Dawid Grigoryevich Gerschfeld

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Dawid Grigorjewitsch Gersch field ( Russian Давид Григорьевич Гершфельд , even David Gersch field transcribed; * August 15 . Jul / 28. August  1911 . Greg in Bobrynets in the province of Kherson , Imperial Russia ; † 26. January 2005 in Bradenton , Florida ) was a Ukrainian - Moldovan composer and university professor .


Dawid Gerschfeld, son of the Jewish violinist and composer Grigori Isaakowitsch Gerschfeld and his wife Jelena Jakowlewna Fischman, spent his youth in various places in the Ukraine . He took professional piano and music theory lessons in Vinnitsa and played the cornet , E-flat clarinet , baritone horn and flute in the Orchestra of the local sugar factory under the direction of his father. After completion of the seven-year school, he worked as a locksmith and played various instruments in the orchestra of Kotowski - Cavalry Division in Berdichev and other Miliär orchestras. He then studied at the Berdichev RabFak branch of the Kiev Chemical and Technological Institute .

1930 joined Gersch field in Odessa in the Ludwig van Beethoven -Musik- and Theater Institute into the class for bassoon and French horn and studied composition and music theory in the class of NN Wilinski . After completing his studies, he was sent to the Moldavian ASSR to work in theater in 1934 , where he headed the music department of the Tiraspol Ukrainian Theater first in Balta and then in Tiraspol . He quickly showed his above-average organizational talent and in just a few years founded the Moldavian National Music-Dramatic Theater , the House for Artistic Education of Children (later Pioneer and Student Palace), the Children's Symphony Orchestra and in 1937 the first children's music school in the republic, which he directed until 1940.

In 1937 Gerschfeld became head of the Moldovan Department of the Ukrainian Composers 'Union, which was founded with his help and which became the Moldovan Composers' Union in 1940. Together with the writer Leonid Corneanu , he collected Moldovan folk music on the left bank of the Dniester ( Transnistria ), so that in 1939 they published an anthology of Moldovan folk songs with their melodies . Gerschfeld also published examples of Moldovan folk music, mainly traditional dance tunes.

In 1940 Gerschfeld founded and headed the Moldavian State Conservatory in Chisinau . However, all start-ups came to a quick end at the beginning of the German-Soviet war with the occupation of the republic. In 1942 Gerschfeld set up the Doina singing and dance ensemble with an orchestra under the direction of Schiko Aranow and soloists and dance groups under the artistic direction of Gerschfeld, which gave concerts on all fronts and evacuated hospitals. For this, Gerschfeld was honored as Moldova's first Honored Artist .

After his return to Chisinau in 1944, Gerschfeld re-founded the Moldavian Composers' Union and the Chisinau Conservatory (with opera studio ), which he re-directed. He took over the artistic direction of the Moldovan State Philharmonic and became the managing director of the Moldovan Choral Music Society . In 1945 he founded the Kischinauer Musikfachschule, whose director he became (later named after Stefan Neaga ), and also the ten-year Eugen Coca School , which specializes in music . In 1947, at the beginning of the campaign of the “Fight against the rootless cosmopolitans ”, he was removed from office after a damning criticism in the newspaper Soviet Moldova . However, he remained active as a composer.

In 1955 Gerschfeld founded the Moldavian State Opera and Ballet Theater in Chisinau , of which he became director and for which he had composed the first Moldovan opera Grozowan ( libretto by W. Russu about the Heiducken Grigori Grosowan). 1956 opened the first season with Gerschfeld's opera. 1956 Gerschfeld was reinstated in his offices and became artistic director of the Moldovan radio. In 1959 Gerschfeld's opera Aurelia was performed. In 1964 he had to give up his offices again as a result of an increasing anti-Semitic campaign.

1966 Gerschfeld settled in Sochi and directed the local philharmonic orchestra. In 1992 he emigrated to the USA and lived in Bradenton , Florida , on the Gulf of Mexico .

Gerschfeld's work was dedicated to Moldavian folklore . He created the three operas Grosowan (1965), Aurelia (1959) and Sergei Laso (1980), the ballet Radda (1974) based on Maxim Gorki's story Marka Tschudra from the early Bessarabia cycle, the operetta The Poet and the Robot , the musical one Comedy Im Weingartental , three cantatas ( Die Party and Lenin based on poems by WW Mayakovsky and the Jubilee Cantata ), a violin concerto , three Moldovan dance suites , many songs and romances based on poems by Moldovan poets and Sergei Jessenins , arrangements of Moldovan folk songs and dances, music to accompany theater performances ( Plato Kretschet of Oleksandr Korniychuk , servant of two masters by Carlo Goldoni , Stefan Byrke of Lev Barski , the aristocrats of Nikolai Pogodin , a long way from Alexander Afinogenov ), the song Festive Sochi , a Sakharov - oratorio for words of Moldovan writer Mikhail Chasin and a score for the film Not in his place at the Moldova Film Studios ( screenwriter Ion Druze ). In the USA he wrote a cycle of romance based on the words of Mihai Eminescu .

Gerschfeld's students include the baritone Boris Raissow and the sopranos Maria Bieschu , Walintina Sawizkaja and Tamara Tscheban .


  • ES Kletinitsch : Composers of Soviet Moldova . Literatura Artistike, Chisinau 1987 (Russian).

Individual evidence

  1. David Gershfeld (accessed June 24, 2016).
  2. SL Stoljar : The composer David Gersch field . Kartja Moldovenjaske, Chisinau 1961 (Russian).
  3. ^ A b Jack Miller: Jews in Soviet Culture . Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick 1984, ISBN 0-87855-495-5 , pp. 81 .
  4. ^ Charles King: The Moldovans: Romania, Russia, and the Politics of Culture . Hoover Press, Stanford 1999, ISBN 0-8179-9791-1 , pp. 248 .