Christine Wischer

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Christine Wischer (born March 2, 1944 in Burg near Magdeburg ) is a Bremen politician ( SPD ). She was a senator from 1995 to 2003 and was then a member of the Bremen parliament for four years .


education and profession

After graduating from high school , Wischer studied sociology , political science and ethnology . Then she was a housewife.


In 1966 Wischer joined the SPD. For and in the party, she worked in a variety of honorary offices. From 1993 to June 1995 she was state chairwoman of the SPD.

From October 13, 1987 to July 4, 1995 she was a member of the Bremen citizenship for the first time. In 1995 she became Senator for Women, Health, Youth, Social Affairs and Environmental Protection. After the general election, she was the successor to Bernt Schulte (CDU) from 1999 to 2003 Senator for Building and Environment. It was followed by Jens Eckhoff (CDU).

From July 2003 to May 2007 she was again a member of the citizenship. There she was represented in the committee for federal and European affairs, international contacts and development cooperation and in the budget and finance committees. She was also a member of the Deputation for Economy and Ports.

See also
