Christian Wilhelm Höltich

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Portrait of Christian Wilhelm Höltich (black and white reproduction of the colored oil painting in the Hanseatic Museum on Bryggen in Bergen , Norway )
Black and white drawing by Christian Koren-Wiberg of a commemorative plaque as a glass painting for Christian Wilhelm Höltich. Original in the Hanseatic Museum on Bryggen in Bergen, Norway
Bergenhus Fortress , where Christian Wilhelm Höltich lived for five months after the great fire in 1702
Bergenhus Fortress, interior view
The merchant's house around 1720, in which Christian Wilhelm Höltich lived and worked from 1712 to 1718, front. Drawing by Christian Koren-Wiberg
The merchant's house around 1720, back. Drawing by Christian Koren-Wiberg
Guarding order by Christian Wilhelm Höltich, December 24, 1704.

Christian Wilhelm Höltich , in Latin Christianus Wilhelmus Höltich (born March 29, 1671 in Marienwohlde near Mölln , † after 1728), was a lawyer and secretary of the mountain drivers of the German Hanseatic League .


Christian Wilhelm was born in Marienwohlde near Mölln as the son of the Duchy of Saxony-Lauenburg Wood Vogts ( forester ) Ludolph Höltich and the angel Reissner (born March 18, 1640 in Ratzburg ). When he was barely twelve years old, his father Ludolph died. His half-brother Johann Adolph Höltich took him in with himself in Lübeck , took care of his education and sent him to the Katharineum in Lübeck , which was under the school management of Abraham Hinckelmann . On June 20, 1691 Christian Wilhelm matriculated at the University of Wittenberg and on August 4, 1694 at the University of Rostock . His name appears in the printed announcement of Benedikt Peter Winckler's doctorate in 1696. On October 4, 1697, the dean of the law faculty, Johann von Klein, entered him for the exam in his dean's book. In 1698 Christian Wilhelm received his doctorate with a degree in both rights . He then worked as a lawyer in Lübeck. From 1699 to 1700 he kept the letter and protocol book of the Lübeck mountain driver college. In this activity he won the trust of the senior citizens of the college, which was a prerequisite for his subsequent nomination as secretary of the German Hanseatic League in the office of Bergen on Bryggen in Norway . The Lübeck-based company rejected an applicant from Hamburg because of its unsightly appearance. Since Christian Wilhelm Höltich had an appealing outward appearance and also had his own capital to meet representative obligations and to be able to provide hospitality to such fine people, the people of Hamburg and Lübeck also agreed. Only the parents in Bremen , who pushed through the appointment of the last three secretaries from Bremen , were still against it. But when Christian Wilhelm Höltich agreed to be satisfied with an annual salary of 300 instead of the previous 400 Reichstalers for the next six years, the people of Bremen also agreed. On August 3, 1701, Christian Wilhelm Höltich was confirmed as secretary by the board of directors and sworn in on August 6. On September 15th, he started his trip to Bergen. As a farewell, Nathanael Schlott , who also wrote the High German verses on the Lübeck Dance of Death in 1701, wrote a poem for him, which appeared for the first time in 1702 in his Poetic Papers and a year later in the anthology of Herr von Hoffmannswaldau and other Germans of selected and previously unprinted poems (volume 3).

From September 24 to October 2, 1701 there was a stopover in Copenhagen , Denmark , where he presented himself to the Grand Chancellor Conrad von Reventlow and some ministers, because Norway was in personal union under the Danish crown. He arrived in Bergen on October 10 and was inducted into office on October 11. During Christian Wilhelm Höltich's tenure, the great Bergen fire in 1702 and the reconstruction of Bryggen , now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, fell . The great fire broke out on the afternoon of May 19, 1702 and left almost all of Bryggen in ruins. It is thanks to his careful and indefatigable grabbing that the Kontorische archive was rescued. The books and files, as well as his silver device, which only consisted of a few pieces, were brought to safety in two boatloads on the ship of the Rostock shipper Jacob Kohl lying on the opposite bank of the harbor . Christian Wilhelm Höltich was made homeless by the destruction of the merchant's house and stayed with Major Johann Friedrich Tuchsen at the Bergenhus Fortress until autumn . Then he lived for five months in a booth above the beach and then, also above the beach, in a more spacious room with the skipper Dietrich Haslop. In addition to building Bryggen, he was also involved in securing, confirming or regaining trade privileges by the Danish king. The confirmation had long since become necessary due to the death of Christian V , but this had dragged on due to the Great Northern War . After attempts to mediate by officials of the royal court failed and a petition presented to Frederick IV during his visit to Bergen in July 1704 was unsuccessful, Christian Wilhelm Höltich was commissioned to travel to Copenhagen in order to obtain earlier privileges. Due to the very unfavorable weather conditions, the cruise planned for October could not be carried out. Finally, the trip to Copenhagen took place from November 19 to December 15 by land via Oslo . On December 24th, he wrote a tripartite watch order for the Bergen office , which is broken down into thirteen points. It is now in the city archive in Bergen and contains rules of conduct for fire protection and other rules of conduct during the watch, as well as the threat of punishment for non-compliance with the rules and the type or amount of the respective punishment. The stay in Copenhagen lasted a year and a half because of a number of impediments on the part of the court, over which Höltich had no influence and for which he was not responsible. In 1706 he was called back to Bergen from Copenhagen. The colleges in Bergen and the board of directors in Lübeck were indignant about the long, largely unsuccessful and costly mission in Copenhagen. One month before the end of his contractual six-year term of office, he was in Lübeck in the summer of 1707 and had to answer questions from the directorate there. The people of Lübeck demanded the due termination of his employment contract, while the people of Bremen even demanded his dismissal without reimbursement of his expenses for the stay in Lübeck and the return trip to Bergen. On the other hand, he successfully filed a complaint with the directorate, as well as against the instructions of the Lübeck elderly to deduct one hundred Reichstaler annually from his salary for his stay in Copenhagen. Only the people from Bremen stuck to their claim, so that on October 18 a settlement between them and Christian Wilhelm Höltich was made. In the end, he was not fired, on the contrary, the contract was extended. On January 8, 1709 he was back in Bergen. In 1710 he took over the representation of an elderly man's position , which he kept until his dismissal in 1717, and took over the elderly man's business. In 1712 he moved into the not yet completely finished new building of the merchant's house, which also housed the wine cellar of the office. Christian Wilhelm took care of the lowering of the war tax, which was levied because Denmark-Norway had been participating in the Great Northern War since 1712. But despite the success of the tax reduction, it was again the people of Bremen who accused him of not doing enough in this regard. This and a dispute between Höltich and Pastor Hans Heinrich Schmidt of the Marienkirche , which turned out to be unpleasant and damaged the reputation of the office, led to Christian Wilhelm Höltich's dismissal in 1717. At the end of May 1717 his successor Michael Christoph Siricius arrived in Bergen, to whom he handed over the inventory and the cash register. Eleven months later, on April 20, 1718, Christian Wilhelm Höltich started his journey home to Lübeck.

