Office of Central North Friesland

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coat of arms Germany map
The Central North Friesland Office does not have a coat of arms
Office of Central North Friesland
Map of Germany, position of the Central North Friesland office highlighted

Coordinates: 54 ° 37 '  N , 8 ° 58'  E

Basic data
State : Schleswig-Holstein
Circle : North Friesland
Area : 273.19 km 2
Residents: 21,015 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 77 inhabitants per km 2
License plate : NF
Office key : 01 0 54 5494
Office structure: 19 municipalities
Office administration address
Theodor-Storm-Strasse 2
25821 Bredstedt, Germany
Website :
Head of Office : Hans Jakob Paulsen
Location of the Central North Friesland Office in the North Friesland district
Achtrup Ahrenshöft Ahrenviöl Ahrenviölfeld Alkersum Almdorf Arlewatt Aventoft Bargum Behrendorf Bohmstedt Bondelum Bordelum Borgsum Bosbüll Braderup Bramstedtlund Bredstedt Breklum Dagebüll Drage Drelsdorf Dunsum Elisabeth-Sophien-Koog Ellhöft Emmelsbüll-Horsbüll Enge-Sande Fresendelf Friedrich-Wilhelm-Lübke-Koog Friedrichstadt Galmsbüll Garding Garding  Kirchspiel Goldebek Goldelund Gröde Grothusenkoog Hallig Hooge Haselund Hattstedt Hattstedtermarsch Högel Holm Hörnum (Sylt) Horstedt Hude Humptrup Humptrup Husum Immenstedt Joldelund Kampen (Sylt) Karlum Katharinenheerd Klanxbüll Klixbüll Koldenbüttel Kolkerheide Kotzenbüll Ladelund Langeneß Langenhorn Leck Lexgaard List auf Sylt Löwenstedt Lütjenholm Midlum Mildstedt Nebel Neukirchen Nieblum Niebüll Norddorf auf Amrum Norderfriedrichskoog Nordstrand Nordstrand Norstedt Ockholm Oevenum Oldenswort Oldersbek Olderup Oldsum Oldsum Ostenfeld (Husum) Oster-Ohrstedt Osterhever Pellworm Pellworm Pellworm Poppenbüll Ramstedt Rantrum Reußenköge Risum-Lindholm Rodenäs Sankt Peter-Ording Schwabstedt Schwabstedt Schwesing Seeth Simonsberg Sollwitt Sönnebüll Sprakebüll Stadum Stedesand Struckum Süderende Süderhöft Süderlügum Südermarsch Sylt Tating Tetenbüll Tinningstedt Tönning Tümlauer-Koog Uelvesbüll Uphusum Utersum Viöl Vollerwiek Vollstedt Welt Wenningstedt-Braderup (Sylt) Wester-Ohrstedt Westerhever Westre Winnert Wisch Witsum Wittbek Wittdün auf Amrum Witzwort Wobbenbüll Wrixum Wyk auf Föhrmap
About this picture
Template: Infobox community association in Germany / maintenance / coat of arms

The Central North Friesland Office is an office formed on April 1, 2008 by the municipalities of the former offices of Bredstedt-Land and Stollberg and the previously free city of Bredstedt , where the administrative headquarters are located.


The office is limited in the west by the North Sea and the municipality Reußenköge , in the north by the office of Südtondern , in the east and southeast by the offices of Schafflund ( Schleswig-Flensburg district ) and Viöl and in the south by the office of Nordsee-Treene . The area largely corresponds to the historic administrative district of Nordergoesharde .

Official municipalities

Head of office

Hans Jakob Paulsen, mayor of Vollstedt, has been head of the district since 2008. He was re-elected to this office for the 2013-2018 electoral term.

Administrative community

The Central North Friesland Office manages the administrative business of the non-official municipality Reußenköge as part of an administrative community .

Administration building

Administration building of the Central North Friesland Office

The administrative building of the office, the former agricultural school in Bredstedt, is not owned by the office, but is rented for a period of 20 years by the municipality of Reußenköge, who bought the building from the state of Schleswig-Holstein at the end of 2006 and until the end March 2008 modernized. The Reußenköge community, which previously had its administrative business dealt with by the city of Bredstedt, has retained its freedom of office, but is now looked after by the new Central North Friesland Office through an administrative contract. The rent is offset against the administrative fee. After 20 years, half of the building will be transferred to the office.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. North Statistics Office - Population of the municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein 4th quarter 2019 (XLSX file) (update based on the 2011 census) ( help on this ).
  2. The old head of office is the Neue Husumer Nachrichten from July 10, 2013, accessed on July 10, 2013