Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen

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FFH area
"Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen"
The Danube in Ertingen

The Danube in Ertingen

location Altheim , Ertingen and Riedlingen in the district of Biberach and Herbertingen , Mengen , Scheer , Sigmaringen and Sigmaringendorf in the district of Sigmaringen , Baden-Württemberg , Germany
Identifier DE-7922-342
WDPA ID 555522060
Natura 2000 ID DE7922342
FFH area 11.642 km²
Geographical location 48 ° 5 '  N , 9 ° 24'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 5 '17 "  N , 9 ° 23' 51"  E
Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen (Baden-Württemberg)
Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen
Sea level from 526 m to 572 m ( ø 550 m)
Setup date January 1, 2005
administration Regional Council Tübingen
particularities four sub-areas

The Danube area between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen is a protected area (protected area identifier DE-7922-342) in the south-east of the German state of Baden-Württemberg, designated by the Tübingen regional council in accordance with Directive 92/43 / EEC (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive) .


The approximately 1,164 hectare (ha) nature reserve of the Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen is part of the Danube-Ablach-Platten and the Middle Alb . Its four sub-areas are at an altitude of 526 to 572  m above sea level. NHN and extend the Danube valley downwards in the counties


The protected area of ​​the Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen is described as a "stretch of flowing water of the Danube with oxbow lakes, alluvial forests, swamp forests, wet meadows, large sedge meadows, lean grassland and the Soppenbach as an extensive, uncut meadow valley with a natural stream course".

In the protected area, the Danube, as an alluvial valley with a meandering course and high groundwater level, shows Holocene sediments of different grain sizes with sander terraces, partial erosion down to the tertiary molasse layers, at the Soppenbach spring there is a swamp bog.

Protection purpose

The main protection purpose is the preservation of the structurally rich flowing water with priority habitat types , priority species and a resting area for birds.

Habitat types

The following habitat types according to Annex I of the Habitats Directive occur in the area:

* Habitat type (official name) Short name
3140 Oligo- to mesotrophic calcareous waters with benthic vegetation of chandelier algae Lime-rich, nutrient-poor still waters with chandelier algae
3150 Natural eutrophic lakes with magnopotamion or hydrocharition vegetation Natural nutrient-rich lakes
3260 Rivers of the planar to montane level with vegetation of the Ranunculion fluitantis and the Callitricho-Batrachion Running waters with flooding aquatic vegetation
6210 Near-natural dry lime lawns and their stages of shrubbery (Festuco-Brometalia) Lime grassland
6430 Moist tall herbaceous vegetation of the planar and montane to alpine level Moist tall herbaceous vegetation
6510 Lean lowland hay meadows ( Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis ) Lean, lowland hay meadows
7140 Transitional and swinging lawn bogs Transitional and swinging lawn bogs
7220 * Tufa springs (cratoneurion) Tufa springs
9160 Subatlantic or Central European Pedunculate Oak Forest or Oak-Hornbeam Forest (Carpinion betuli) Chickweed-oak-hornbeam forest
9180 * Mixed ravine and hillside forests (Tilio-Acerion) Mixed ravine and hillside forests
91E0 * Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) Alluvial forests with alder, ash, willow
91F0 Hardwood forests with Quercus robur , Ulmus laevis , Ulmus minor , Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia (Ulmenion minoris) Hardwood floodplain forests

Habitat classes

Deciduous forest
Mixed forest and artificial forests
Coniferous forest
Moist and mesophilic grassland
Inland waters, flowing and standing
drained terrain
other farmland
Others (cities, roads, landfills, pits, industrial areas)

Species inventory

The following types of community interest exist in the area:

image EU
* Art scientific name Species group
Small river mussel 1032 Small river mussel Unio crassus Shellfish
Stone cancer 1093 * Stone cancer Austropotamobius torrentium Crayfish
Brook lamprey 1096 Brook lamprey Lampetra planeri Fish and round mouths
Bitterling 1134 Bitterling Rhodeus sericeus Fish and round mouths
Bullhead 1163 Bullhead Cottus gobio Fish and round mouths
beaver 1337 beaver Castor fiber Mammals

Contiguous protected areas

The following protected areas are part of the Danube FFH area between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen :

No. Surname Places Area share
LSG 4.26.013 Backwaters and silting river loops of the Danube
Danube landscape with bird sanctuary
Altheim , Ertingen , Riedlingen 17th
NSG 4.274 Blochinger Ried
Danube renaturation area with original gravel and gravel areas, natural and restored river stretches, hollows with still water areas and lenticular gravel
amounts 2
NSG 4.106 Blochinger Sandwinkel
Diverse wetland habitat as an important element of the biotope network system
amounts 2 D-BW-SIG-Mengen - Blochinger Sandwinkel 002.JPG
LSG 4.37.036 Danube and Schmeiental
The Danube valley in the area of ​​the Danube breakthrough, the Schmeiental and the Alb area with their beauty due to the change in geological formations with impressive rock sections and cave systems
here: Herbertingen , Mengen , Scheer , Sigmaringen and Sigmaringendorf 21st Schmeiemuendung.JPG
LSG 4.26.041 Landauhof
slope of the Danube valley with a beautiful landscape and diverse flora and fauna
Altheim , Ertingen
LSG 4.37.034 Mühlbachtal
Natural stream course with a varied landscape: meadows, unused wetlands, natural forest edges; good fitness for recreation
Quantities , Scheer 1
NP BW-4 Upper Danube Nature Park
here: Altheim , Ertingen , Herbertingen , Mengen , Riedlingen , Scheer , Sigmaringen and Sigmaringendorf 75 Sigmaringen-Laiz.jpg
NSG 4.158 Ofenwisch
Cultural landscape of the Riedlinger Donauaue with remains of oxbow lakes and wet vegetation as breeding, feeding and resting biotopes for endangered animal species, especially the white stork
Riedlingen 3
LSG 4.26.017 Ried an der Donau
bird protection; Enlivening the landscape; Bank protection
Riedlingen 1
LSG 4.26.038 Soppenbachtal
Relatively natural, open meadow valley; Feeding area for the white stork
Altheim , Ertingen 6th

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Profile of the FFH area in the LUBW's list of protected areas
  2. ^ A b Tübingen regional council (ed.): Management plan for the FFH area 7922-342 "Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen" . edited by Mailänder Consult GmbH. August 31, 2017 (163 pages, baden-wuerttemberg.de [PDF]).

Web links

Commons : FFH area Danube between Riedlingen and Sigmaringen  - collection of images, videos and audio files