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General and classification
other names


chemical formula (◻, Na, Sb 3+ ) 2 Ta 2 O 6 (OH)
Mineral class
(and possibly department)
Oxides and hydroxides
System no. to Strunz
and to Dana
4.DH.15 ( 8th edition : IV / C.19)
Crystallographic Data
Crystal system cubic
Crystal class ; symbol cubic hexakisoctahedral; 4 / m  3  2 / m
Space group Fd 3 m (No. 227)Template: room group / 227
Lattice parameters a  = 10.515 (Leshaia pegmatite) to 10.496 (Tanco pegmatite)  Å
Formula units Z  = 8
Frequent crystal faces {111}, {100}
Physical Properties
Mohs hardness ≈ 5; VHS 20g  = 930-1200 kg / mm², VHS 40g  = 800-1050 kg / mm², VHS 100g  = 670-780 kg / mm²
Density (g / cm 3 ) 6.4 to 6.6 (measured); 6.35 (calculated for (Cs 0.5 Na 0.5 ) SbTa 4 O 12 )
Cleavage indistinct
Break ; Tenacity uneven; brittle
colour colorless to gray, yellow-orange to black
Line color White
transparency transparent, translucent to translucent
shine Diamond gloss, diamond to glass gloss
Crystal optics
Refractive index n  > 1.8
Optical character isotropic
Other properties
Special features Orange to orange-yellow luminescence in long-wave UV light, weak yellowish cathodoluminescence

Hydroxykenomicrolite is a very rare mineral from the mineral class of oxides and hydroxides . It crystallizes in the cubic crystal system with the composition (◻, Na, Sb 3+ ) 2 Ta 2 O 6 (OH), at some locations the antimony is partly replaced by lead , tin and / or uranium and the tantalum by niobium .

Hydroxykenomicrolite is genetically a late formation. It is found in the form of granular aggregates or cuboctahedral crystals up to 3 mm in size around highly fractionated granite pegmatites.

Its type locality is the "Leshaia pegmatite" on Mount Vasin-Mylʹk in the pegmatite field of Voronʹi Tundry on the Kola Peninsula in Murmansk Oblast , Russia .

Etymology and history

At the end of the 1970s , a mineral was found in the "Leshaia pegmatite" on Vasin-Mylʹk Mountain in Voronʹi Tundry on the Kola Peninsula in Murmansk Oblast , Russia , which, after determining its physical, chemical and X-ray diffractometric properties, is a new representative the then pyrochlore group proved. The new mineral was presented to the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), which recognized it on May 21, 1980. The first scientific description of this mineral as Cesstibtantite ( English Cesstibtantite ) was made in 1981 by a Soviet team of researchers with Anatoly Vasilʹevich Voloshin, Yuriy Pavlovich Menʹshikov, Yakov A. Pakhomovskiy and Lyudmila Ivanovna Polezhaeva in the Soviet scientific magazine Zapiski Vsesogesknogo mineral society reports. . An English translation was published in 1982 in the science magazine International Geology Review . The authors named the new mineral due to its chemical composition with cesium (English cesium ), antimony ( Latin stibium ) and tantalum as Cesstibtantit (Ces-Stib-Tant-it).

The type material for Cesstibtantit (holotype) is kept under the catalog numbers 80827, 81058 and vis6317 in the systematic collection of the Mineralogical Museum " Alexander Evgenjewitsch Fersman " of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow . Other type material was deposited in the collection of the Museum of the State Mining University in Saint Petersburg (catalog number 1324/1) and in the collection of the Geological Museum of the Geological Institute in the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Apatity (catalog number 5518).

In 2010, the IMA presented a new nomenclature for the minerals of the newly defined pyrochlore upper group (pyrochlore supergroup). In it, Cesstibtantite was redefined to Hydroxykenomicrolite ( English Hydroxykenomicrolite ), whereby the type material of Cesstibtantite defined by AV Voloshin is now considered the type material (holotype) for Hydroxykenomicrolite. The designation "Cesstibtantit" has been discredited.


