Bruno Kramm

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Bruno Kramm, 2012

Bruno Gert Kramm (born October 13, 1967 in Munich ) is a German musician , music producer and politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , Pirate Party Germany ). From November 2014 to the end of September 2016 he was state chairman of the Pirate Party Berlin and its top candidate for the 2016 parliamentary elections , after which he resigned. Then he moved his residence to Werder (Havel) , where he owns a house with a recording studio. Until February 2012 he was a member of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Bayern .


Kramm at a gig, 2013

During his school days at the municipal economic and social science high school (WWG) in Bayreuth , Kramm founded the band Fahrenheit 451 in 1986 (later under the name Alva Novalis ). Three years later he founded Das Ich with Stefan Ackermann , in which he is still active as a composer and producer. In 1991 Das Ich made its breakthrough in the alternative music scene.

Kramm is or was a producer of Atrocity , Illuminate , Savior Machine , Die Schinder , Distorted Reality , Ancient Ceremonies , Sanguis et Cinis , In Strict Confidence , Placebo Effect , Relatives Mensch sein , Printed at Bismarck's Death , Ghosting , Cyan Kills E. Coli , Collide , Dark Diamonds , Dorsetshire , Felsenreich , Tilt! . He was a guest musician and co-producer on the album Salvation by Rozencrantz . Since 2017, Kramm has also been involved in the new edition of the Dorsetshire band project .

He runs the Kramm side project . In 2001 his album Coeur was released .

He is the founder and managing director of the Danse Macabre label and wrote the regular Krimskram (m) s column in the Zillo magazine until 2006 . Until 2013 he wrote a bi-weekly column on FAZ.NET called Kramm's Hits .

Political commitment

Kramm was a member of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Bayern until the end of February 2012 and joined the pirate party in November 2011 , which he came to through the subject of copyright law . He contributed to the nationwide protests through his translation and dubbing of the video “What is ACTA ?” Published by Anonymous . On his blog he writes on social topics such as unconditional basic income , censorship , freedom of information , financial crisis , drug policy and animal welfare . Politically, he describes himself as a “green pirate” in order to do justice to his environmental activities.

At the annual conference of the Research Network on June 3, 2012, Kramm received clear criticism when he described the provision of access to films or series such as Game of Thrones as a “right of this society”. At the party convention of the Pirate Party in Bavaria , he was elected to the board as political manager on September 15, 2012. His term of office ended regularly on October 26, 2013. In November 2014, he was elected state chairman of the Pirate Party in Berlin and confirmed in office at the state members' meeting in October 2015. After what he called a “disastrous election result” in the 2016 parliamentary elections , Kramm resigned as state chairman of the Berlin Pirate Party.

He is involved in the anti- TTIP protest movement, also with his videos. In addition, he is involved in the “Stop Ramstein” campaign against the use of drones that are carried out via the Ramstein relay station .

On April 22, 2016, Kramm was arrested during a pirate demonstration in front of the Turkish embassy in Berlin. During his speech he had quoted a line from the poem Schmähkritik by satirist Jan Böhmermann and thus violated the conditions of the police.

Election results

For the 2013 federal election , Kramm took first place on the state list of the Pirate Party of Bavaria and in the federal constituency of Kulmbach . In his constituency he received 1.8% of the first vote and the Pirate Party 1.9% of the second vote. Since the Pirate Party received only 2.2% of the second votes nationwide, Kramm did not move into the Bundestag.

For the 2014 European elections , Kramm took fourth place on the federal list. Together with Anke Domscheit-Berg , he ran for Brandenburger this time . Since the Pirate Party received only 1.4% of the votes nationwide, only Julia Reda entered the European Parliament, where she joined the group The Greens / European Free Alliance .

For the 2016 parliamentary elections , Kramm ran as the top candidate for the Pirate Party in Berlin and in the Mitte 1 constituency . In his constituency he received 2.3% of the first vote and the Pirate Party 1.8% of the second vote. Since the Pirate Party received only 1.7% of the second vote across Berlin, it left the House of Representatives.

