 1997, ISBN 3-7701-3979-8 , p. 37
- ↑ Brigitte Beier : New Chronicle of World History. Wissenmedia Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-577-14639-7 , p. 16
- ^ Horst Robert Balz, Gerhard Krause , Gerhard Müller : Theologische Realenzyklopädie, Volume 26. Walter de Gruyter, 1996, ISBN 3-11-015155-3 , p. 211
- ↑ Michael Loewe and Edward L. Shaughnessy: The Cambridge history of ancient China: from the origins of civilization to 221 BC Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-47030-7 , p. 551
- ↑ The Third Intermediate Period - Power Struggle of the Priests . In: aeggypt-spezialist.de , accessed on February 15, 2012.
- ^ Anton Grabner-Haider: Cultural History of the Bible. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, ISBN 3-525-57309-X , p. 36
- ↑ Manu Leumann, Friedrich Stolz, Hermann Bengtson, Johann Baptist Hofmann, Walter Otto, Iwan von Müller, Anton Szantyr: Latin phonetics and forms. Beck, 1977, ISBN 3-406-01426-7 , p. 5
- ↑ Bernhard Lang : The Bible: A Critical Introduction. UTB, 1994, ISBN 3-8252-1594-6 , p. 58
Web links
Commons : 9th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files