Dahlhausen (Attendorn)

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City of Attendorn
Coordinates: 51 ° 8 ′ 15 ″  N , 7 ° 52 ′ 7 ″  E
Residents : (Jun 30, 2018)
Postal code : 57439
Area code : 02722
Dahlhausen (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Location of Dahlhausen in North Rhine-Westphalia

Dahlhausen manor house
Dahlhausen manor house
View of Gut Dahlhausen near Attendorn

Dahlhausen is a residential area in the town of Attendorn in the Olpe district ( North Rhine-Westphalia ) and has 6 residents.


Gut Dahlhausen is romantically beautiful in a hollow, surrounded by fir, oak and beech forests northwest of the core town of Attendorn between Biekhofen in the south and Windhausen in the north.


In a document from Siegburg Abbey in 1166, a " predium in Dalehusen " was mentioned; it is uncertain whether it was the Attendorner Dahlhausen. Dahlhausen was first mentioned in a document with Henrich van Dalhusen in 1440 , when he and his wife Katherine sold part of the “ Bokenbole ” estate to the tailor Hannes van Heyenkusen for 253 Reichstaler . In 1443 and 1449 Henrich is named as a witness in purchase and exchange deeds of the monastery Ewig . He must have died in 1451, as his wife is described as a widow in a document. The place name can be interpreted as " near the houses in the valley ".

Politically, Gut Dahlhausen formerly belonged to the Waldenburg office and in the Gogericht and parish Attendorn to the Windhausen peasantry , which also includes surrounding places such as Rautersbeul , Biekhofen, Keseberg u. a. belonged to. In the appraisal register of 1536, a Peter Noulte zu Dailhuißen and a Johan von Dailhuißen are listed in the Winterhuißer Burschektiven with a contribution of 1 ort each (¼ gold guilders ), in the register of 1543 a Lambert von Dailhaußen and in the register of 1565 Schultkens Kinder zu Dalhausen , each also with 1 place. This small fee must have been a small Kötter property.

In the middle of the 17th century Johann Stump from Biekhofen married Barbara, daughter of Bartholomäus von Dahlhausen. When he moved away in 1659, Anton von Bichen came to the farm, after his death his son-in-law Johann von Rauterkusen (Rauterkus) followed in 1684.

In the following centuries the small farm gradually developed into a large estate and in 1815 belonged to the town of Attendorn. The courtyard included a living and baking house, a barn and a sheepfold building. The property was 57 acres of arable land and gardens, 7 acres of meadows, 77 acres of wooden floors, 21 acres of Hageberge and 1 acre of house and yard. In 1829 Dahlhausen was classified as 1st class.

In 1911 Gut Dahlhausen was sold by the owner Rauterkus to the industrialist Otto Gehres, general director of the Bochum coal syndicate . He had everything rebuilt and rebuilt in a grand manner. Parks and hunting trails were created, a plant garden set up and a new reforestation with fir trees began. An administrator and a foreman, staff from servants to maidservants, were hired. A new road (Gutsweg) from Gut Ewig via Gut Hespecke to Gut Dahlhausen was built in 1914 with the help of carters from the surrounding villages and two colliery horses from a mine in Bochum.

After the death of director Gehres, his sons-in-law sold the property in 1935 to the Kassel director general of the potash indications Dr. Heinz Rosterg ( Wintershall ). During this time, many prominent Nazis came to visit Dahlhausen. His BMW 328 Wendler Streamlined Coupé, which was parked in a barn during the war, was stolen by the Allies in 1945. Today it is on display in the Deutsches Museum in Munich .

The address book from 1929 in Dahlhausen has the names "Achenbach, Hennen (administrator), Keller and Saathoff (2)" and the address book from 1956 the names "Arno Handke (administrator)", "Dr. Heinz Rosterg (farmer) ”,“ Wwe. Anna Wohlfeil ”and“ Max Wohlfeil (farmer) ”.

In 1956 the Ruhrtalsperrenverband Essen bought the Dahlhausen estate from the heirs for exchange purposes as part of the construction of the Biggetalsperren . Later the land ownership went to the tax authorities , the building with courtyard and riding arena were privately owned. Today the company HSA Bootsservice and the Hille family use the building.

From 1819 Dahlhausen belonged in the Attendorn office to the Attendorn-Land community until it was incorporated into the city of Attendorn in 1969.

Web links

Commons : Dahlhausen (Attendorn)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population statistics of the city of Attendorn (as of June 30, 2018) , accessed on August 4, 2018.
  2. Documents of Siegburg Abbey, Document No. 50 of August 15, 1166
  3. Norbert Scheele (Ed.): Regesten of the former Ewig Monastery , Olpe 1963, Urk 63 page 17, Urk 67 p. 18, Urk 74 p. 20, Urk 80 p. 21
  4. Michael Flöer: The place names of the district of Olpe , in: Westfälisches Ortsnamenbuch, Volume 8, Bielefeld 2014, page 73/74
  5. ↑ Estimation register from 1543, page 69
  6. The 16th century appraisal registers for the Duchy of Westphalia, Part 1 (1536 and 1565), Münster 1971, page 219
  7. The legend of " The Curse of Dahlhausen" or " The Koehler von Dahlhausen "
  8. Julius Pickert: The farms of the Attendorn parish in the 17th century , in: Heimatblätter des Kreis Olpe, 4th century. 1926/27, page 42
  9. Otto Höffer in: Attendorn - Gestern und heute, Verein für Orts- und Heimatkunde Attendorn e. V., No. 14 (1990), p. 34
  10. ^ Deutsches Museum Collection - BMW 328 Wendler Streamlined Coupé
  11. Official address book of the Olpe district 1928/29, section Attendorn-Land municipality, page 76
  12. Home address book of the district of Olpe, Münster 1956, section Attendorn-Land, page 147
  13. Hubert Luke: The history of our home village Biekhofen , self-distribution 1993/94, pages 13 and 28