GEMA lawsuit and the so-called "GEMA hack"

Together with his band colleague Stefan Ackermann, Kramm sued GEMA in 2016 and the right of publishers to share in the income from the copyrights of composers and lyricists. During the negotiation period, the 2016 House of Representatives election , in which the Pirate Party resigned from the House of Representatives under his aegis. After the election he rejoined his old party Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen; this time in the state association of Brandenburg . On November 14, 2016, the Berlin Court of Appeal decided in favor of Kramm. On YouTube he announced on the same day “I've always been a pirate, I'm a pirate and I'm a pirate again” and commented on the “GEMA judgment” against the profits of collecting societies. Kramm had thus only faked his membership in Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen . A blog entry by "Drachenrose" then established a connection between this pretended membership and the outcome of the court judgment. Since Renate Künast was the chairman of the legal committee, the lawsuit fell “in a department led by the Greens” and the feigned change of party was a “hack” in order to accelerate the court judgment in a positive sense. Clemens Rostock , the green state chairman, took it with humor and congratulated Kramm on the court judgment. But he also targeted the confusion of the judiciary, executive and legislative branches with the words

“Those who believe that party membership can influence the decisions of the Berlin Chamber Court, please go to the Pirate Party. All others who do not believe that weird conspiracy evidence should come to Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Brandenburg. "

(Clemens Rostock), November 15, 2016

Since most of the reporting on the Kramm court ruling continued to be attributed to the Greens, Rostock even thanked them for the alleged hack and called on those involved, should they ever plan something like this again, please "please" again at Bündnis 90 / The greens do. This event was discussed on twitter under the hashtag “Gemahack”.

On December 31, 2016, Kramm stated on his Facebook page that he is withdrawing from active politics and will only appear again as a musician.

Web links

Commons : Bruno Kramm  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dpa: Musician Bruno Kramm takes over chairmanship of the Berlin Pirate Party. Heise online, November 17, 2014, accessed on November 17, 2014 .
  2. Musician Bruno Kramm leads Berlin pirates into the Berliner Tagesspiegel election campaign on January 24, 2016
  3. a b c After the election debacle, Berlin pirate boss Kramm resigns. Berliner Zeitung, September 22, 2016, accessed on September 22, 2016 .
  4. Berlin pirates lose their boss Bruno Kramm leaves Piraten and switches to the Greens by Stefan Jacobs Der Tagesspiegel September 22, 2016
  5. Berlin pirate boss Bruno Kramm returns to the Greens Berliner Morgenpost September 22, 2016
  6. Blog introduction, on February 26th with “I am an active member of the Pirate Party” added and membership of the Greens removed.
  7. Human right to "Mad Men"? June 4, 2012, Retrieved June 4, 2012 .
  8. Minutes of the State Party Congress 2013.3
  9. PiratenBerlin elect new state executive board and confirm previous chairman , October 4, 2015.
  10. Kramm's video commitment to the anti-TTIP protest movement on
  12. Lorenz Vossen: Berlin pirate boss arrested for criticism of Erdogan. In: Retrieved April 22, 2016 .
  13. Top 6 of the state list for the federal election in Bavaria
  14. The pirates' election campaign for the European elections: From Brandenburg to Brussels Homepage entry of the Brandenburg Pirate Party from March 31, 2014
  15. Pirate Party: Bruno Kramm on the GEMA judgment. November 14, 2016, accessed November 15, 2016 .
  16. ………… and then we just hacked the Greens Blog entry from November 14th, 2016
  17. a b Answer from Clemens Rostock to the alleged "hack" PDF file, 126kb, 11/15/2016
  18. GEMA may not automatically distribute money to music publishers ( memento from November 23, 2016 in the web archive ) rbb report on the judgment of November 14, 2016
  19. All right to the authors Tagesspiegel report on the judgment of November 15, 2016
  20. GEMA judgment: All money for the creative . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . November 14, 2016, ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed November 15, 2016]).
  21. Twitter search for hashtag "Gemahack"