The current classification of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) counts the hydroxykenomicrolite to the pyrochlore upper group with the general formula A 2– m B 2 X 6– w Y 1– n , in which A , B , X and Y different positions in the structure the minerals of the pyrochlore upper group with A = Na, Ca, Sr, Pb 2+ , Sn 2+ , Sb 3+ , Y, U, □, or H 2 O; B = Ta, Nb, Ti, Sb 5+ or W; X = O, OH or F and Y = OH - , F, O, □, H 2 O or very large (>> 1.0 Å) monovalent cations such as K, Cs or Rb. To pyrochlore supergroup include not only Hydroxykenomikrolith still Fluorcalciomikrolith , Fluornatromikrolith , Hydrokenomikrolith , Hydroxycalciomikrolith , Kenoplumbomikrolith , Oxynatromikrolith , Oxystannomikrolith , Oxystibiomikrolith , Cesiokenopyrochlor , Fluorcalciopyrochlor , Fluornatropyrochlor , Hydrokenopyrochlor , Hydropyrochlor , Hydroxycalciopyrochlor , Hydroxykenopyrochlor , Hydroxymanganopyrochlor , Hydroxynatropyrochlor , Oxycalciopyrochlor , Fluorcalcioroméit , Hydroxycalcioroméit , Hydroxyferroroméit , Oxycalcioroméit , Oxyplumboroméite , Hydrokenoelsmoreit , Hydroxykenoelsmoreit , Fluornatrocoulsellit and Hydrokenoralstonit . Hydroxykenomicrolite, together with fluorocalciomicrolite, fluoronatromicrolite, hydrokenomicrolite, hydroxycalciomicrolite, kenoplumbomicrolite, oxynatromicrolite, oxystibiomicrolite and oxystannomicrolite, form the microlite group within the pyrochlore upper group .

In the now outdated, but still in use 8th edition of the mineral classification according to Strunz , the Cesstibtantit belonged to the general department of "Oxides with a metal: oxygen ratio = 2: 3 (M 2 O 3 and related compounds)", where he was the sole representative “Pyrochlore group, Cesstibtantite subgroup” with the system no. IV / C.19 .

The 9th edition of Strunz's mineral systematics , which has been in effect since 2001 and is used by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), classifies the hydroxykenomicrolite in the category of "oxides with the molar ratio of metal: oxygen = 1: 2 and comparable". This is further subdivided according to the relative size of the cations involved and the crystal structure, so that the mineral is classified according to its composition and structure in the subsection “With large (± medium-sized) cations; Layers of edge-linked octahedra ”can be found, where together with all representatives of the pyrochlore, microlith, Betafit, Roméit and Elsmoreit groups, the pyrochlore supergroup with the system no. 4.DH.15 forms. Hydroxykenomicrolite can be found in the together with fluorocalciomicrolite, fluorine atromicrolite, hydrokenomicrolite, hydromicrolite, kenoplumbomicrolite, oxycalciomicrolite, oxystannomicrolite (formerly stannomicrolite ) and oxystibiomicrolite (formerly stibiomicrolite ).

In the systematics of minerals according to Dana , which is mainly used in the English-speaking world , cesstibtantite was classified in the class of "oxides and hydroxides" and there in the department of "multiple oxides with Nb, Ta and Ti". Here it is together with the discredited natrobistantite in the “ Cesstibtantite subgroup; (Na, Cs) (Bi, Sb) (Ta, Nb) 4 O 12 “with the system no. 02/08/04 within the subsection of " Multiple oxides with Nb, Ta and Ti with the formula A 2 (B 2 O 6 ) (O, OH, F) ". The renamed Hydroxykenomikrolith Cesstibtantit is a close relative of fluorine atromicrolite, which can be found in the mineral class of "oxides and hydroxides" and there in the department of "multiple oxides with Nb, Ta and Ti", where it can be found together with microlite, bariomicrolite , Plumbomicrolite, uranium microlite, bismuth microlite, stannomicrolite and stibiomicrolite the "pyrochlore group (microlite subgroup; Ta> Nb; (Ta + Nb)> 2 (Ti))" with the system no. 02/08/02 within the subdivision of " Multiple oxides with Nb, Ta and Ti with the formula A 2 (B 2 O 6 ) (O, OH, F) ". Due to its chemical and structural relationship, fluorocalciomicrolite will probably also be classified there.