In summary, his merits were the saving of the archive and other objects during the great fire, the rebuilding of the Bryggen, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, persistent efforts to confirm trade privileges, the successful efforts to reduce war taxes and the additional assumption of the office of senior citizen . He was also a key figure in the fire protection organization in Bryggen.

A small lead-framed memorial plaque painted on glass, which was inserted in the windows of the front office of the merchant's house, is now in the Hanseatic Museum in Bergen. His portrait with a curly allonge wig as an oil painting also hangs there in the entrance area (inventory number: HMB 422). In 2015 the painting was on loan from the European Hanseatic Museum in Lübeck, which opened in 2015 .


Christian Wilhelm Höltich had a daughter and a son, both of whom he had baptized in Lübeck in the Jakobikirche , Anna Barbara Dorothea on September 19, 1726 and Joachim Werner on December 7, 1728.

Christian Wilhelm's father Ludolph Höltich had at least two wives one after the other and, in addition to Christian Wilhelm, three other sons and a daughter.


  • De Eleemosynis & Hospitalib. , Wittenberg, 1693
  • Sonnet based on Bendikt Peter Winckler, son of Anton Winckler , in Bendict Peter Winckler's Disputatio Inauguralis Iuridica De Inhibitione Iudiciali In Causis Appellationum Vulgo von Obergerichtlichen Verboth in Appellations-Matters , Rostock 1696 ( digitized )
  • Programma In Auguralis Juridica De Praerogativis Principum SRI, Vulgo Of The Prerogative Of The German Princes Of The Holy Roman Empire , Rostock, 1698 ( digitized version )
  • Dissertation In Auguralis Juridica De Praerogativis Principum SRI, Vulgo Of The Prerogative Of The German Princes Of The Holy Roman Empire , Rostock, 1698 ( digitized version )
  • Programma In Auguralis Juridica De Praerogativis Principum SRI, Vulgo Of The Prerogative Of The German Princes Of The Holy Roman Empire , Güstrow, 1705 (new edition) ( digitized )
  • Dissertation In Auguralis Juridica De Praerogativis Principum SRI, Vulgo Of The Prerogative Of The German Princes Of The Holy Roman Empire , Güstrow, 1705 (new edition) ( digitized version )
  • Dissertation In Auguralis Juridica De Praerogativis Principum SRI, Vulgo Of The Prerogative Of The German Princes Of The Holy Roman Empire , Jena, 1756 (new edition)


Web links

Commons : Christian Wilhelm Höltich  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Mother's name
  2. ^ Entry in the General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts from 1883, Volume 2, digitized by the Göttingen Digitization Center
  3. Entry in Album Academiae Vitebergensis: Younger Series Part 2 (1660–1710) (Google Books)
  4. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  5. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  6. ^ Ulrich Langfeld: Christian Wilhelm Hoeltich - A Marienwohlder in Bergen / Norway . In: Lauenburgische Heimat , Heft 135, Ratzeburg 1993, pp. 79–97, here p. 85
  7. ^ Ragnhild Helene Prestrud: Master's thesis. (PDF) p. 55 ff., Historical Institute, University of Bergen (Norwegian)
  8. ^ Ulrich Langfeld: Christian Wilhelm Hoeltich - A Marienwohlder in Bergen / Norway . In: Lauenburgische Heimat , Heft 135, Ratzeburg 1993, pp. 79–97, here pp. 85–89
  9. ^ Entry on the website of the Archives of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
  10. ^ Ulrich Langfeld: Christian Wilhelm Hoeltich - A Marienwohlder in Bergen / Norway . In: Lauenburgische Heimat , Heft 135, Ratzeburg 1993, pp. 79–97, here p. 79
  11. ^ Ragnhild Helene Prestrud: Master's thesis. (PDF) Historical Institute, University of Bergen, p. 41, second section (Norwegian)
  12. Bruns: The Secretaries of the German Office in Bergen , p. 30 and p. 97
  13. ^ Ulrich Langfeld: Christian Wilhelm Hoeltich - A Marienwohlder in Bergen / Norway . In: Lauenburgische Heimat , Heft 135, Ratzeburg 1993, pp. 79–97, here p. 97
  14. OCLC 837638655 /
  15. Winckler, Benedikt Peter. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 57, Leipzig 1748, column 495 f.
  16. OCLC 632347807
  17. ^ Entry to find the poem on Christian Wilhelm Höltich in the table of contents of a new edition
  18. Entry to find the poems on Christian Wilhelm Höltich in the table of contents of the book