Institut du Bon Pasteur

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The Institut du Bon Pasteur (“Institute of the Good Shepherd”) is a Catholic , ancient ritualistic society of apostolic life under papal law , founded in 2006 , which is mainly represented in France . Her General House has been in Courtalain in the Diocese of Chartres since 2014 .

The Institute

The institute was established by the papal commission " Ecclesia Dei " on September 8, 2006 for an initial five years ad experimentum . On the same day, Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos , Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy , on behalf of the Holy See, confirmed the Institute's statutes. The founding generation, including the main founder and long-time superior general Abbé Philippe Laguérie , who is known as the Holocaust denier , consists of former members of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X , who had separated from the brotherhood due to the canonical irregular situation of the brotherhood and the unauthorized priestly ordinations it carried out. Laguérie himself was expelled from the Society on September 10, 2004 because of critical statements by its Superior General Bernard Fellay . The members of the new community, who are at home in Catholic traditionalism, have committed themselves to fidelity to the “ infallible magisterium of the Church ”; H. committed to the Roman Pope and the ecumenical councils , however, present “serious and constructive criticism” of the decisions of the Second Vatican Council and their implementation. In internal affairs the institute is subordinate to the Holy See, in matters of pastoral care to the responsible diocesan bishop . The purpose of the institute is the pastoral care of believers of the Roman Catholic Church who are altritualistically minded .

According to the statutes, the society celebrates as its own rite ( comme leur rite propre ) exclusively the Roman rite according to its order in 1962, i.e. before the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council. Members of the society do not practice a Eucharistic concelebration and therefore do not take part in a priestly function at masses according to the renewed liturgical order of the Roman Catholic Church.

A center of the institute was Bordeaux , where its headquarters were from February 2007 to August 2011 and it operates its own training center at the parish church of Saint-Éloi. As a theological training center for its members, the institute also maintains its own Saint-Vincent-de-Paul seminary , which was built on the property of the Marquis de Gontaud-Biron in the village of Courtalain ( Eure-et-Loir department , Diocese of Chartres ). According to the institute, the candidates and new priests trained there come primarily from France, Spain , Brazil , Poland and Chile . An expansion of the institute inside and outside France was intended from the beginning. The institute is present with the Center Saint-Paul in Paris and has branches in five other French dioceses. At the international level, there are now branches in Italy , Poland, Brazil, Colombia , Costa Rica , the United States , Uganda and Kenya . Attempts to settle in Chile failed, as did initially in Colombia, due to the resistance of the bishops there.

In 2011, the fundamentalist priestly society moved its headquarters from Bordeaux to Migné-Auxances in the Vienne department , where the founder set up shop in a rented homestead in the hamlet of La Rivardière, which he returned to after a little over a year during a severe leadership crisis in the community left. At the beginning of 2014, the clergy gave up the General House in the central French village unannounced and the leadership moved entirely to the institute's own seminar in Courtalain. At that time the institute had about 30 priests and 40 seminarians .

Saint-Éloi Personal Parish (Bordeaux)

The dilapidated and no longer used in worship since 1981 church Saint-Eloi ( "St. Eulogius ") in Bordeaux in 1993 the city of Bordeaux from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bordeaux free to leave , but not profaned . On January 28, 2002, the then mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé , made the church available to the private association “Église Saint-Éloi”, founded by Philippe Laguérie, who at that time still belonged to the Pius Brotherhood, which repaired it at its own expense and for altritualistic purposes Took advantage of church services. Both the local socialists and the Roman Catholic diocese took legal action against the transfer of the church to the traditionalist association, and in 2004 also received the right in the appellate body. From 2004 to 2007, Laguérie and his supporters continued to occupy the church without a legal basis, contrary to the final court decision. When the Institut du Bon Pasteur was established on September 8, 2006, the church was given to him by Pope Benedict XVI, regardless of the civil rights of ownership . canonically assigned as a seat.

By decree of February 1, 2007, the Archbishop of Bordeaux, Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard , then established a personal parish at the Church of Saint-Éloi for Catholics who wish to celebrate the pre-conciliar " Liturgy of 1962 " and appointed the founder and then Superior General of the Institut du Bon-Pasteur, Philippe Laguérie, ad experimentum as her pastor for five years . At the same time, an agreement was concluded between the archbishop and the institute, which is valid for five years and is to be evaluated annually. Processions and other events outside the church building require the prior written permission of the archbishop.

Cours Saint school project

Since 2006 the Institut du Bon Pasteur has been running a private school in Bordeaux ( Cours Saint Projet ), which was created on the initiative of the group of people around the church association of the later staff parish, who wanted "a correct and Catholic education for our children". According to reports from Vatican Radio, the school had to be closed in May 2010 due to pressure from the state school authorities. As early as April 2010, the French TV channel France 2 had revealed radical right-wing , racist and anti-Semitic statements by teachers and students at the school in an undercover report with a hidden camera . After a review of the school by the school authorities that was then initiated and significant deficiencies in content and didactics , especially in the areas of natural sciences and history, were found, the school authorities asked the parents of the pupils to register their children in other schools. In later years the project was continued by the Association d'Enseignement Populaire (“Association for Popular Education”) as a “non-contractual Catholic private school”. As of 2015, it was headed by Abbé Mateusz Markiewicz, the almsman of the Institut du Bon Pasteur.

