Great Heuberg and Danube Valley

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FFH area "Großer Heuberg and Danube Valley"
Wide rock near Fridingen on the Danube

Wide rock near Fridingen on the Danube

location District of Tuttlingen , Zollernalbkreis and District of Sigmaringen , Baden-Württemberg , Germany
Identifier DE-7919-311
WDPA ID 555623531
Natura 2000 ID DE7919311
FFH area 86.62 km²
Geographical location 48 ° 4 '  N , 8 ° 52'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 3 '59 "  N , 8 ° 51' 57"  E
Großer Heuberg and Danube Valley (Baden-Württemberg)
Great Heuberg and Danube Valley
Setup date January 1, 2015
administration Regional council Freiburg

The FFH area Großer Heuberg and Donautal is located in the south of Baden-Württemberg and is part of the European Natura 2000 network of protected areas . It was designated in 2015 through the amalgamation of three already existing FFH areas by the Freiburg Regional Council.


The large Heuberg and Danube Valley protected area of around 8,662 hectares is located in the natural areas of Baar , Southwestern Alb foreland , Hegaualb , Hohe Schwabenalb and Baaralb and Upper Danube Valley . The three sub-areas are located in the communities Balgheim , Bärenthal , Böttingen , Bubsheim , Buchheim , Deilingen , Denkingen , Dürbheim , Egesheim , Fridingen an der Donau , Gosheim , Gunningen , Hausen ob Verena , Irndorf , Kolbingen , Königsheim , Mahlstetten , Mühlheim an der Danube , Neuhausen ob Eck , Reichenbach am Heuberg , Renquishausen , Rietheim-Weilheim , Seitingen-Oberflacht , Spaichingen , Tuttlingen , Wehingen and Wurmlingen in the district of Tuttlingen , Beuron in the district of Sigmaringen and Nusplingen and Ratshausen in the Zollernalb district .


The nature of the landscape of the protected area is essentially shaped by the Great Heuberg with its lean mountain and lowland hay meadows, juniper heaths and grasslands as well as the steep, rocky slopes of the Albtraufs. Another landscape-defining element is the breakthrough valley of the Upper Danube. In the west, the Zeugenberg Hohenkarpfen and the Dürbheimer Moos belong to the FFH area.


The protected area was created by amalgamating the original FFH areas 7918-341 "Hohenkarpfen", 7918-342 "Südwestlicher Großer Heuberg" and 7919-341 "Danube valley and plateaus from Tuttlingen to Beuron". These have existed since 2005.

Protection purpose

Habitat types

The following habitat types according to Annex I of the Habitats Directive occur in the area:

* Habitat type (official name) Short name
3150 Natural eutrophic lakes with magnopotamion or hydrocharition vegetation Natural nutrient-rich lakes
3260 Rivers of the planar to montane level with vegetation of the Ranunculion fluitantis and the Callitricho-Batrachion Running waters with flooding aquatic vegetation
4030 Dry European heaths Dry heaths
5130 Formations of Juniperus communis on limestone heaths and lawns Juniper Heath
6110 * Gap basophilic or lime pioneer lawn (Alysso-Sedion albi) Lime pioneer lawn
6210 * Near-natural calcareous dry lawns and their stages of shrubbery (Festuco-Brometalia) (* special stands with remarkable orchids) Lime grassland - orchid-rich stands *
6230 * Species-rich montane grass grass (and submontane on mainland Europe) on silicate soils Species-rich bristle grass lawn
6430 Moist tall herbaceous vegetation of the planar and montane to alpine level Moist tall herbaceous vegetation
6510 Lean lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) Lean, lowland hay meadows
6520 Mountain hay meadows Mountain hay meadows
7140 Transitional and swinging lawn bogs Transitional and swinging lawn bogs
7220 * Tufa springs (cratoneurion) Tufa springs
8160 * Calcareous debris heaps of the colline to montane level of Central Europe Lime debris heaps
8210 Limestone cliffs with crevice vegetation Limestone cliffs with crevice vegetation
8310 Caves that are not open to tourists Caves and balms
9130 Woodruff beech forest (Asperulo-Fagetum) Woodruff beech forest
9150 Central European orchid-lime-beech forest (Cephalanthero-Fagion) Orchid beech forests
9170 Bedstraw-oak-hornbeam forest Galio-Carpinetum Bedstraw-oak-hornbeam forest
9180 * Mixed ravine and hillside forests (Tilio-Acerion) Mixed ravine and hillside forests
91E0 * Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) Alluvial forests with alder, ash, willow
91U0 Pine forests of the Sarmatian steppe Steppe pine forests

Species inventory

The following types of community interest exist in the area:

image EU
* Art scientific name Species group
Narrow diaper snail 1014 Narrow diaper snail Vertigo angustior Snails
Spanish flag 1078 * Spanish flag Callimorpha quadripunctaria Butterflies
Alpine buck 1087 Alpine buck Rosalia alpina Beetle
Bitterling 1134 Bitterling Rhodeus sericeus Fish and round mouths
Bullhead 1163 Bullhead Cottus gobio Fish and round mouths
Crested newt 1166 Crested newt Triturus cristatus Amphibians
Great horseshoe bat 1304 Great horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Mammals
Bechstein's bat 1323 Bechstein's bat Myotis bechsteinii Mammals
Great mouse ear 1324 Great mouse ear Myotis myotis Mammals
beaver 1337 beaver Castor fiber Mammals
Green broom moss 1381 Green broom moss Dicranum viride Mosses
Green goblin moss 1386 Green goblin moss Buxbaumia viridis Mosses
1882 Big brim Bromus grossus plants
Yellow lady's slipper 1902 Yellow lady's slipper Cypripedium calceolus plants

Contiguous protected areas

The following nature reserves are part of the FFH area:

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Freiburg Regional Council (ed.): Management plan for the FFH area 7919-311 "Großer Heuberg and Danube Valley" . edited by the PAN planning office for applied nature conservation GmbH, Munich. November 2, 2015 (277 pages, [PDF]).

Web links

Commons : FFH area Großer Heuberg and Donautal  - collection of images, videos and audio files