Six microprobe analyzes on hydroxykenomicrolite from the “Leshaia pegmatite” on the Vasin-Mylʹk mountain resulted in mean values ​​of 71.97% Ta 2 O 5 ; 2.32% Nb 2 O 5 ; 13.57% Sb 2 O 3 ; 0.70% Bi 2 O 3 ; 7.26% Cs 2 O; 1.30% Na 2 O; 0.13% CaO; and 1.62% PbO. From the same site, TS Ercit and colleagues determined an average composition from values ​​from two analyzes with 70.8% Ta 2 O 5 ; 2.8% Nb 2 O 5 ; 14.2% Sb 2 O 3 ; 0.3% Bi 2 O 3 ; 7.4% Cs 2 O; 1.7% Na 2 O and 0.8% PbO and 1.5% H 2 O (calculated from structural considerations). The same authors determined a composition with 72.5% Ta 2 O 5 on material from the Tanco pegmatite (mean value from two analyzes) ; 1.2% Nb 2 O 5 ; 9.7% Sb 2 O 3 ; 0.1% SnO; 0.6% Bi 2 O 3 ; 5.4% Cs 2 O; 0.6% CaO; 2.4% Na 2 O; 0.05% K2O; and 5.3% PbO and 1.2% H 2 O (calculated from structural considerations). The analysis of the material from the “Leshaia pegmatite” resulted in an empirical formula with [Cs 0.31 (OH, F) 0.69 ] Σ = 1.00 (Sb 0.57 Na 0.31 Pb 0.02 Bi 0 , 01 ) Σ = 0.91 (Ta 1.88 Nb 0.12 ) Σ = 2.00 [O 5.69 (OH, F) 0.31 ] Σ = 6.00 , from the analysis of the material by Tanco -Pegmatite an empirical formula with [Cs 0.22 K 0.01 (OH, F) 0.55 ] Σ = 0.78 (Na 0.45 Sb 0.40 Pb 0.14 Ca 0.06 Bi 0.02 ) Σ = 1.08 (Ta 1.95 Nb 0.05 ) Σ = 2.00 [O 5.78 (OH, F) 0.22 ] Σ = 6.00 calculated.

In the hydroxykenomicrolite, tantalum can be replaced by niobium in the B position (Utö / Sweden, Dobrá Voda, Czech Republic, Red Cross Lake, Canada, Mt. Holland, Australia). In the A position, uranium (Angel Mine, Argentina, Red Cross Lake, Canada), tin (Utö / Sweden), bismuth (Angel Mine, Argentina), lead (Red Cross Lake, Canada, Utö / Sweden) and calcium ( Angel Mine, Argentina) enter the lattice of the hydroxykenomicrolite.

Within the pyrochlore upper group there are theoretically a multitude of substitution possibilities due to the four different positions to be occupied. Hydroxykenomicrolite is the OH-dominant analogue of the H 2 O-dominated hydrokenomicrolite. He can z. B. can also be understood as the defect-dominant and OH-dominant analogue of the O- and Sn 2+ -dominated oxystannomicrolite or the O- and Sb 3+ -dominated oxystibiomicrolite.

Crystal structure

Hydroxykenomicrolite crystallizes in the cubic crystal system in the space group Fd 3 m (space group no. 227) with the lattice parameter a = 10.515  Å and eight formula units per unit cell . Template: room group / 227

As with all representatives of the pyrochlore upper group, the crystal structure of the hydroxykenomicrolite consists of - in this case - TaO 6 - octahedra with common corners, which form parallel layers of three and six rings [110]. In these layers there are channels in direction 110, which take up the Na and Sb atoms.

Hydroxykenomicrolite differs from "normal" representatives of the pyrochlore upper group in that it contains significant amounts of very large cations such as B. contains Cs. Since these cations are too large (> 1.60 Å) for the conventional [8] -coordinated A-position, they occupy the [18] -coordinated Φ -positions, which normally only contain mononovalent anions. Natural hydroxykenomicrolite does not have an ideal composition because it contains both the Cs + cation and monovalent anions on the Φ position . For this reason, the hydroxykenomicrolite takes an intermediate position compared to the normal representatives of the pyrochlore upper group (with exclusively monovalent anions in the Φ position) and to the inverse representatives of the pyrochlore upper group (with exclusively large cations in the Φ position) a.


