Burgstall above the Beurenhof

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Burgstall above the Beurenhof
Creation time : Mentioned in 1292
Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: Burgstall, castle hill
Place: Owingen - Bilafingen -Beurenhof

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The Burgstall above the Beurenhof is a defunct Niederungsburg about 200 meters south-southwest of the Beurenhof and about 2000 meters west-northwest of Billafingen , a current part of the community of Owingen in the Lake Constance district in Baden-Württemberg .

The castle was probably built in the 13th century by the knights of Beuren. In 1292 "Beurenhof" is mentioned.

The former castle complex on a castle area of ​​7 by 10 meters still shows the round castle hill with a flattened neck ditch on the mountain side. In the past, the castle was mistakenly accepted as a former fortified church or cemetery fortification .

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