New election of the institute management since 2012

In the spring of 2012, following a visit by the secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei , Prelate Guido Pozzo , the results of which were made public through indiscretion , irritations occurred that caused considerable sensation in Catholic traditionalist circles inside and outside the institute and led to speculation about tension and a possible split in the institute after its general chapter in July. The Roman visitor had asked the institute, among other things, to ensure the positive appreciation of the Second Vatican Council as part of its theological training and to recognize the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the 1997 version as the authoritative compendium of church teaching. The factual exclusion of the ordinary mass celebration in the renewed rite should also be reconsidered. In addition, the Roman side requested the deletion of various theologically questionable blog articles by members of the institute.

The event was particularly explosive because it took place at the same time as the efforts of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to unite with the Society of St. Pius X and was seen by traditionalist opponents of this unification as a deterrent example of how the Roman authorities after canonical regulation of the relationship could deal with the brotherhood too.

On July 5, 2012, the General Chapter elected a new leadership team in a controversial re-election, which consisted of younger members who, according to internal assessments, are critical of the adjustment to the Roman specifications. The election of Roch Perrel as the new superior of the community was challenged by the previous superior general Philippe Laguérie because of canon law concerns. Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller , the then newly appointed Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , in his capacity as President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei , to which the Institut du Bon Pasteur was under canon law, granted the appeal of the previous Superior General and ruled on July 30, 2012 that the election was to be repeated.

In a communiqué on October 9th, Laguérie announced on behalf of the institute management that Rome had confirmed him several times in August and September 2012 as provisional General Superior and canceled the elections for the chapters of July 3rd (first ballot) and July 5th (controversial repeat) . The new election will take place in a framework organized by the Ecclesia Dei Commission . In this context, Laguérie warned against wing battles and polemical public statements on the part of individual members and called on everyone to respect the procedure prescribed by the Roman Curia. "Any other path leads to rebellion or sedevacantism, " explained the institute's founder.

By letter of the Commission Vice-President Ecclesia Dei , Curia Archbishop Augustine Di Noia OP , April 15, 2013, the resignation was abbot of the Benedictine - Abbey Fontgombault , Dom Antoine Forgeot OSB, (the authorized Commissioner plénipotentiaire Commissaire appointed) of the Office of the Superior General of the Institute of the Good Shepherd for six months and should coordinate and supervise the election of the new institute management. Finally, the General Chapter of the Institut du Bon Pasteur , which met in Fontgombault, elected the institute's founder Philippe Laguérie once again as Superior General on August 31, 2013 for a further six-year term. On September 12, 2013, the Vatican confirmed the election.

At the end of Laguéries' regular term of office, the General Chapter elected the Colombian Luis Barrero as the new Superior General of the institute in 2019 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Des moulins à vent ( Memento of April 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive ); Le Monde , September 18, 1987
  2. ^ A b Philippe Brassart: Messes basses à Bordeaux. In: La Dépêche du Midi , September 20, 2004, accessed on August 14, 2020 (French).
  3. a b c Isabelle de Gaulmyn: L'église Saint-Éloi et l'institut du Bon-Pasteur. In: La Croix , June 16, 2010, accessed on August 14, 2020 (French).
  4. Migné-Auxances (86): les catholiques intégristes de l'abbé Laguérie sont partis en toute discrétion. In: France 3 , January 6, 2014, updated June 10, 2020, accessed August 12, 2020 (French).
  5. a b Loïc Lejay: L'abbé Laguérie a fermé la parenthèse mignanxoise. In: La Nouvelle République , January 7, 2014, accessed on August 12, 2020 (French).
  6. Les paroissiens de Saint-Eloi veulent leur école ( Memento of August 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). In: 20 minutes , March 4, 2006 (French).
  7. ^ Message from Vatican Radio dated June 6, 2010 .
  8. Joséphine Bataille: La face sombre des traditionalistes. In: La Vie , May 4, 2010, accessed on August 14, 2020 (French).
  9. ^ Statement by the Archdiocese of Bordeaux on the process ( Memento of May 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (French).
  10. Presentation with a summary of the official assessment , May 19, 2013 (French).
  11. Qui sommes nous? on the school project's website, undated, accessed on January 6, 2018.
  12. ^ Le Mot d'Accueil on the school project website, September 18, 2015.
  13. ^ Letter from Prelate Guido Pozzo to the Superior General of the IPB (French) ( Memento of March 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  14. Will the institute split up? ( Memento from February 18, 2013 in the web archive ) (Background report from July 7, 2012 after the General Chapter of the IBP)
  15. news of the decision Abp. Müller's (ital.)
  16. Communiqué of the Superior General of October 9, 2012 (French) ( Memento of December 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  17. ^ Opinion of the founder of April 23, 2013 (French)

Web links