Costume and habitus of hydroxykenomicrolite crystals
Hydroxykenomicrolite Octahedron.png
Hydroxykenomicrolite, octahedron
Hydroxykenomicrolite Cuboctahedron.png
Hydroxykenomicrolite, cuboctahedron


Hydroxykenomicrolite was found at its type locality near pollucite nests, where it forms isometric or elongated grains with a maximum size of 3 mm at the grain boundaries of stibiotantalite and simpsonite or in cracks within these minerals. It also occurred in fine adhesions with "microlith". In the Tanco pegmatite, hydroxykenomicrolite occurs both in isolated cubooctahedral crystals with a maximum size of 0.5 mm and in coatings on antimony and uranium-containing varieties of "microlite". The form that determines the costume is the octahedron {111}, modifying small areas of the hexahedron {100} are added (compare the adjacent crystal drawings). In the pegmatite field of Mount Holland, Yilgarn shire, Western Australia, Australia, and the pegmatite of Dobrá Voda, Křižanov, Žďár nad Sázavou District, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic, hydroxykenomicrolite forms a xenomorphic alteration product of probably stibiotantalite. At Mt. Holland, Australia, hydroxykenomicrolite was found in a skeletal crystal 15 cm in diameter, which consists of a friable mass of black hydroxykenomicrolite and white kimrobinsonite.

physical and chemical properties

The crystals of the hydroxykenomicrolite are colorless to gray or yellow-orange to black. The line color of the mineral, on the other hand, is always white. The surfaces of the translucent to transparent hydroxykenomicrolite show a glass-like to diamond-like sheen , which agrees very well with the value for the refraction of light (n> 1.8). Hydroxykenomicrolite from Mt. Holland in Western Australia is black and opaque.

Hydroxykenomicrolite is only indistinctly cleavable . Due to its strong brittleness , however , it breaks like amblygonite , with the fracture surfaces being uneven. With a Mohs hardness of ≈ 5, the mineral is one of the medium-hard minerals and, like the reference mineral apatite , can still be scratched with a pocket knife. The Vickers hardness was determined with different loads; it is VHS 20g  = 930–1200 kg / mm², VHS 40g  = 800–1050 kg / mm² or VHS 100g  = 670–780 kg / mm².

The measured density for hydroxykenomicrolite is 6.4 to 6.6 g / cm³, the calculated density (for Cs 0.5 Na 0.5 SbTa 4 O 12 ) is 6.35 g / cm³. Hydroxykenomicrolite shows a clear orange to orange-yellow fluorescence and a weak yellowish cathodoluminescence in long-wave UV light .

Education and Locations

Hydroxykenomicrolite is a late-formed tantalum mineral and its type locality is genetically and spatially linked to the process of potassium metasomatosis in a highly fractionated granite pegmatite. This process leads to the formation of pseudomorphoses from orthoclase to lepidolite and the alteration of pollucite and primary tantalum minerals. The hydrothermal alteration of pollucite and stibiotantalite explains the transfer of cesium and antimony in solutions, from which, in the presence of excess tantalum, tantalates with unusual shapes - including hydroxykenomicrolite - can be formed. Most of the known sites for hydroxykenomicrolite / cesstibtantite are linked to high-fractionated granite pegmatites of the peralumic LCT family that contain rare elements.

At Mt. Holland, cesstibtantite (hydroxykenomicrolite) and kimrobinsonite are products of the decomposition of an unknown mineral, possibly stibiotantalite, SbTaO 4 , in which case a considerable increase in the Ta: Sb ratio e.g. B. must have taken place by removal of Sb. In the Moravian pegmatites, “cesstibtantite” (possibly hydroxykenomicrolite) is formed during hydrothermal alteration from “microlite”, stibiotantantite and rynersonite , whereby in addition to “cesstibtantite” there are also “microlite”, “stibiomicrolite”, tantalite (Mn) , tantalite ( Fe) and tapiolite (Fe) can be formed.

Typical Begleitminerale of Hydroxykenomikroliths are Simpsonit , Stibiotantalit , Mikrolith , Wodginit , "tantalite", pollucite and Sosedkoit ( "Leshaia pegmatite" on the mountain Vasin-Myl'k in Voron'i Tundry) Calciotantit , albite , quartz , feldspar , Elbaite - Rossmanit , skeleton-like Columbite (Mn) and cassiterite (island Utö), as well as kimrobinsonite , tantalite (Mn) and antimony containing “microlite” (Mt. Holland).

As a very rare mineral formation, hydroxykenomicrolite has so far (as of 2018) been described by nine sites. The type locality for hydroxykenomicrolite is the “Leshaia pegmatite” on Mount Vasin-Mylʹk in the pegmatite field of Voronʹi Tundry on the Kola Peninsula in Murmansk Oblast , Russia .

