Georg Reitor

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Georg Paul Reitor , Polish Jerzy Rajtor (born June 30, 1919 in Krascheow , Opole district ; † March 16, 2013 in Bielefeld ) was a German officer and German-Polish mechanical engineer , university professor, and specialist and non-fiction author .


In the summer of 1939 he passed the Abitur at the Pallottine High School in Frankenstein and started an internship at the Malpanew stainless steel plant . On March 1, 1940, he was drafted into the Wehrmacht and deployed on the Île d'Oléron near Rochefort to guard the Atlantic coast. The end of 1941 was 81. Infantry Division on the Eastern Front moved and took in the position battles at Staraya Russa southeast of Ilmensee part. After a lung wound at the beginning of February 1944 he was treated in the district hospital in Riga and Lötzen , then in the partial hospital 'Klosterschule' in Opole and at the beginning of August 1944 came to the health resort Schirk in Beskydy as a first lieutenant in the reserve to recover .

On November 1, 1944, he began studying physics at the Technical University of Breslau a . a. with Ludwig Bergmann and Hubert Cremer . When the university was closed on January 23, 1945, he was the third general staff officer (IC officer) on the staff of the fortress commander Major General Johann Friedrich Krause and then with General Hans von Ahlfen during the Battle of Breslau . Subsequently, from the beginning of February 1945 he was deployed as a battalion leader in the fight for the Moravian Gate in the Hultschiner Ländchen and after April 20, 1945 in the Olomouc area.

After the end of the war , the unit marched from Příbram via Pilsen and Rokycany westwards and came to the Czech prisoner of war camp in Beroun . Georg Reitor was first German camp leader, he came to labor on the estate of Ladislav Sousa Libomyšl. On January 5, 1946, he traveled by train to Hultschin , crossed the border at Krzyżanowice to the People's Republic of Poland and arrived at his birthplace Krasiejów by train via Opole in early January 1946 . His application was accepted and Jerzy Rajtor was employed in the design office of the stainless steel works in Ozimek . He put the entrance examination at the Technical University of Wroclaw (Politechnika Wrocławska we Wrocławiu), entered the winter semester 1947/1948 specialist engineering and graduated in October 1951 with the thesis design and calculation of a Abstreifkrans (stripping crane) as a master's from. He was there as a research assistant hired doctorate on June 30, 1960. Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.) And taught from now on as a university professor .

After several applications, the couple was approved for resettlement by the People's Republic of Poland and they left on September 17, 1964. Via the GDR and Helmstedt , they arrived in the Friedland transit camp as repatriates . After a six-month stay in masses Georg Reitor taught from 19 March 1965 until retirement at the National Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering (now the University of Applied Sciences Cologne ) in Gummersbach .

Georg Reitor wrote specialist and textbooks on construction , mechanical engineering and conveyor technology . In 1988 the biography appeared about the Pallottine Father Richard Henkes , who already taught him at the Frankenstein high school. It was translated into the Czech language in 1991 . He was a co-founder of the "International Richard Henkes Circle". The autobiography from camp to chair. From bottom to top and everything next to it was published in 2001 by Books on Demand .

Fonts (selection)

  • Design and calculation of a stripping crane (stripping crane) . Master's thesis , Politechnika Wrocławska, Breslau 1951.
  • The influence of the curvature and correction of a spiral screw with a curved screw surface on the choice of substitute materials . Doctoral thesis , Politechnika Wrocławska, Breslau 1961.
  • with Klaus Hohmann: Basics of construction . Girardet Verlag, Essen 1969. / Fourth edition: Essen 1983, ISBN 3-7736-1299-0 .
  • with Klaus Hohmann: Designing gears . Girardet Verlag, Essen 1970
  • Conveyor technology: hoists , continuous conveyors , storage technology . Carl Hanser Verlag , Munich 1979, ISBN 3-446-12233-8 .
  • Witness of faith in the concentration camp of Father Richard Henkes, martyr of charity . Johannes Verlag, Leutesdorf 1988, ISBN 3-7794-1091-5 .
    • Translation by Zdeněk Potěšil: Svědek víry v koncentračním táboře. Father Richard Henkes, mučedník bliíženské lásky . Matice Cyrilometodějská, Olomunc 1991.
  • Hope - in spite of everything. Out and about in Silesia . Laumann Druck & Verlag, Dülmen 1990, ISBN 3-87466-129-6 .
  • From camp to chair. From the bottom up and everything next to it . Book on Demand, Norderstedt / Gummersbach 2001, ISBN 3-8311-0244-9 . ( online )
  • with Manfred Probst, Ralf Büscher: "Lord God has the last word". (Letter from the concentration camp of September 5, 1943 to his mother). The life of the Pallottine Father Richard Henkes (1900–1945) and his death in the Dachau concentration camp. Biography . EOS Verlag, Archabbey Sankt Ottilien 2002, ISBN 978-3-8306-7159-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pfarrnachrichten KW 13. (PDF) Parish Oberberg Mitte, March 31, 2013, accessed on June 27, 2014 .