Sergei Georgievich Laso

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Sergei Georgievich Laso (1912)

Sergei Georgijewitsch Laso ( Russian Серге́й Гео́ргиевич Лазо́ ; * 23 February July / 7 March  1894 greg. In the village of Piatra in the Orgei district in Bessarabia ; † May 1920 in the Primorye region ) was a Russian - Moldovan officer and politician .


Laso came from a Moldovan aristocratic family with a manor and manor in Piatra. Lasos father Georgi Ivanovich Laso (1865-1903) was expelled from the University of Saint Petersburg in 1887 due to government measures against revolutionary-minded students . The mother Jelena Stepanovna had studied agronomy in Odessa and Paris . Sergei Laso studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology and then at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Moscow Imperial University , where he participated in the work of revolutionary student associations.

During the First World War , Laso was drafted into the army in 1916 and after training at the Moscow Alexei Infantry School, he was promoted to ensign . In December he was transferred to the 15th Siberian Reserve Rifle Regiment in Krasnoyarsk . There he approached the political exiles and began working with them to make propaganda against the war among the soldiers. He joined the Social Revolutionary Party and joined the left wing .

On March 2, 1917, news of the February Revolution in Petrograd spread to Krasnoyarsk . Soldiers of the 4th Company of the 15th Siberian Rifle Regiment deposed their company commander at their meeting and elected Laso as their commander and delegate in the Krasnoyarsk Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Delegates. In the night that followed, almost all companies elected their delegates. On March 3, Yakov Gololobov , the governor of the Yeniseisk Governorate , returned to Krasnoyarsk from Irkutsk , who was deposed and placed under house arrest on March 4 by orders from Petrograd. Laso with a command of 5 men arrested Gololobov on behalf of the Krasnoyarsk Soviet as well as the chief of the gendarmerie and his officers and the police chief. The police were disbanded and replaced by a militia . Laso was chairman of the soldiers section of the Krasnoyarsk Soviet, whose chairman was F. Dubrowinski . In June the Krasnoyarsk Soviet sent Laso to Petrograd as a delegate to the 1st All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Delegates . There he was very impressed by Lenin's speech with its radicalism. Back in Krasnoyarsk, Laso organized a division of the Red Guard .

After the beginning of the October Revolution , Laso was commissioned by the Krasnoyarsk Soviet to fill all offices and arrest the current city government. To this end, he collected the parts of the garrison that were close to the Bolsheviks . An attack by anti-Bolshevik cadets from Omsk was repulsed by the Red Guard detachments, including Laso. In December 1917 the "Junkers, Cossacks , officers and students" rose up in Irkutsk , so that the Left Block sent the Irkutsk Bolsheviks under the leadership of WK Kaminski, Laso and BS Schumjatski to help. After bitter fighting, the "Reds" were driven out of the city and Laso and others were taken prisoner. A truce was reached and after a few days Soviet power was restored. Laso became the military commander and chief of the Irkutsk garrison.

In early 1918, at the beginning of the Russian Civil War , Laso became a member of the Zentrosibir , the Central Executive Committee of the Siberian Soviets, and then converted from the Left Social Revolutionaries to the Bolsheviks. From February to August 1918 he commanded the red troops of the Baikal front against the white troops of the Cossack general GM Semyonov . In the autumn of 1918 he became a member of the secret Far East Committee of the Bolsheviks in Vladivostok , and in the spring of 1919 he commanded partisan detachments in the Primorye region . From July to August 1919 he commanded red troops against US intervention troops in the fighting for Suchansky Rudnik . In December 1919 he became chief of the Military Revolutionary Staff in preparation for the uprising in the Primorye area. Laso was one of the organizers of the revolution in Vladivostok, which overthrew the Kolchak governor and established a new Far East government under the control of the Bolsheviks. On March 6, 1920, Laso became Deputy Chairman of the Military Soviet of the Far East Government.

After the Nikolayevsk incident , Laso was arrested by Japanese intervention troops in April 1920 and handed over to White Guard Cossacks together with AN Luzki and WM Sibirzew at the end of May . While Laso's comrades Luzki and Sibirzew were shot and then burned, according to popular belief Laso was burned alive in the fire box of a steam locomotive in the Muravyov-Amursky station near Iman , which is probably a legend. According to the version of the Japanese newspaper Japan Chronicle , Laso was shot dead in Vladivostok and the body burned.

Laso was married to Olga Andrejewna geb. Grabenko (1898–1971), member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1916, candidate for historical sciences , lecturer at the Frunze Academy , buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow . Laso's daughter Ada Sergejewna Laso (1919–1993) was a philologist and editor of the children's book publisher Detgis and married to the painter WW Lebedew . The Romanian fable poet Alexandru Donici and the Moldovan writer Alecu Russo belonged to Laso's relatives .

USSR postage stamp for S. Laso (1948)

In honor of Laso, streets were named after him in many cities in Soviet times, especially in 1967 on the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. Muravyov Amursky Station became Laso Station. In Primorye , there is the Laso- Rajon with the village Laso as the center and in the Khabarovsk region to Rajon Imeni Lazo . In Vladivostok on the square next to the Primorye Theater, a monument to Laso was erected on the pedestal of the destroyed Admiral Sawoiko monument. In Ussuriysk in Primorye in 1972 built on the 50th anniversary of the civil war ended in the Far East a monument to the locomotive EL-629 in memory of Lasos burned to. Another Laso monument was erected in Chita and also in Chisinau . Laso's birthplace, Piatra, was renamed Laso when it became part of the Soviet Union , which was reversed after the Republic of Moldova gained independence in 1991. The Moldovan city of Sinscherei was called Lasovsk from 1944 to 1991. The Kotowski Laso Museum in Chisinau was closed in the 1990s. Laso's birthplace, the former Laso family seat, is now a museum.

In the biographical film Sergei Laso , Regimantas Adomaitis took on the main role (1968). DG Gerschfeld composed the opera Sergei Laso in the 1980s , in which the soprano M. L. Bieschu sang one of the leading roles. The rock band Mongol Schuudan remembered Laso's death in their song The Birds . In WO Pelewin's story The Yellow Arrow , a bottle of the expensive Cognac Laso with a fiery steam locomotive fire-barrel is mentioned on the label.


Individual evidence

  1. M. Gubelman: Sergei Laso (Russian, accessed June 19, 2016).
  2. ^ Ada Sergejewna Laso: S. Laso - diaries and letters . Vladivostok 1959 (Russian, accessed June 20, 2016).
  3. Sergei Kornilow: Sergei Laso (Russian, accessed June 20, 2016).
  4. ^ Institute for the History , Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences : History of the Far East of Russia . Dalnauka, Vladivostok 2004 (Russian).
  5. Sergei Laso was not burned in the firebox (Russian, accessed June 19, 2016).
  6. The Unadulterated History of the Far East (Russian, accessed June 19, 2016).
  7. ^ Moldava museums (accessed June 20, 2016).
  8. ^ Museum of the red commander Sergei Laso (Russian, accessed June 20, 2016).
  9. ^ The yellow arrow (excerpt) (Russian, accessed June 20, 2016).

Web links

Commons : Sergei Georgievich Laso  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files