The second location for hydroxykenomicrolite was the highly differentiated, strongly zoned pegmatite of the “Tanco” mine (“Bernic Lake Mine”) on Bernic Lake, Lac-du-Bonnet area in the Canadian province of Manitoba . Another location in Canada is the lithium-rich, lepidolite- petalite- containing Red Cross Lake pegmatites on the lake of the same name, also in Manitoba.

Hydroxykenomicrolite was also found in the symmetrically zoned and lepidolite-bearing granite pegmatite from Dobrá Voda, Křižanov near Velké Meziříčí , Okres Žďár nad Sázavou in the Vysočina region in the Czech Republic , known since 1934 . The mineral has also been observed in the neighboring granite pegmatite of Laštovičky near Rousměrov .

Other sites are the rubellite pegmatite "Forrestania" (or "Mount Hope pegmatite") in the pegmatite field "Mount Holland", Yilgarn Shire , Western Australia , Australia , the pegmatite of the same name mined via the "Angel Mine" in the Sierras de Córdoba , Department Punilla , Province of Córdoba , Argentina , and the "Grundberg" outcrop belonging to the "Northern Nyköpingsgruvan Pegmatit" in the area of ​​the "Utö gruvor" (Utö pits) on the island of Utö , municipality of Haninge , Stockholm County (historical Södermanland province ), Sweden .

Finally, hydroxykenomicrolite is also known from the pegmatite “Antandrokomby”, in the pegmatite field “Sahatany”, which consists of complex LCT-type pegmatites, in the Manandona Valley, Sahatsiho-Ambohimanjaka community near Ambositra , Amoron'i Mania region , former Fianarantsoa province in Madagascar .

Strictly speaking, only the cesstibtantites from the “Leshaia pegmatite” on the Vasin-Mylʹk mountain and the cesstibtantites from Manitoba / Canada have been redefined as hydroxykenomicrolite. The material from Mt. Holland, Australia, and from the island of Utö, Sweden, are zero-valence-dominant representatives of the microlith group, in which either a vacancy or H 2 O dominates the corresponding position. However, it cannot be proven which of these two cases occurred, so that it is also not certain whether hydroxykenomicrolite is actually present.

Locations for hydroxykenomicrolite from Germany , Austria and Switzerland are therefore unknown.

See also


  • Cesstibtantite . In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols (Eds.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America . 2001 ( handbookofmineralogy.org [PDF; 71 kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]).
  • Anatoly Vasil'evich Voloshin, Yuriy Pavlovich Men'shikov, Yakov A. Pakhomovskiy, Lyudmila Ivanovna Polezhaeva: Cesstibtantite , (Cs, Na) SbTa 4 O 12 - a new mineral from granitic pegmatites . In: Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva . tape 116 , 1981, pp. 345–351 (Russian, rruff.info [PDF; 677 kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018] Abstract in: American Mineralogist (PDF; 786 kB), 1982, 67, pp. 413–414).
  • T. Scott Ercit, Petr Černý, Frank C. Hawthorne: Cesstibtantite - a geologic introduction to the inverse pyrochlores . In: Mineralogy and Petrology . tape 48 , 1993, pp. 235-255 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01163101 .

Web links

Commons : Hydroxykenomicrolite  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Cesstibtantite . In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols (Eds.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America . 2001 ( handbookofmineralogy.org [PDF; 71  kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s T. Scott Ercit, Petr Černý, Frank C. Hawthorne: Cesstibtantite - a geologic introduction to the inverse pyrochlores . In: Mineralogy and Petrology . tape 48 , 1982, pp. 235-255 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01163101 (English).
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac Anatoly Vasil'evich Voloshin, Yuriy Pavlovich Men'shikov, Yakov A. Pakhomovskiy, Lyudmila Ivanovna Polezhaeva : Cesstibtantite, (Cs, Na) SbTa 4 O 12 - a new mineral from granitic pegmatites . In: Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva . tape 116 , 1981, pp. 345–351 (Russian, rruff.info [PDF; 677 kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018] Abstract in: American Mineralogist (PDF; 786 kB), 1982, 67, pp. 413–414).
  4. a b Mineralienatlas: Hydroxykenomikrolith (accessed on August 30, 2018)
  5. a b Webmineral - Hydroxykenomicrolite (Cesstibtanite) (English, accessed on August 30, 2018).
  6. Anatoly Vasil'evich Voloshin, Yuriy Pavlovich Men'shikov, Yakov A. Pakhomovskiy, Lyudmila Ivanovna Polezhaeva: Cesstibtantite , (Cs, Na) SbTa 4 O 12 - a new mineral from granitic pegmatites . In: International geology review . tape 24 , no. 7 , 1982, pp. 345-351 , doi : 10.1080 / 00206818209449624 (English).
  7. ^ Igor V. Pekov: Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union . 1st edition. Ocean Pictures, Moscow 1998, ISBN 5-900395-16-2 , pp. 57-58 .
  8. ^ A b c Daniel Atencio, Marcelo B. Andrade, Andrew G. Christy, Reto Gieré, Pavel M. Kartashov: The Pyrochlore supergroup of minerals: Nomenclature . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 48 , 2010, p. 673–698 , doi : 10.3749 / canmin.48.3.673 (English, rruff.info [PDF; 1,4 MB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]).
  9. ^ Andrew G. Christy, Daniel Atencio: Clarification of the status of species in the pyrochlore supergroup . In: Mineralogical Magazine . tape 77 , no. 1 , 2013, p. 13–20 , doi : 10.1180 / minmag.2013.077.1.02 (English, main.jp [PDF; 85 kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]). Clarification of the status of species in the pyrochlore supergroup
  10. Marcelo B. Andrade, Daniel Atencio, Nikita V. Chukanov, Javier Ellena: Hydrokenomicrolite, ( ◻, H 2 O) 2 Ta 2 (O, OH) 6 (H 2 O), a new microlite-group mineral from Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 98 , no. 6 , 2013, p. 292–296 , doi : 10.2138 / am.2013.4186 (English).
  11. ^ Hugo Strunz , Ernest H. Nickel : Strunz Mineralogical Tables . 9th edition. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagbuchhandlung (Nägele and Obermiller), Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-510-65188-X , p.  222-223 .
  12. a b c d e Ernest H. Nickel, Bruce W. Robinson: Kimrobinsonite, a new tantalum mineral from western Australia, and its association with cesstibtantite . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 23 , 1985, pp. 573-576 (English, rruff.info [PDF; 504 kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]).
  13. a b Sten-Anders Smeds, Petr Černý, Ron Chapman: Niobian calciotantite and plumboan-stannoan cesstibtantite from the island of Utö, Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 37 , 1999, pp. 665–672 (English, rruff.info [PDF; 561 kB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]).
  14. a b Milan Novák, Petr Černý: Niobium-tantalum oxide minerals from complex granitic pegmatites in the Moldanubikum Czech Republic: primary versus secondary compositional trends . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 36 , 1998, pp. 659–672 (English, rruff.info [PDF; 1.3 MB ; accessed on August 30, 2018]).
  15. Mindat - Number of locations for hydroxykenomicrolite , accessed on August 30, 2018 (English).
  16. Find location list for hydroxykenomicrolite in the Mineralienatlas and Mindat (accessed on August 30, 2018).
  17. Petr Černý, David K. Teertstra, Ron Chapman, Julie B. Selway, Frank C. Hawthorne, Karen Ferreira, Leonard E. Chackowsky, Xian-Jue Wang, Robert E. Meintzer: Extreme fractionation and deformation of the leucogranite-pegmatite suite at Red Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada. IV. Mineralogy . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 50 , no. 6 , 2012, p. 1839–1875 , doi : 10.3749 / canmin.50.6.1839 (English).
  18. Milan Novák, Vladimir Šrein: Niobian cesstibtantite from the Dobra Voda pegmatite, western Moravia, Czech Republic . In: New yearbook for mineralogy, monthly books . tape 1998 , no. 8 , 1998, pp. 354-360 (English).
  19. Milan Novák, Josef Staněk: Lepidolitový pegmatit od Dobré Vody u Velkého Meziříčí, západní Morava (Lepidolite pegmatite from Dobrá Voda near Velké Meziříčí, western Moravia) . In: Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae geologicae . tape 84 , 1999, pp. 3–44 (Czech, with English abstract).
  20. Manuel Demartis, Joan Carles Melgarejo, Fernando Colombo, Pura Alfonso, Jorge Enrique Coniglio, Lucio Pedro Pinotti, Fernando Javier D'Eramo: Extreme F activities in late pegmatitic events as a key factor for LILE and HFSE enrichment: The Ángel pegmatite, central Argentina . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 52 , no. 2 , 2014, p. 247–269 , doi : 10.3749 / canmin.52.2.247 (English).
  21. a b Mindat - Hydroxykenomicrolite , accessed on August 30, 2018 (English).